The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1048: The remote control command of the earth

Beyond these, Cecilia had no further knowledge of the state of the empire. And the information she said is at least three to five days delayed and is not necessarily very accurate.

The concession granted to Bai Xiaowen, the Great Lord of the Northland, which can act cheaply, was sent by the central province to Baishi City through special channels. It took two days on the road.

In other words, Nicholas IV was an emergency contact sent two days ago.

"There is a big intelligence gap ..." Bai Xiaowen frowned. "According to Cecilia, the throne of Nicholas IV should be relatively stable. After all, he has mastered the central province, and his imperial corps should be all Support him, otherwise Guramans will not be easily driven out of the central province ... "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen continued: "The aristocratic private army in the province of Xisha should not be as good as the Imperial Army in terms of combat effectiveness. It was like resisting the invasion of the survivors in the north. So many private troops of the aristocracy in the north gathered together at best. It's just cannon fodder. The true elite is still the First Legion of the Empire brought by Nicholas. "

"That will allow Nicholas IV to make such a great benefit, hoping to get the support of his brother, indicating that his situation is not optimistic." Xiaojun said. She also read the contents of the letter, and although she was not particularly proficient in ancient Latin, she could still feel the urgency between the lines.

"Yes, this shows that the Guramans camp must have additional forces to join, it may be the defeat of the Imperial Legion, or a group of big aristocrats changed the original wait-and-see position ..." Qiao Rui, who came in, also joined discuss.

Bai Xiaowen tapped on the table and thought: "Neither of these possibilities is particularly high. With the prestige accumulated by Nicholas IV in the army and the righteousness of the orthodox royal family, the possibility of the legion's defeat is very small. In addition, nobles have always taken Mingzhe as their first goal. Before the situation became clear, they rarely stood in line, let alone Guramans was the disadvantaged side. "

Bai Xiaowen stood up and said, "Compared to this, I am more willing to believe that it was the external forces that changed the power balance that caused Nicholas IV to lose control of the empire's situation. . "

"Then what should we do?" Li Shuyi asked.

"For us, the biggest limitation is time."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head. "If I can get into the Kane plane normally, I am confident that I will unearth at least the second main line mission, so that I will have ample time to help Nicholas IV win key battles. But now, permanently sealed off The accumulation of only four or five days of stay is far from enough. "

"A key battle, shouldn't it take long?" Li Shuyi said. "On the Kuroshio level, the last battle of the Earth vein corridor took less than a day."

"The battle itself may not take too long to separate out the victory and defeat, but the preliminary preparations surrounding this key battle are extremely important," said Bai Xiaowen, shaking his head. "The same is true for the key battles of the Kuroshio plane. We did not assemble the Seven Sacred Instruments in advance, and that battle would never have won the Grand Prix cleanly. In the Kane plane, the preliminary preparations, the investigation of the terrain, the choice of the battlefield, the treatment of small-scale encounters ... It takes time! "

Unfortunately, the charter of Nicholas IV only affected Bai Xiaowen's range of activities in the Gorse Empire, and could not extend Bai Xiaowen's stay! Even if Nicholas IV wanted to keep Bai Xiaowen on the Kane plane, he couldn't do it, which was beyond the power of the emperor.

Bai Xiaowen thought for a moment and slowly said, "It seems that there is only one way."

Everyone's eyes brushed over.

"Cecilia, when you return to the territory, take care of the matter, and immediately leave for the central province! Find Nicholas IV."

Bai Xiaowen said, "Remember to draw an elite companion from the Baishi Leader Regiment. It doesn't take much, and try to choose those experienced veterans who are above the squad leader level and have some leading experience."

Cecilia nodded in agreement.

"After seeing Nicholas IV, explain to him my situation. I can only stay in the Kane plane for a limited time. I can only show up when the crucial battle begins, and take my partner to help him win a big battle. All preparations before this crucial battle, including suggestions for strategic decision-making, are passed on to you. "

"Let me convey it?"

"Yes, you are free to go back and forth between the two planes, this is our only advantage," said Bai Xiaowen, "I will call you at a fixed time every day. You bring the information collected by the central province to me for judgment , And then go back and pass on my advice to Nicholas IV ... Although this is troublesome and far less effective than my presence at the Kane plane, it is the only way. "

If Bai Xiaowen visits Kane in person, he can learn important intelligence clues from many details that others cannot notice, so that he can make war decisions in a timely manner.

Just like when the survivors pioneered the siege, Bai Xiaowen first saw on the battlefield the tactics of Prince Nicholas to seduce the enemy. He anticipated the defeat of the survivor's vanguard and led the army to bypass the interception in advance.

If someone else helped Bai Xiaowen gather information and hand it over to Bai Xiaowen, there would not be such a flexible and flexible feedback speed.

This requires Bai Xiaowen to have the ability to control the strategic deployment of the general direction and make decisions in the general direction, rather than the detailed strategy of one city and one place.

It is a pity that there is no cross-plane communication means, such things as the stone of alert can only send a simple message of "yes or no" ~ ~, and the magic communication of the Kane plane is based on the magic net, which does not Support across planes.

Cecilia agreed, and agreed on the time of the next call. It is expected that Cecilia arrived in the central province, and after her first meeting with Nicholas IV, she hurried back.

Bai Xiaowen drew a rough topographic map of Kane's plane, staring at the five major provinces of the Gorse Empire for a while.

"This is a rare opportunity ..."

Bai Xiaowen exclaimed, "For us, the status of the Kane plane is extremely important, and our connection with the Kane plane is closer than any other plane! The Aaron plane where Goliath is only ranked Second. If we can assist Nicholas IV to win this war, our territory will inevitably undergo a leap forward. "

"I just happened to experience the feeling of sitting on the earth and remotely directing." Qiao Rui said with a smile.

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