The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1050: Metamorphosis

After Cecilia left, Qiao Rui returned from Beijing.

This time back to Beijing for two days, Qiao Rui mainly took a look at Qiao's father and mother, after all, they were newly graduated relatives and daughters, and reunited with their family during the rest month after the game month.

"Sister Qiao, is there anything interesting over Beijing?" Li Shuyi asked.

"Yes," Qiao Rui said with a slight smile, without a word. "The Awakeners' Association General Assembly, a deputy president has fallen."

"Ah? What's so interesting about that."

"The vice president is a general in the Ouyang department." Qiao Rui said.

Bai Xiaowen heard a little doorway: "Someone has done something to Ouyang?"

Qiao Rui nodded.

"It shouldn't be Joe's job," Bai Xiaowen guessed.

Qiao Rui smiled slightly: "It's the Aono department. We just watch it lively."

"Ah? I remember Qing Ye and Ouyang had a good relationship. The nuclear families of the two families grew up in the compound. You haven't said that the Lin family that Lin Haoyang belongs to is the Qing Ye department." Bai Xiaowen said .

"There are no eternal allies, only eternal benefits."

Qiao Rui ended the topic with a word of international convention, and then Feng Feng said in turn: "In fact, the cause of this conflict must be attributed to the friction of the younger generation."

After a pause, Qiao Rui said: "The two Fang family children had a dispute with Ouyang Heng at the bar and had a fight. One of them you have seen is Fang Qinghua."

"Fang Ziyi's cousin, Lin Haoyang's eldest brother." Bai Xiaowen laughed, "Speaking of them, I know the process of resentment between the two sides."

"Yes, it was the competition for the permanent team building props. Fang Qinghua always thought that it was Ouyang Heng who played a trick and caused him to return empty-handed. If it was not because Ouyang Heng did not get the team building props, the contradiction should have erupted earlier. But even then, the seeds of conflict have been planted. "

Qiao Rui said slowly, "Fang Qinghua has been two times higher than Ouyang Heng. As a heroic profession, he can also be regarded as a character in the circle of Beijing's high-ranking children. However, this time he fought with Ouyang Heng and he and a teammate have started , Two dozens and one, not only did not take advantage, but also suffered a large loss. "

"What exactly do you say?"

"Broken an arm," Qiao Rui said, "Although the awakened person can repair his limbs every time he enters and exits the spiritual realm, this face has fallen and Fang's family can't recognize it."

"Ou Yangheng has become so powerful?" Li Shuyi said.

"There must be no brother." Jun said resolutely.

Bai Xiaowen smiled. He was confident about his growth rate. Ouyang Heng can catch up with his rank and it is already very good. It is absolutely impossible to surpass himself in other aspects.

Bai Xiaowen continued to ask, "What will the Ouyang Department do in the future?"

"I heard that Ouyang Heng was sent to the spirit world and temporarily avoided the limelight," Qiao Rui laughed. "This is also my happiest place. I was harassed by him the last time I went back. This time, I got home. The ears are clean. "

"It is estimated that Ouyang Heng will not bother you in the future," said Li Shuyi. "We are already a unified team. To be honest, the big guys in the Beijing circle must give Xiaowen a face, and Ouyang Heng sees you. You will think of Xiaowen, and you must inferiority. "

Everyone in the White Phoenix team laughed, and then resumed daily training.

Two days later, Cecilia was summoned and finally brought good news.

"Dior, after I went back, I successfully persuaded Nicholas IV to adopt your suggestion," said Cecilia. "He not only set up a strict sentinel, blocked the main road between Xisha Province and Central Province, It even sent Archbishop Arlo to interrogate the heads of the rebellious nobles. It turns out that your judgment is in the right direction. "

"Is the rebel aristocracy in the central province really under spiritual control?" Bai Xiaowen confirmed.

"The situation is even worse. The heads of the aristocracy have actually been killed! A twisted monster called the" deformation monster "has drained their brains, draped in the skin of the dead aristocracy, and waged a rebellious war." A disgusting look appeared on Ya's face. "You can't imagine how disgusting and distorted the deformed monsters are. You can't even eat at a glance at their bodies."

"Well, whether it's substitution or mind control, it's actually the same. It gave Nicholas IV a perfect excuse." Bai Xiaowen said, touching his chin.

Cecilia nodded: "Yes, Nicholas IV immediately announced to the whole country and pointed the source of the deformed monsters to the rebels in Xisha Province! The lords of the Central Provinces had to open their territories and hand over their defense. Take over to Nicholas IV. All the noble lords of the Central Province have been centrally inspected to prevent the latent deformation of the strange ... Fortunately, this strange deformation is changing and its strength is very weak. "

"Well, this interrogation is of great significance. It can basically condense the scattered situation of the central province into an iron plate."

Bai Xiaowen said, "It is estimated that in another two or three days, Nicholas IV will be able to use his army to assist the Count Danton."

Cecilia watched Bai Xiaowen's chest look like a bamboo, and her heart filled with an inexplicable throb, accompanied by thick pride.

"Dio, Nicholas IV asked me to thank you. He also asked you what to do next."

Bai Xiaowen smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile: "Insufficient intelligence makes it difficult to give any valuable proposal ... Since there is such a thing as metamorphosis, then I will say two things that need attention."

"First, the latent target of the metamorphosis monster may not only be the aristocratic lord himself. Their heirs should also be included in the investigation, and the scope of the investigation should be expanded."

"Second ~ ~ Watch out for Count Danton's advances during Nicholas IV's expedition."

Cecilia heard that the first face was normal, but the second one made her look slightly different: "Dior, do you mean that Count Denton may be replaced by the deformed monster."

"Although the possibility is relatively small, it cannot be completely ruled out. Nicholas IV's royal drive without a crown prince means that the fate of the entire country rests on him. If I am a rebellious aristocrat in Xisha Province, or an underground monster, it must be Will make Nicholas IV the first target of the assassination. "

Bai Xiaowen said slowly, "Nicholas IV is a rare leader-level strong, powerful, and protected by the Imperial Legion. Normal assassination methods are difficult to work, so this detour approach through the strange way of deformation, there is no defense in Nicholas IV We must pay more attention to the means of assassination in this case. At that time, the advance troops led by Count Denton, at least the senior officers of the entire army, must be examined by Archbishop Arlo before they can rest assured. "

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