The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1051: Class 129

Cecilia said: "Nicholas IV is already the lord."

"The template has been promoted?" Bai Xiaowen was not surprised when he thought about it. "Well, after all, when the survivors were in command, the chief chief Absolom was the lord. As the leader of the orthodox royal camp, it was not surprising that Nicholas IV was promoted to the lord template."

Speaking of the survivors, Bai Xiaowen also said: "The issue of the survivors in the northern provinces cannot be taken lightly. Cecilia is now alone, and no one is guarded by the white stone collar and the northern land."

"Isn't the bereaved all maimed?"

"No, I suspect that the survivors are also related to the underground world. According to the aborigines, the survivors live in the extreme north crime domain, deserted land. But where did the guy named Lord of the Plague come from? Will it be related to What about the dark creatures underground? "

Bai Xiaowen took a breath and said, "Now, we don't know anything about the underground world. Is this underground world a chaotic and evil state of division or a highly centralized and orderly evil state? The former is okay to say, but if it is the latter, Our territory may be challenged by an underground empire. "

"Fortunately, there are still a large number of zombies in the north ... these monsters who unconsciously attack living beings are also a barrier for us." Cecilia said after reflection.


Xiaowen Bai nodded and said, "Cecilia, who is the garrison now?"

"It's Tim, my cavalry captain. Among the three cavalry captains, his strength has improved the fastest, and maybe it won't be long before he can grow into a leader-level knight." Cecilia said.

This is the benefit of the spirit world characters. When the plane is close to the unification, the levels and templates of the spirit world characters will slowly grow, especially those who have the opportunity to stand on their own. .

The progress of the unification of the plot of the unification will also cause the template of the characters in the spirit world to skyrocket, such as the seven lords of the Kuroshio Plane.

"There is still a means of communication between you and the territory." Bai Xiaowen confirmed.

"Yes." Cecilia nodded.

At the beginning, Bai Xiaowen received the magic communication spell from Prince Nicholas on the Kane plane, but it could only be used on the Kane plane and could not be brought out.

However, with Bai Xiaowen's possession, he can deposit these good things that cannot be taken out on the Kane plane. Cecilia is still available.

"Tim Tim was stationed in Heiyan City, and sentry posts were set up in the north of Heiyan City to prevent the aggression of the survivors," Bai Xiaowen said.

Now Black Rock City is no longer the largest city in the North. With the migration of high-end talents and the removal of refugees, Black Rock City is now a sparsely populated city, leaving mostly middle-aged and elderly residents who have little ability and are unwilling to move.

Among the residents of Black Rock City, there is a consensus that they would rather go to the suburbs near White Rock City than live in the urban area of ​​Black Rock City.

It was also expedient to relocate Black Rock City, because empire law stipulated that noble lords could not attack each other. As for occupying each other's cities, it is even more taboo.

Bai Xiaowen wasn't sure when the empire's intervention would come, so he ransacked the talents of Heiyancheng first, which directly led to Heiyancheng's decline.

Now that the situation has changed, Bai Xiaowen has been named Lord of the North, and Black Rock City has become one of his well-known sites.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen does not plan to move the population back-the most lacking of the northern provinces today is the population, and first of all, to ensure the prosperity of the capital, White Rock. Other abandoned castles in the North, including Black Rock City, can be a little later, at least until White Rock is overcrowded, and then consider the issue of immigration.

Bai Xiaowen explained a few words to Cecilia, and the latter returned to the Kane plane.


Kane Plane, Xisha Province.

In an old castle tower.

A teenager with silver hair stands on the top floor of the tower and looks to the east.

喳 …… 喳 ……

A full-body black feathered crow flew fast from near and far. Around the crow's claws, a red thread twined.

The gray-haired boy raised his arm, let the crow fall on his wrist, stretched out his hand and pulled on the red line, the magic light flashed, and a scroll appeared.

Teenager unrolls the scroll.

Footsteps sounded.

"Who." The silver-haired teenager rolled up the scroll a little alertly.

"it's me."

A young blond man in a red gold-pastored priest stepped on the top floor of the tower and said with a smile, "Andre, you are still so alert, isn't it necessary? You don't understand the squad leader's identity, now the entire Bethouille It's already our back garden. "

"You better not be so careless, Alberta,"

The gray-haired boy named Andre said with indifference, he slowly said, "There is an old saying in Huaxia, called the Qianli Embankment, destroyed in the ant's nest. Sometimes the failure of the overall plan is due to small details."

Alberta shrugged: "OK, OK ... is indeed the head of the intelligence team, the chief think tank of class 129, really careful. This sentence, the squad leader told you? He likes Huaxia Ancient slang. "

"This is not slang, but wisdom." Andre glanced at him.

"Well, you're all right ... Let's change the subject. What, what news have you just got from the central province?"

Andre looked calm: "I don't think it's necessary to discuss these issues with you."

"Hey ... don't be so indifferent, anyway, I am also one of the four team leaders, and judging from the number of members, my auxiliary group is still a little higher than your intelligence group," Alberta smiled. He said, "What plan did you make for the monitor? Speak out and listen, maybe I can provide some valuable suggestions."

Andrei ignored it, turned downstairs, and left a sentence:

"According to your logic ~ ~ The number of members determines the position ... Does that mean that the two indigenous peoples on the earth have a higher status than us?"

Alberta opened her mouth and said nothing.

"Put away your careful thinking of Alberta. This time the great unification, the greatest merit must be obtained by the monitor, no one can take it away. Well, I'm going to talk to him to discuss the next plan, you better do it What you should do, otherwise you know the temper of the monitor. "

Looking at Andre's thin body slowly coming back downstairs, Alberta's face flashed a moment's shadow, but then disappeared without a trace, and a bright smile was restored. A few steps quickly caught up with Andre .

"Relax, rest assured ... I'm no less loyal to the leader of the squad than you. And I'm a small team leader, what qualifications threaten the squad leader? I just came to remind you, beware of deputy squad leader Richard ... he Ambitious, and no matter what the background, he will not be afraid of the monitor's identity. "

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