The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1052: Auguste and Andre

"Cough cough cough cough ..."

A violent cough sounded, intermittent but torn apart, making people worry that the owner of the cough would lose his breath in the next second.

The silver-haired teenager Andrei didn't go in until he came to the ward.

After a while, the cough subsided.

A respectful greeting sounded from the servants of the two Duke of Bethlehem.

Immediately, the door was opened from the inside, and a young man with brown hair strode out.

This young brown-haired man has a bull-like body, and his muscles are like marble sculptures painted with silver hooks. His nose is tall, he has a square-shaped facial features in the style of an ancient Greek beauty, and his brown eyes are quilted, which makes people think of a sleeping lion on the grassland for no reason.

"Master," Andre said softly.

It should be noted that, from the point of view of Andrei, the young brown-haired awakening person in front of him is the original appearance, not the appearance of the spirit world rules.

"It's Andre," the young brunette said lazily. "Several times, just call my name, and Auguste will do. After all, my pseudonym here is also called Auguste. You call me like that. "

Andre still had to speak, the big hand of the young brunette Auguste, already holding his thin shoulders.

"Andre, you are my most important think tank. In the words of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is my mastermind! Our relationship should be as flawless as General Sun and Governor Zhou Du."

There was a smile on Andre's pale face: "I want to be your Zhuge Kongming more."

"Ah, forgive me. I don't like being a monarch like Long Ear Liu."

Auguste joked, and then said, "Come on me, what's new?"

Andre put away a smile and became serious: "I just got the news, the central province, Nicholas IV made a big move ..."

After listening to it in a strong spirit, Auguste said, "Okay ... the new emperor of Gorse finally got smarter."

"I don't think it was Nicholas IV who became smarter, but someone pointing." Andre said.


"And the person pointing him should be the same as us," Andre continued.

"How do you know." Auguster was interested.

"I ... smelled a chess player. There was a chess player who joined the gorse royal camp."

"Some reasons ... Couldn't it be that the Gorse Emperor has found a clever spirit figure to serve as a staff member?"

"not like this."

Andrea shook his head and said, "Squad leader, people like us, compared to the spirit of acting in accordance with the rules, the biggest feature is quick success and immediate benefits, in order to achieve immediate results, you can even break the rules, there are no taboos."

"Persuaded Nicholas IV, disregarding the rules of the aristocracy, forcibly asking other nobles to open their territories under an excuse, and in the name of review, took the opportunity to control the principals of the central and provincial nobles ...

Andre paused and concluded: "This style of acting is a strong awakener."

"Listening to you, it seems to make sense," Auguste said, scratching his hair. "It's weird. Our Shenyang training camp, Class 129, entered the Kane plane this time, and has already passed the Star Alliance. Ways to inform other territories. How can there be a awakening of greater unification, coming to our opposite? "

Normally, the Star Alliance Awakeners who have received the news, if they want to take a ride, to join the camp of class 129 of the Shenting training camp-but the end of this is often the masters of the Shenting training camp I ran out and expelled the head iron.

The strongest in the Shenting training camp 129 will naturally not allow anyone to **** their contributions-the overall contribution of Datong is a constant "1". Outsiders who are troubled by the muddy water steal the contribution and are allocated to the Shenting training camp The total contribution will be reduced, which is absolutely not allowed for strong training camp masters.

If you stand on the opposite side of the master of Shenting ... it is even more boring. With the luxurious lineup of 129 classes in the Shenting training camp, any kind of opponents will join in to deliver food.

Only the luck that can prevent the Shenting training camp from completing the unification is the main line that cannot trigger the relevant unification process. Everything is empty talk. No matter how strong the awakening is, it cannot resist the repatriation of the spiritual realm.

This is also the reason why Andrea's status is important. He shoulders the mission of digging out multiple main-line tasks, which can almost be regarded as the brain of class 129 of the Shenting training camp-of course he has no decision-making power, and must convince Auguste to agree with his proposal .

Just like Gu Huaxia's counselors, the degree of trust in the subject directly determines its power.

Among the Star Alliance, there are also organizations that can fight against the Shenting training camp.

However, under normal circumstances, those large organizations are not interested in coming to the Kane plane and opposing the Shenting training camp-the result of this is likely to be a lose-lose, and no one can complete the unification.

With each such large-scale operation, the cost is quite high. Although large organizations are rich, they will not waste resources arbitrarily.

Generally speaking, after receiving the ventilation from the Holy Court, the awakening training camps of other large organizations will choose other planes to make a unified attempt and will not force them to do things.

This is what makes Auguste strange.

"Will it be a native of the earth?" Augustus used his mind carefully, raising a doubt.

"Earth indigenous?"

Andre frowned and said, "The possibility is relatively small ... the other party can tell Nicholas IV to adopt his opinion ~ ~ The cut-in status must be very high, at least equivalent to the Earth's A-class ticket ... Indigenous people who arrive at such tickets can generally be informed by the Holy See through their respective channels. "

"Ah, I don't want that much, brother!" Auguste Haha laughed. "No matter where the sacred comes, it just adds fun to me. Tell me, what should we do next? In the central province, We still have a few crew members lurking, should we let them add fire? "

"No," Andre vetoed directly. "They succeeded in lurking, nailed to the heart of the gorge empire. Just wait for a suitable opportunity, such as when Nicholas IV went west, and let them work, You can get the most gains. Now coming out, it's just a free gift, it has no value. "

After a pause, Andre said, "The most important thing now is how to deal with Nicholas IV's forthcoming army."

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