The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1056: Expel!

Count Dorell was a little old man with a dry figure, only wearing white pajamas, a little dissatisfied.

However, in the face of Cecilia, Count Dorell did not sensibly erupt, just shrugged and humorously said, "Hello, beautiful Cecilia, so embarrassed to meet. It's a pity for you and me. I think you can actually give me some time and let me at least dress well. "

Cecilia is not good at chatting with aristocracy, she said lightly: "I'm sorry Mr. Dorell, I must do business. It is also a good thing to check the suspicious people in your territory for the security of your territory. "

"Ha! My territory, isn't it?" Count Dorell satirized with the aristocracy's implicitness.

In fact, Count Dorell had unpleasant reasons, because at this time the central provinces, large and small aristocratic territories, and defense had been taken over by the Imperial Army-otherwise, he was a lord on his own acre of three points. May have been taken out of the bed, the wolf was too late to put on formal clothes.

Cecilia didn't bother, and she ordered the noble children led by Dorell to reorganize the team and then identify each one in the past.

For Cecilia, who is already equivalent to the awakened, it is easy to identify the latent awakened. This is because the "illusion" function of the Awakener is aimed at spiritual figures, and it is not effective for Cecilia, who is also an Awakener.

Therefore, as long as the image seen by Cecilia and the figure in the spirit world are inconsistent, it means that the person has a problem.

Cecilia Adams went first, followed by Mother Celine and Cavaliers Captain Phil, and followed them step by step.

"First." Cecilia said.

Phil looked closely and said, "It's nothing special in a white silk pajamas."

There was a slight blue light shining in Selene's eyes, and after examining it, she said, "No magic camouflage was performed."

"the second."

Cecilia looked calm and screened one by one.

As the screening progressed, the anger in Count Dorell's heart was slowly accumulating. However, the situation is stronger than the others. Even if Cecilia screened it and found nothing, Count Dorell could not treat Cecilia.

At least, you can mock her. Count Dorell thought.

Suddenly, there was a slight commotion afterwards.

"What are you going to do?"

Two Imperial soldiers responsible for vigilance stopped a noble youth led by Dorell.

The young man rubbed his sleepy eyes: "I'm going to make it easier."

"Master Cecilia has ordered that no one should leave until the investigation is completed."

"Please, do you want to make a cultivated aristocracy convenient in the presence of a lady? This is also ridiculous." The young man smirked and passed the two Gorse Empire gold coins.

An Imperial soldier subconsciously wanted to get the gold coins, but the other one pulled his companion vigilantly, stepped back, and raised his weapon.

"Back to your queue!"

"Oh ... **** it, I don't want to do it ..."

The eyes of the aristocratic youth suddenly became fierce, and the original drowsiness disappeared without a trace! He lifted his hands, two flashes of cold light flashed, and suddenly the two Imperial soldiers fell down, covering their necks, and blood shot!

Seeing this scene, an aristocratic family member led by Dorell screamed, "Master of light! Joseph, what are you doing!"

The aristocratic young man named Joseph did not answer, and a flash of light on his feet suddenly accelerated.

Now everyone saw his problem.

Sister Celine standing next to Cecilia, raised her hands and prayed loudly, a beam of light projected down and turned into a cross, nailing "Joseph" in place.

"Joseph" had a flash of light on his body, and he had released his control and ran wild.


Cecilia and Phil turned on their heels, chasing after a group of Imperial soldiers.

And the archers brought by Cecilia from the Northland directly opened their bows and arrows, and fired a covered arrow rain on the escaping "Joseph".

After taking a few arrows, "Joseph" slowed down a lot.

Filzema charged, riding his pistol, and planned to string "Joseph" into a sugar gourd.

However, "Joseph" used a prop again, his body faded quickly, and he became invisible. Phil lost his target and had to interrupt the charge.

"There!" Sister Celine waved a flare of light and exploded in the air. The original "Joseph", who had escaped cautiously, was photographed directly.

Cecilia took a deep breath and opened her bow and arrow!

Sniper arrows, launch!

"Joseph" had a cold heart, before he had time to respond, he was hit with an arrow and went straight through! Arrow's strength continued, lifting his body and nailing it to the wall, making him dizzy.

Phil whistled down with the cavalry and besieged Joseph.

"Stop it, you have nowhere to run!" Phil yelled.

"Joseph" didn't look at Phil, but his eyes looked at Cecilia with resentment: "You **** inferior indigenous ... you don't even know what kind of existence you got into! Wait, we I won't let you go! "

Phil was furious, and rode a gun at Joseph. However, "Joseph" disappeared into a white light, leaving only an arrow nailed to the wall and a blood stain.

"Don't be nervous, he has fled our world."

Cecilia simply said, "This person is not a person who belongs to our world, but a speculator from another world."

"From another world?" Phil froze. "Is it the same as Lord Lord?"

"That's right, but he and Dior are not the same. Dior is on our side," Cecilia said softly.

"What's going on? How could Joseph have such good skill and courage? The Lord of Light was on top, what exactly happened?" Count Dorell said dullly, "Joseph is my second son, and I am better than anyone Know him ... he has always been weak, and some time ago he got a serious illness and almost died. "

"Your second son, Your Excellency, I'm afraid I'm dead," Cecilia said simply, "these alien speculators want to set off a rebellion in the Central Province while their Majesty goes west, so they lurk into some In the noble family, pretend to be your family. "

Count Dorell's repressed rage ~ ~ disappeared without a trace, replaced by chill: "If I disagree with the rebellion ... I will be killed by this lurker."

Cecilia nodded slightly, and stopped talking, but continued reviewing. The difference is that Count Dorell has cooperated a lot, and every time he reviews a person, he also comes forward to introduce the identity of the person and some simple information.

"Huh, Count Dorell, the review is finally over ... expel a hostile awakener."

Cecilia opened a map and looked at the four red circles marked above. There were already two red circles ticked, and she took out a quill pen and ticked the third red circle representing the Count of Dorell, marking it with a number: 1.

"Our work is not over, and there is one last, Murray leads ... departure!"

A line of imperial troops, led by cavalry, left the country in a mighty manner.

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