The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1057: Drow

Bethune Manor.

A rush of horseshoe sounded, a noble young man raised his whip, and a group of Bethlehem knights followed closely.

The Bethune leaders hurriedly saluted beside the road, and they recognized the identity of this aristocratic youth—the eldest son of the Duke, the first heir, Lord August.

"Master Auguste." A woman with a full figure and a good-looking face, dressed as a maid, stood with a small bread basket in front of the door of the manor house, and looked timidly with timidity. Coming from a horse, he is as strong as August of God of War.

"This is the end of the routine inspection." Auguster saw the maid, smiled slightly, and waved for the Knights of Bethlehem to return to the barracks. He jumped off the horse, handed the reins to the servant next to him, and strode forward, holding the maid's waist.

"Nei Wenli, didn't you let you sleep a bit longer?" Auguste got closer and whispered, "After all, last night, for the first time, you really became a woman."

Once a young girl, now a young woman's maid, Nai Wenli, flushed, showing her coquettishness: "Nai Wenli misses Master Auguste and wakes up without seeing you."

"I am the heir, after all, my father is seriously ill, and the business that I should do cannot fall off, or I will be preached again by Andre," a smile appeared on Auguste's face, and in the young woman's exclaim, He hugged horizontally, "But now that the business is done, it's time to do morning exercises with my little baby!"

However, as soon as August opened the door, he heard a voice.

"Ban ... sir. You just came back. I have something important to report to you."

Auguste saw Andrea, the long-awaited think tank, shook her head and sighed, letting Newen Li pat her ass: "Baby, you go back to the bedroom first, I will come later."

Immediately after the spirit figure left, Augustine's unruly expression converged, but still a little lazy: "Say Andre, what's the matter?"

Andre glanced at Newenli, who turned away, and sighed, but didn't speak, and he wasn't prepared to speak out on such matters, so as not to upset Auguste.

"The Morgan and Jeter of the intelligence team had an accident and were kicked out of Kane."

"Huh?" August stared.

"it is my fault,"

Andre sighed and said, "I was so anxious that the opponent saw the flaw."

"What?" Augustus scratched his head.

"I mean, we were acting too fast on the Imperial Vanguard. The first time after the central province's metamorphosis monster was cleared, we responded! It was the speed of this reaction that allowed the enemy to infer the central province. There are still our potential people sharing information. "

Andre frowned at the silver-gray hair, and his tone was not very fluctuating: "It seems that this newly entered" chess player "rank is not low. He not only speculates that the central province has a lurking person, but also detects the lurking person. The identity is the awakened ... We have been removed from the two key territories in the Central Province, and we will lose control of the situation in the Central Province. "

Auguste frowned and said, "Jett and Morgan are two half-households, are they? They are of average strength, but they are located in the Central Province, and their strategic position is very important. Your intelligence team totals There were only four members, and they lost half of it all at once, and the cost was a little bit heavy. But looking at you, it doesn't seem to matter. "

Andre: "Things have already happened, and it doesn't make sense to regret it anymore. I have already raised the mental position of the opponent, and I will not make the same mistake again. In addition, if they think they have cleared the central province, It ’s too naive for the two secretaries to be in luck. I still have the means to monitor every move of Nicholas IV. "

Auguste said suddenly: "Yes, although your intelligence team lost two people, the remaining two are the true elites. Although the other party saw one of your flaws, it failed to see all of them. This is also The disadvantages of your opponents are much worse than yours. "

"In the final analysis, our strength is too strong," Andrei was not proud. "The other party did not think of how big an organization we were, and thought it was just a small group of awakeners ... they could not imagine Our determination and our ability to act! "

"Next, just follow the original plan. Tell Carmel that it's time for her value."

Speaking of Carmel, Auguste had a bit of a quandary: "We just grabbed Denton's killing contribution, should she be resentful?"

"She led the team to defeat the Imperial Vanguard, and also earned a lot of war contributions. It was her own problem to get Count Danton off. The squad leader, you checked for any gaps and wiped her ass, she thanked you for being too late, He Talk about resentment? "

Andre said lightly, "In addition, in terms of status, she is just a native of the earth. If it was not for the Rockefeller family, she would not even be able to enter our 129 training camps in Shenyang! What qualifications are there for you? resentment?"

Auguste scratched his head: "Well, sometimes I feel that you are a born politician, much thicker than me ... well, it just makes up for my deficiencies."

Andre smiled and stabbed nonchalantly, "Lecturer, you have a thought for Carmel, so you care about her emotions so much."

Auguste grinned.

Andre shook his head: "As long as the squad leader becomes an absolute strongman, no matter what kind of woman, he will take the initiative to embrace him. However, I still hope that you will spend less energy on women and be brought out by your spiritual women It's almost forming a company. "

"Hahahaha!" Auguste did not feel embarrassed at all, and even felt a sense of pride, "Only beauties and partners can't be disappointed."


A gloomy valley.


"At ~ ~ Master Cynthia."

Talking are two slightly pale drow.

The drow is a creature that lives in the dark and harsh environment and belongs to the subspecies of elves.

Legend has it that more than 10,000 years ago, the elven gods exiled some corrupt and evil elves to the ground. These exiles lost the favor of the elven gods, and instead embraced the evil and absurd Queen of Spiders-Rose.

After tens of thousands of years of evolution, the drow, that is, the dark elves, has formed a stratified matriarchal society, and the highest ruler of each tribe is called the main mother. They have completely abandoned the good qualities of the elves, love nature and life, and become a cruel and elegant underground monster.

Of course, these legends are rumors that only exist in epic dramas, and are a background to the Kane plane.

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