The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1064: You are god

"Well, now say the third inference, although you have planted the Awakener in each camp, but you really want to support ... or the one you really want to control, there is only one, that is the old school aristocracy."

Ignoring the exclamation that came again in Camille's eyes, Bai Xiaowen said gently:

"Now, let me simulate your plan ..."

"The old school aristocrats killed Earl Denton, and Nicholas IV was eager for revenge, and he must take the old school aristocrats as the first offensive target. This is not in your interest."

"If you want the weakest old school aristocratic camp to expand, you must ignite the Imperial Army and the Drow Elf Corps and the old Aristocrats take advantage of the fishermen ... I think you should have been given the task to encourage the Drow Elves Meet the Imperial Army. "

Bai Xiaowen continued: "On the Imperial Army's march, I found several locations, which are more suitable for underground monsters to ambush. When the two sides fight hard, the leader of your organization will bring the old nobles and the plague. The monster is sharp, kill it out of the air to clean up the mess ... eh? "

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes, "I'm not right? What went wrong?"

From the physical manifestations of Camille, Bai Xiaowen noticed something wrong.

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen thought for a few seconds.

"Well, it seems that your influence in the underground monsters is still lacking. You have no ability to instigate the underground monsters and take the initiative to ambush the Imperial Army. Moreover, the drow elf's mother is not a fool, and will not make such self-loss trading. And your organization also knows this, then they will make the layout on the premise that 'underground monsters will not actively fire'. "

"The drow elves will not take the initiative ... then the imperial army will go straight and pounce on the leader of the old aristocracy-Bethune Castle. And the abacus of the drow elf's mother should be the imperial army attacking the castle Kill them and make them suffer. "

"Based on this, your organization will not leave the elite troops in the castle to defend the city, that is only a chronic death. So withdraw early and leave an empty city for Nicholas IV ... no!"

Bai Xiaowen's eyes widened suddenly, his eyes were dazzling. "An empty city cannot hook the drow elves or destroy the Imperial Army. Your organization must have done something in the city, leaving Nicholas IV a vicious one. Trap! Considering that you have planted humans in the Plague Lord, the means that your organization is most likely to prepare is already ready to come out ... "

"Necrotic Plague!"

"Furthermore, you should have left some miscellaneous soldiers to fight the Imperial Army, so as to attract the drow elf troops ... This will also have the effect of removing aliens at the same time. The remaining miscellaneous soldiers should not be Bethlehem's direct units . "

The excitement in Carmel ’s heart even turned into awe. Bai Xiaowen ’s guess so far is almost all, even if there are some deviations, she can still recognize the wrong from her slight changes in her physical signs, and then quickly make self-correction. .

Under normal circumstances, Carmel will definitely praise Bai Xiaowen. But because of the contract, she could not show her attitude, so she was a little uncomfortable.

Hearing the word Necrotic Plague, Camille finally couldn't help it: "Where did you hear about the Necrotic Plague?"

Obviously, the word is by no means conceivable. And since Bai Xiaowen had clearly pointed out the word, Camille did not disclose information when asked this sentence.

"I said that I know more about Kane's plane than you think. I once fought against the vassal survivors of the Lord of the Plague."

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "In this way, your organization's plan is very clear. Use the plague army created by the deadly plague to assist the plague master to unify and clean up other forces ... in the process You can gain the trust of the Plague Lord. When he has no use value, you will look for opportunities to surround the Plague Lord and complete the unification as a human liberator! "

Camille's beautiful eyes widened and said: "The backhand you just said, I don't even know ... the organization will not tell us the overall plan. However, your last guess is very high. . You are really a genius ... No, it is simply God! I worship you more and more, captain white. "

Because Carmel is unaware of the organization's follow-up plans, what she just said, whether or not she agrees with Bai Xiaowen's inference, will not constitute a leak.

Bai Xiaowen was in a good mood, after all, he got a lot of valuable information. The admiration of a big beauty also makes every man feel comfortable.

"Actually, I can infer so much information and verify it, thank you." Bai Xiaowen told the truth.

"I didn't do anything," Camille said.

"No, you do n’t have any resistance. You actively converge the psionic field. This is the greatest cooperation. If you do not cooperate, I will subdue it and perform such inference and verification. The other party will also deliberately make it. All kinds of weird expressions interfere with my judgment, which greatly increases my workload and is prone to errors. "

"Oh my God, don't say it again. It's easy for me to doubt my IQ ... I'm a top student who graduated from Stanford University!" Camille reluctantly said.

In the psionics era, unlike University of China, the combat department of the University of Michigan was "easy to get in and hard to go out." Just register and pass the general entrance exam ~ ~ to join the combat department. But during college, all resources depend on US dollars or performance. Graduation exams are very strict. If you fail in grades, you will never get a diploma.

Stanford University was the first group of universities to be rebuilt in the psionic age. Carmel graduated with all-out excellence, which means that she not only has outstanding fighting ability, but also has excellent abilities in analysis, judgment, and intelligence gathering.

It is just that she was proud of her excellent ability, but she was incomplete in front of Bai Xiaowen.

"Captain white, I finally understand why you can lead a five-man squad to complete a plane unification with an average level of seven or eight," Camille's eyes shone, "If I I want to match you, for the next spiritual exploration ... What will it cost? "

Camille's eyes could almost drip water, and they moved closer without any traces. The two were very close to each other. Bai Xiaowen almost looked down and could see the indescribably whiteness.

"My squad is full." Bai Xiaowen put down Carmel's wrist and stepped back and said, "But ... I think you should have a way."

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