The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1065: Intelligence of the Leader of Faction 1

"What can I do?" Carmel blinked and acted stupid.


Bai Xiaowen said silently: "Miss Camille, don't test my IQ."

Just kidding, the organization behind Camille can enable dozens of awakeners to match a plane world at the same time, and also accurately specify different camps ...

Camille can't help it? She was acting stupid just to save costs.

"Okay, okay ..." Seeing that Bai Xiaowen was leaving, Carmelo quickly took his hand, "I can indeed match the orientation of your team without entering a team and enter the same plane together The world ... but it's very expensive. And it requires your consent to bind. "

"How many people are there?" Bai Xiaowen frowned slightly. He remembered that Camille had several teammates coming.

"There are two besides me, you've seen them!" Camille hurriedly said, "Monica Grey, and Lulok."

"Monica, that pharmacist? And Luloch's words?" Bai Xiaowen was impressed, and he slightly nodded. "It would be fine if there were only three people. However, I cannot guarantee your contribution to the war. This Please be psychologically prepared. "

Camille nodded and said, "It's normal. The same ... organization I joined is the same. The contribution of the war needs to be won by ourselves."

The Shenting training camp only recruited Carmel. Her two teammates, Monica and Lulok, were not invited and were turned away by Shenting. This is also considered normal. In the eyes of Shenting, the recruitment of Carmel was entirely based on the background of the Rockefeller family. Monica and Lulock did not have such a hard background.

Bai Xiaowen smiled and nodded. This is why Carmel was dissatisfied with the Shenting training camp. The war contribution of Count Denton, which she had the opportunity to get, was forcibly taken away by the leader of the organization, and it would be uncomfortable for anyone to change.

After returning from the Kuroshio plane, Bai Xiaowen has never stopped thinking about unity.

Normally, the unity of a plane is definitely not something a five-man squad can do. Bai Xiaowen's presence on the Kuroshio level is entirely due to the existence of the lord, which has helped the rules of the spirit world, which is almost the same as Kaihang.

The result of the opening is that the contribution of the war has shrunk by more than half-this refers to the S-class hero scavenger task, which is not included in the evaluation, which is the most hurtful. Otherwise, not only Li Shuyi can be promoted to the hero profession alone, Qiao Rui and Cecilia should also have a share, Han Xu will not only get the standard template.

According to Bai Xiaowen's calculations, the normal plane is unified, and it should require the close cooperation of two or three teams to complete. As for the contribution of the war, it is definitely enough to distribute without triggering (triggering the high-level scavenger mission), and at least five or more hero evolutionaries can be created.

Therefore, Carmel and her team are willing to follow, and Bai Xiaowen will not turn them out because he is worried that the contribution of the war will be insufficient.

What's more, this time, Camille's surrender made Bai Xiaowen's grasp of his territory much stronger, and this sentiment had to be repaid.

If she refuses Carmel, she will be cut off from her path to evolution. For her own consideration, Carmel may fall to the Shenting training camp again, exposing the information of Bai Xiaowen and the White Phoenix team to the Shenting training camp. Add variables.

"Well, captain white, this is an unforgettable date. I think we all got a satisfactory result. I should go," Camille turned, suddenly remembered something, and turned to say:

"There is another important piece of information, because there is no confidentiality contract, I can disclose it to you and it should help you."

"No confidentiality contract is involved?" Bai Xiaowen squinted slightly. "Please say."

"We all know that the main task of the third phase is very important, and it is often an opportunity for unification, which can provide the awakened person with a longer stay in the plane."

Camille said mysteriously, "But there is another way to give the Awakened a nearly unlimited stay!"

Bai Xiaowen's breathing was slightly stagnant.

Camille smiled: "Captain is white, your expression is rare."

After looking at Bai Xiaowen's surprised expression with satisfaction, Camille didn't continue to sell the key, and put it in Bai Xiaowen's ear, saying softly: "This method is to use the ticket awakener to become the only leader of the important camp!"

"The only leader of the important camp ..."

Bai Xiaowen exhaled and returned to God.

"The news is really shocking ... I never thought about it, it was OK."

After calming down, Bai Xiaowen quickly grasped the point: "Miss Camille, you mean ... the head of your organization, the awakener who cut in as Auguste, the eldest son of the Duke of Bethlehem, already has this. One step plan, to become the sole leader of the old nobility camp? He wants to get rid of the Duke of Bethlehem and the false emperor Guramans, and he will become king himself! "

Camille smiled and said, "I didn't say that. They are the ones who signed the confidentiality contract."

Bai Xiaowen didn't care how she sold Meng, and thought slowly: "In this way, some of my previous plans will need to be revised. Originally, I thought you would be done after the delay of your stay. Now it seems that you have to get rid of him. "

"Captain is white, I'll leave this question to your brain. See you next time!"

Carmel turned, waved his hand, and quietly left.


Imperial barracks, temporary command tent.

"Dior, you are finally here." Nicholas IV retreated, and enthusiastically stepped forward to help Bai Xiaowen.

"Thank Your Majesty for your trust. It is time-limited. I cannot serve your Majesty all the time. This time I came because the battle reached the most critical moment ... I had to leave this world for up to five days." Bai Xiaowen Said.

"So short ..." Nicholas IV shook his head and sighed.

"Enough, Your Majesty!" Bai Xiaowen seemed confident, and at this time he had to give Nicholas IV confidence, "In fact, what really stirs the storm is the speculators from another world, like me, unfortunately they are standing opposite to His Majesty .We only need to expel or even kill this group of speculators ~ ~ to stabilize His Majesty's rule. "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said, "Your Majesty, I would like to ask Cecilia to give you the scroll. I wonder if you have seen it."

"I've seen it."

Nicholas IV exclaimed, "If it wasn't for your reminder, I can't believe it. The two senior officers I have always trusted have been replaced by the enemy."

"It is not surprising that Your Majesty, that the speculators of other worlds have penetrated into this world, and that they are unaware of the ghosts, and can only be analyzed from their performance. Those who have a big contrast with their previous performance and are judged by two people are likely to Has been replaced by speculators from another world. "

"Like you? Dior Skelboom?" Nicholas IV smiled.

"Haha ..." Bai Xiaowen felt a little more relaxed, and laughed. "Your Majesty, we will not discuss how to identify speculators. Anyway, you have used Cecilia to recognize the senior military officer who was dropped. .The next thing to consider is how to use the enemy's inside to complete strategic deception and achieve our goals! "

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