The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1071: negotiation

Standing behind Bai Xiaowen, Li Shuyi, who served as a close guard, kept pounding his snare drum.

In the face of a family of mothers and mothers, Bai Xiaowen's attitude ... seems to be too arrogant.

This is not consistent with Bai Xiaowen's usual style-in Li Shuyi's impression, Bai Xiaowen is the type of person who doesn't care about face and pays attention to practical interests. In order to pretend to anger the leaders of the spirit world, the expansion of the plot will cause variables. This kind of mental disability should not appear on Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen's idea is even deeper.

In Bai Xiaowen's view, the drow elf society in which women are superior to men is inferior to men, and his negotiations with Mother Cynthia will be despised by the mother itself.

In this case, blindly trying to achieve perfection will actually make the other party look down on itself, which is harmful to the achievement of the negotiation conditions.

Bai Xiaowen's attitude was arrogant, and the other party's response was nothing more than two extremes: the first one was to get angry and furious, which led to the breakdown of the negotiations; the second one, Mother Cynthia realized that Bai Xiaowen's negotiating attitude was strong, but she would converge The way the drow treats men.

The first possibility can basically be ruled out, as long as Mother Cynthia is not a solid idiot, she will not take the tribe's future as an emotional struggle ...

Bai Xiaowen held his arms and watched Mother Cynthia with interest.

Mother Cynthia's face was cloudy.

"Human, can you help the tribe? Speak up."

"Now the Knossolis tribe should be trapped in the Necrotic Plague. I want to confirm one thing ... Is your original means of combating the Necrotic Plague completely ineffective, or can it partially play a role? What is the specific situation?"

Mother Cynthia said with patience: "It can only have a suppressing effect. This time the necrotic plague was very violent ... some of the experimental subjects did not survive the night, and the plague virus in the body broke out and became the plague undead. The original plague The virus has an incubation period of at least half a month. Even if the virus breaks out, there is a process of slowly transforming it, but it is completely different now. "

"It's normal, the times are developing science and technology ..." Bai Xiaowen stared at Mother Cynthia. "How effective are your suppression methods? How long can you suppress the plague virus?"

"I don't know ..." said Mother Cynthia a little irritable, forcibly suppressing the anxiety in her heart. "At present, the people who have injected spider toxins have not shown signs of transformation to the plague undead, but the virus has never been able to expel them. There are two The priests who studied the virus made predictions that the suppression would not last more than a month. "

"I understand."

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "The way I help the Knossolis tribe is to make an antidote."

"Antidote? Human, do you know what you are talking about? If the virus of the plague master can be solved so easily, he would have been swallowed up by us!" Mother Cynthia was obviously unbelieving.

"At this point, I have no advantage in deceiving you. In fact, my territory has been invaded by the Necrotic Plague. Just two years ago, the Lord of the Plague sent a large number of Plague Communicators, and together with the Survivors of the Crime Domain, launched to me. The war ended. But the end result was that the chief of the sin domain survivors was beheaded and my territory was preserved. "

Mother Cynthia's expression was a little loose, but when she thought about it, she said suddenly: "The plague virus two years ago, we can also solve it! But now, the master of the plague has improved the virus, it has become more violent, and the time required for the attack is more Short! It's not so easy to get rid of. "

"At the time of the original plague virus, it took less than a week for my erudite scholar to complete the preparation of the medicine."

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile, "With this foundation, he should be able to formulate new antidote to the new plague virus, and it should not take too long."

After Bai Xiaowen threw out this amazing news, he monitored the subtle expression of Mother Cynthia.

When she heard the news, Mother Cynthia's eyes narrowed suddenly, her breathing stopped for about two seconds, and her nails became pale due to subconscious force.

Although Mother Cynthia recovered her calmness after a moment's surprise, Yun Yunfeng's performance was not shocked by Bai Xiaowen, but Bai Xiaowen knew that he had obtained the initiative to negotiate.

The first step in negotiation and cooperation is to tell the other party what I can do and accurately grasp the importance of our party in the other party's heart.

The next step is to ask the other party what to do.

"Say, what do you want me to do?"

Mother Cynthia came on the road, and before Bai Xiaowen spoke, she immediately raised the question.

"I demand the alliance."

Bai Xiaowen said: "To be precise, it is a pinch attack alliance against the main force of the plague ... you need to do two things."

"First, convince the other tribes of the Drow elf empire to wage war on the Lord of the Plague in the Underworld."

"Second, lead the army of the Knossolis tribe to march northward to conquer the crime domain."

Mother Cynthia was shocked. She did not expect that Bai Xiaowen had such a big ambition, and could not help but say, "No ..."

"Before rejecting, I suggest that you think about your situation," said Bai Xiaowen faintly, "Mr. Cynthia, do you have any choice?"

"It's crazy, it's completely beyond my abilities."

Mother Cynthia said astringently, "The empire is not as monolithic as you think. Each tribe has its own abacus. I have no ability to persuade other clans to declare war on the Lord of the Plague under uncertain circumstances ..."

"That's too bad ~ ~ Bai Xiaowen shrugged.

There was a trace of ruthlessness in Mother Cynthia's eyes. She had no choice but to use force to coerce if negotiations with Bai Xiaowen could not be reached.

"Remind you, Your Majesty ... My companion and I have the ability to leave this plane world at any time," Bai Xiaowen spread his palms, and returned to the city roll props to emit psionic fluctuations, "If there is no preparation, I How dare you take only one person to visit the drow elf? "

Mother Cynthia finally got rid of it, she suddenly lay back on the main seat, and sighed, "You won! Your Excellency Dior Skeleboom, I can accept your second condition! As for the first item, I can only I promise to do my best, there is no guarantee of success. "

"The deal."

Bai Xiaowen smiled and nodded. He did not expect that Mother Cynthia could talk the entire Drow Empire into war at the beginning, and the second condition was his fundamental purpose.

With such a powerful drow tribe, there is no need to worry about the safety of the northern border in a short time.

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