The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1072: Someone is more anxious than us

Mother Cynthia promised so sharply that she also had ideas.

According to the intelligence gathered these two days, the old nobility has been wiped out by the Imperial Army.

Promise Bai Xiaowen's condition is tantamount to shaking hands with the empire. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time before the drow elves' army confronts the Empire's Western Expedition.

In addition, the drow has always been faster than turning the book. After cheating the antidote, it is not too late to see the machine.

Now let this human face be proud for a while. Knossalis's army would go to the northern provinces, but this little white-faced collar wanted to tie the elite tribe to the north with antidote, and it was impossible for him to work a lifetime. Mother Cynthia thought so.

Li Shuyi whispered in the team channel: "Xiaowen, should you sign a notarized contract with these drow elves? Oral promises are too unreliable."

Bai Xiaowen can only smile secretly, if it is possible, of course, it is the safest to sign a notary contract. For spirit figures, the notarized contract of spirit rules is an oath to the gods of faith. Violating these costs will be expensive.

However, the gods of the drow's faith are very special. As a moody evil god, Rose Queen is the most devoted believer. To tear up the contract for the benefit, it is in line with the doctrine of the Queen.

Simply put, never believe the vow of a drow. An insidious and cunning drow elf will even please the queen by defying it (as long as it can obtain considerable benefits).

However, without signing a notarization contract, Bai Xiaowen was not guilty.

No one is bound by their vows. In the next cooperation, who can laugh to the last and get the most benefits is nothing more than watching their respective wrists.

When they arrived in the north, they came to Bai Xiaowen's place. These drow elves couldn't turn the sky.

"Wish us a happy cooperation." Aunt Cynthia honoured and noble, took the initiative to shake hands with Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen reached out a hand and smiled, "Well, as a testimony of the friendship between our two parties, I can send an information to His Majesty for free."

"What information?"

"Knosoris tribe has a new priestess who disappeared during the war. It's true." Bai Xiaowen laughed.

"... how do you know?" Mother Cynthia was full of doubts, and she suffered a great loss in the battle of Bethulwe, and Camilla-actually Carmel the Awakener-just happened to disappear again, which naturally caused Got her doubts.

If it was not that no one could be found, Mother Cynthia had tortured her to confess, and found out the problem with Carmela.

"In fact, this priestess was not the original character. She was replaced by an outsider." Bai Xiaowen sold her and sold Camille without any psychological pressure. "This outsider, and Besso Auguste's eldest son, Auguste, is an ally. They are all playing for the Lord of the Plague. "

"How is that possible?" Mother Cynthia frowned, and she couldn't help thinking about it. "Carmela" passed the trial before and after the anomaly.

It seems that there really is a little bit of agreement?

The suspicion of the drow elves was vividly reflected on Mother Cynthia, and a little doubt, as soon as they found plausible clues, they would quickly zoom in. What's more, Bai Xiaowen said the truth was originally.

Bai Xiaowen continued: "So, your priestess and the plague master worked together to devise such a terrible trap. Their original plan was to infect all the Empire West conquest and the drow elves to become the Lord of the Plague. The plague undead. The difference with you is that the empire saw through their plans and was not fooled. "

Madam Cynthia's face was hot, and her inner anger could be imagined.

Based on the racial characteristics of the drow, their favorite is to count others, and the most hated is to be counted.

"I will find Camilla, and I will make her regret coming to this world!" Said Mother Cynthia gritting her teeth.

"Oh, it's unlikely that your idea will be realized, because Carmela and her companion have taken refuge in the Lord of the Plague. If I guess correctly, they should appear in the extreme north next. The sin domain of the earth is the domain of the Lord of the Plague. "

Xiaowen Bai looked at Mother Cynthia: "I'll just tell you, you can't find her unless you ask for the crime domain."

"do not worry."

Mother Cynthia said grimly, "I will go to the north, and no one can fool me, and no one can fool the Knossolis tribe!"

"Then please leave as soon as possible. My majesty's scholars need to get the latest samples of the deadly plague before they can start developing antidote." Bai Xiaowen said.

Leaving Bethune Castle, Li Shuyi whispered:

"Xiaowen, that Camille also helped us. Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you betrayed her like this?"


Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "What do you care about the hatred of a spirit figure? How could Mother Cynthia hate her and kill her? At most, she was kicked out of Kane."

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said: "Besides, Carmel's early departure from Kane is good for me. Otherwise, as opposing parties, when they really meet on the battlefield and have to take a shot, what should she do? Shooting is meaningless internal friction, and if you keep it, it will be easy for others in the court to see it. "

It's not bad to use Camille's hatred to win over Mother Cynthia.

Originally, Mother Cynthia might still have a conflicting idea about going to the northern provinces, but as Carmel's information broke out, Mother Cynthia had the motivation to avenge her revenge and should be more proactive.

"Xiaowen, I still think the drow are unreliable. They are in the north and can be obedient for a few days?" Li Shuyi said.

"Before the antidote is made, they must be obedient." Bai Xiaowen blinked. "When the antidote is made, I have the final say."

Li Shuyi covered her forehead: "I was defeated by you again ... but ~ ~ Can't keep dragging on."

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "Shu Yi, don't worry, you won't be dragged on all the time ... someone is more anxious than us."


A shady basement.

The leaders of the Shenting training camp met in secret. There are six heads including the head monitor August, the deputy head Richard, and the four heads of the intelligence group, suppression group, attack group and auxiliary group.

"You, our unification plan, has suffered serious setbacks. However, this does not mean that we have the possibility of success."

Talking to the head of the intelligence team, Andrea, the 129th think tank. He seemed to have recovered from the defeat, and his eyes flashed with determination:

"Now, our biggest problem is time! We must make a big move before the main mission of the third phase ends!"

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