The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1073: Trends in Class 129

Auguste said: "Yeah, the false emperor was captured by the Imperial Army. The old noble camp can be said to be almost extinct ... let alone the ascendancy to the throne, even the old noble leader cannot do it. Time is of course impossible to talk about. "

"This time the plan is frustrated and the intelligence team is responsible."

Richard, deputy squad leader, could not see the emotions on his face, calmly said, "As an awakened man, he was put on by a spirit figure ... Even when the Imperial Army detoured, the intelligence of the gold mines ... ... Andre, everyone needs an explanation. "

"Aye." Alberta Gretley, the leader of the auxiliary team, made up for it.

"This failure does have the responsibility of the intelligence team. After returning, the Newcastle family will pay corresponding chips. However, now is not the time to hold the responsibility. It is the top priority to unite and find a way to break the situation."

Andrea went cold, and continued, "And, Lord Richard Cwell, the original plan was frustrated. Shouldn't you be the happiest person?"

"What do you mean, I don't understand." Richard frowned.

"We originally planned to be nostalgic aristocratic forces. As a united camp, it is most beneficial to the squad leader. After all, we cut into the identity there. In other camps, the Imperial Army mixed with the intelligence team members, the drow elves mixed with Camille, and the plague territory mixed. The deputy squad leader ... can be said to serve the unification of the old nobility. "

After a pause, Andrei continued: "Now the old nobles have little hope, and our strategic focus has shifted. Of the three camps that currently exist, the only suitable choice is the Plague Territory. As the" Scourge General " If you cut into the deputy squad leader, naturally you will have unique conditions. If the unification of this unification is successful, your war contribution will be even higher than the squad leader, and you will get better professional books! "

At this point, Andre's mouth was sullen. "In the vision of the deputy squad leader, you must have seen this for a long time, maybe you are still secretly in your heart."

"Oh, Andre, what you said is boring. I wholeheartedly hope that the original plan was successful. Now the failure of the plan can only shift the focus to me, can't blame me, right?" Richard Kewell smiled.

Andre said coldly, "Senior deputy, please don't be too happy. We are not only facing the empire, but those spirit figures are only chess pieces. There are also chess players standing behind the emperor! If you are not careful, you can choose The chances of the scheme failing are also very high. "

Deputy squad Richard pouted: "The chess player? Why haven't I seen it? I see, you are trying to cover up your incompetence and push the cause of failure to the awakening of the unintended opposition camp ... if there is a so-called 'chess player' ', Why didn't you see the gold mine war before?'


Augustus knocked on the table: "Richard, talk to Andrea like this again, don't blame me for throwing you out. Shit, obviously the situation is getting better for you, and you are still chasing here ... … It's a big deal. Everyone returns directly, looking for the next chance of unification. "

The deputy monitor Richard's expression changed slightly, and he didn't speak again.

Camille raised her hand to speak: "There are indeed hostile awakeners. The two members of the suppression group who cut into the drow camp with me can testify. We have all seen them."

"Why didn't you hear it before? You concealed key information!" Alberta, the leader of the auxiliary team, wanted to take a sip on Carmel.

Camille was a non-stick pan and said with a small smile, "After I encountered the hostile awakener, I reported this information to Mr. Andre, the intelligence team leader. As for you, I don't seem to need to tell you?"

"Huh." Assistant team leader Alberta murmured.

Seeing the two team leaders talking again, Andrea felt very weak.

Shenting training camp 129, the group members are from different territories, all playing their own abacus, poor cohesion.

If everything goes well, the internal contradictions will quickly enlarge. Repression by August's prestige was not the answer.

"Don't make a noise ..." Andre sighed. "Don't you want to know about this player behind the scenes?"

The basement was quiet.

"You already found it?" Camille asked first.

"That's right."

Andre said faintly: "When the intelligence team members were deported, they passed me the last piece of information. The person who led the team to expel them was a awakener named Cecilia, whose profession is the leader of the bow riding ... … I visited the aborigines of Xisha Province in the past two days. I accidentally learned that this Cecilia is a nobleman in the Northland Province. They are well-known in the Gorse Empire. . "

"Everyone knows? The Northlanders have been warned by the plague master against the Gorse Empire."

"Know, isn't this one of the backstory of Kane's plane?" Said Deputy Chief Richard.

"No, this is not a backstory, but a real war, with the awakenings involved, and our early preparations ignored it!"

Andre said: "In the war, in addition to Cecilia, known as the 'White Rose', another nobleman shines. His name is Dior Skelberm, a ruined nobleman territory. Heir. "

"Originally this guy named Dior was a waste, and even the territories were almost unsustainable, but when the war came, he seemed to have changed his personal, recruiting troops to destroy the robbers, investigating the deadly plague, and even secretly the plague master. The other territory under its control was annexed directly, and in the end it killed the chief of the Admiral Absolen Herzlit. Because of the cruel means, it was called 'the cold-blooded demon of the north ...' "

Andre looked around at the crowd: "What did you think of this experience?"

"Wow, this Dior must be the awakener." Auguste said, touching his chin.

Andre nodded: "Yes, he is a very powerful awakener, and he also reaped enough benefits in that war, the biggest benefit of which is a‘ territory ’!”

Everyone in the basement was shocked when they heard the words territorial territory.

"Are you so perverted? The territorial territories have been obtained ~ ~ This guy must be from Xinglian. I don't know which heir is the heir to the large territories."

Andre said faintly: "We have chosen the Kane plane as the unification trial plane, and have already issued a note to the major forces of the Star Alliance. If this awakening comes from a major force of the Star Alliance, we will definitely raise objections to us— —Because Kane is unified, he violates his important interests. "

"But we didn't get any feedback, but we were caught off guard. What does this mean? There are two possibilities ... First, the other party comes from a powerful force that opposes the court, knowing that oral dissent has no effect, and secretly started to destroy it. Our unification plan. Second, the other party is not the heir of the Star Alliance powers at all, but a small power awakener with excellent strength and great luck. "

"Either way, we have to have fun with him." August laughed.

"Yes, so our goal for the next stage is here." Andre's finger suddenly pointed north of the Gorse Empire map.

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