The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1074: Ouyang Heng's discovery

After leaving Cecilia and arranging various backhands, Bai Xiaowen took the rest of the White Phoenix team and left Kane early.

It took nearly three days this time, and the results were still quite satisfactory.

Successfully defeated the unified plan of the Shenting training camp, and then predicted that they would turn to the Lord of the Plague.

As long as they can't make a big event in the north, they can't trigger a new main line task, and the time limit of the spirit world rules will force these awakenings to be expelled.

With less than two days left for Kane's stay in the Permanent Landscaping Order, it will save time. In case the situation is wrong, Bai Xiaowen is desperately trying to reveal his identity, but he must also join the fighting force to turn the tide.

The information that Cecilia passed back again and again was good news.

Nicholas IV did not break his word, and immediately returned to the imperial capital to call for top masters in various industries to support the frontiers-that is, the construction of the Northland.

With the temptation of knighthood and fiefdom, many sub-professional top masters were tempted and began to register one after another to join White Rock City.

It is worth mentioning that the enrolled masters are all middle-aged people in their forties and strong. Too young, haven't touched the threshold of the master; too old, and hope for a comfortable life, do not want to go to the north to suffer and suffer.

This is also good news for Bai Xiaowen.

The masters in their forties are at the peak of their technical career, and may be weaker in apprenticeship, but their superb skills and vigorous energy can bring more profits to the territory.

The premise of Feng Jue is "receiving apprentices and teaching." As for the standard of teaching, at least the prospective master who can create standard gold equipment (or advanced magic scrolls and the like).

Slowly, apprentices, it ’s slower. Before the apprentices start, these masters have to serve Shiraishi collars. It is better for the disciples not to start.

Moreover, the master is definitely not going alone, and often brings some assistants, family members, and commonly used tools and equipment. It is no exaggeration to say that the arrival of a master means that an industry in White Rock has a nearly complete system.

In addition, Nicholas IV also strongly supported the construction of the Northland, and delivered a large number of materials from the Central Province to the Northland every day.

I have to say that His Majesty is still very interesting.

Of course, Nicholas IV did this not only because of Bai Xiaowen's relationship, but also because in the next stage, the Northland will become the main battlefield against the plague master. The stronger the Northland, the more time Nicholas IV could be given to advance reforms and clean up the mess left by the old nobility.

And over time, the bad news is finally here.

The crime domain, the once-rejected survivors, once again regrouped, approaching the northern provinces and the Black Rock defense line.

According to Cecilia's understanding, since the last defeat, the power of the survivors of the sin domain has shrunk a lot, after all, even the chief warrior Abu Sauron has been killed.

The Lord of the Plague has long controlled a number of tribal clans, taking advantage of the opportunity of the survivors 'dragons to infiltrate and pull in, and now has completely controlled the survivors' forces, including them in the plague territory camp, becoming a bridgehead invading the surface world.

If it was not for distraction to guard against the capricious Drow empire empire, the Lord of the Plague would have killed his master and attacked the surface world with all his strength.

Even now, the Lord of the Plague is coveted by the surface world. For him, a large number of creatures in the surface world are good sources of cheap troops.

As long as they can win the northern land, the plague master can obtain the coveted base in the surface world, and then start the migration of the plague territories, from the underground world with harsh environment and scarce life forms, to the heavenly surface world.

This time the tactical plan of the Lord of the Plague did not make much progress compared with the previous one. It is still sending a spreader of the plague to secretly spread the deadly plague across the north to assist the frontier tribe's onslaught.

If there are differences, there are two main points. For one, the Necrotic Plague has been improved to become more violent and difficult to contain. Secondly, the main camp of the plague has joined a group of awakenings in the court of God who have no bottom line.

For the awakenings of the Holy Garden, this task of penetrating the enemy's hinterland to destroy is exactly what they are good at.

If we can win the northern provinces and allow the plague territory to migrate to the surface, we will definitely be able to start a new major unification main line mission, and then we will be eligible to stay further. This is also Andre's alternative plan.

However, Andrei still has no idea what Bai Xiaowen has planned for them.


In the wilderness of the Northlands, deep inside a deserted cave.

The bonfire was beating, and seven or eight divine awakenings sat around.

"The ruins of Rivertalon Town, the Mid-Levels Territory, the White Birch Castle ... these places have been placed with the source of the deadly plague. Our preparatory tasks have been almost completed."

Andre coughed twice, pointing at the map and saying, "However, these places are deserted and there are few living beings. To completely break down the defense forces in the North, these two places must be polluted."

Andre's finger points to three locations not far from the map: White Rock City (formerly Red Leaf City) and Black Rock City.

This is the only densely populated city in the North, especially in White Rock, which is now thriving.

This prosperity also makes the awakeners of the Shenting training camp envious and envious. This kind of territorial management is so good, how much income will it bring every year? It is just an open-air golden mountain.

Since we do not have such a territory, no one else can.

"I tried to sneak in ~ ~ but Baishicheng's defense is very strict, and there is basically no room to drill." A wakener said.

"Can our focus be changed? Since the lord of White Rock is the awakener named Cecilia, wouldn't it be okay to get rid of her?" Augustus said.

Andre said in a deep voice, "After we came to the North, until now, we haven't seen Cecilia in person. This person seems to be alert and has been hiding under the heavy defenses of White Rock City. opportunity."

After a pause, Andre said, "However, I have sent the two indigenous peoples of the earth to inquire into Cecilia's course of action. Once I have found an opportunity, I can start an assassination. At least, I have to force her out of Kane Plane. "

"Why send those two indigenous peoples to Earth?" Augustus was puzzled.

"Because Ouyang mentioned something to me, it made me very concerned."

Andre slowly said, "This Cecilia has the same name as the awakener of a small force on Earth. I don't know if it is a coincidence, but Ouyang can confirm it by seeing the other person again."

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