The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1205: Damn it! Trade-off

Guo Cai was startled, and before he had time to speak, the two books were left in front of him.

"This is a search from your study, and there is another Yellow Scarf fighter with the Yellow Scarf Thief Spell Charm. If you collude with the Yellow Scarf and the evidence is conclusive, don't think about the defense, quickly rush!" Bai Xiaowen said in a deep voice.

Bai Xiaowen chose to go straight in order to quickly break through Guo Cai's psychological defense line.

In the description of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the internal organization of the Yellow Turban Army is not tight, and it can even be said to be quite loose. Before it happened, some church members reported to the government, causing a hasty start.

Later, when the vassals of various vassals attacked the Yellow Turban Army, they often won by thousands and tens of thousands of captives. The captured Yellow Turban Army, regardless of soldiers or generals, mostly willingly bowed down to accept the adaptation.

Unexpectedly, Guo Cai was a hard bone.

He glanced at his account book, and after his face changed dramatically, he calmed down quickly: "The grass-roots don't know what the adults are saying."

"Bold thief, it's so rude!" Wang Lie scolded, and then asked Bai Xiaowen: "The thief is bad, and I'm afraid he won't confess without punishment."

Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly, Wang Lie immediately ordered the sergeant to move the stick, dozens of clubs hit it, and Guo Cai had blood on his hips.

Wang Lie said: "Guo Cai, are you confessable?"

Guo Cai took a few breaths and still calmly said, "The grassroots don't know what the adults are saying."

Wang Lie was even more angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly: "This man is obsessed with obsession, it seems that he has been deeply poisoned by the yellow scarf thief. Don't try again, put him in jail, wait for the yellow scarf thief to be broken, and escorted to Jizhou with the thief chief, waiting to be sent.

Wang Lie said, "My son, the Yellow Turban thief is generally good at witchcraft. If he is released and taken to jail, he may run away. If he locks his lute bone with an iron chain, it is difficult for him to do anything."

Bai Xiaowen secretly wondered, it seems that the Three Kingdoms plane in the spiritual realm also has some means for captives.

This way, at least you don't have to worry about the captives running away on their own.

Bai Xiaowen nodded in agreement, and the sergeant escorted Guo Cai.

Bai Xiaowen then brought Guo Cai's entourage to trial, including the family members in the Guo Mansion in Qitiao Lane, and all of them were escorted over for hearing.

Sure enough, Guo Cai's followers and family members did not have such hard bones. Under Wang Lie's intimidation and temptation, several people soon confessed.

Bai Xiaowen checked his confession and gained a preliminary understanding of the Yellow Turban Army hiding in eastern Liaoning.

The Liaodong Yellow Turban Army fled from Jizhou, with about 2,000 people.

This figure is similar to Bai Xiaowen's conclusion by studying the expenditure on food and grain in the books.

The Yellow Turban Army is currently hiding in Daxue Valley, north of Liaodong County, about a hundred miles from Xiangping City.

As for Bai Xiaowen's chief concern for the Yellow Turban Army, these followers and family members did not know. They just said that every time the convoy was escorted, the leader of the Yellow Turban Army came over to deliver, and Guo would go to the army's large account and meet Qu Shuai to report the situation alone.

As for who is Shuai Shuai, these followers have never seen.

Bai Xiaowen waved the sergeant to send these followers down, frowning and thinking.

"The Yellow Turban Army is handsome ... Although you hide very deeply, there is no silver money here."

"You are so careful, but it makes me more convinced of your identity. After all, you can let a leader like Guo Cai follow faithfully and kill leaders who are not acknowledged. In the Yellow Turban Army at this time, except for one person And never think about him again. "

In the hall, Ebara and Wang Lie each had their own thoughts.

Seeing Bai Xiaowen's eyes cast, Ebara said: "Since the son already knows the whereabouts of the Yellow Turban Thief, how to deal with it still needs to be decided early."

Bai Xiaowen stood up and said, "The Yellow Scarf Thief, the enemy of the world. If you want the four counties in Liaodong and even the whole Youzhou city to be okay, you must eradicate it. Pass the order first, and the prefectures in Youzhou preach the scriptures. Each city will prevent the Yellow Scarf thieves from attacking. . "

That's right, Bai Xiaowen must die with the Yellow Turban Army.

Some people may say that it is more in the interest of Bai Xiaowen to contact the head of the Yellow Turban Army, such as Zhang Jiao, in exchange for the other party to crack the dragon-shaped gold box.

However, Bai Xiaowen looked farther.

Compared with the unification, the hero of the dragon pattern gold box challenge mission is only secondary.

Yuan Xi, the second son of the Yuan family, is the foundation of Bai Xiaowen's unification!

This innocent identity must not be lost.

Once contaminated with the yellow turban thief, it's over.

As for talking about collusion in secret and keeping it secret ... How can there be an impermeable wall in the world?

Therefore, Bai Xiaowen would rather give up the task of the golden box of the dragon pattern, but also ensure that Yuan Xi's identity is innocent. This is his choice.


Wang Lie frowned and said: "This is not the right thing for the son. The Yellow Turban thief is just over 2,000 people. Why should the military and civilians be turbulent? When it is annihilated by thunder, then you can settle the hearts of the people."

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "You do make sense, but I have another plan for this matter, you don't have to say much. And go back to rest and handle the affairs of the county normally tomorrow."

Wang Lie and Liao Yuan were full of doubts, but Bai Xiaowen's impression on them was wise before, so they didn't persuade too much, and retired after saluting.

Although the Yellow Turban thief entangled in the Daxue Valley, although there are only more than 2,000 people, and it is a defeated army, they are the elite forces of the Yellow Turban Army for the rest of their lives. What's more, there are still a lot of Yellow Turban leaders, and even the Yellow Turban General boss Zhang Jiao guessed by Bai Xiaowen ...

Strength must not be underestimated!

His Majesty Gongsundu originally had a group of men and women, but these people have newly arrived and have not yet been adapted. It can be used to perform some tasks such as law and order and defending the city. If you immediately fight a large number of yellow scarves, it will be unbearable.

To wipe out the yellow turban, you must use the troops of Youzhou headquarters.

Letting the wind go ahead and revealing the news of the Yellow Turban thief is part of Bai Xiaowen's game.

"If the husband is not fighting and the temple is considered to be the winner, it may be counted as many; if the war is not to be considered the temple is not the winner, it may be counted as the less ..."

Bai Xiaowen's eyes were gloomy, like the same Wang Shentan.


Early the next morning.

Youzhou, don't drive Zhao Rong ~ ~ I heard that Bai Xiaowen annexed the four counties of Liaodong, and hurried to Xiangping overnight to meet with Bai Xiaowen.

"My son, you have done a great job!" Zhao Rong bowed and saluted as soon as he met.

"It's just a small test." Bai Xiaowen humbled.

"The courage of the son, after this battle, it will surely spread the world ..." Zhao Rong first held a sentence, then said with a smile, "Son son, Gongsundu manages Liaodong, and must have accumulated a lot of money."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "Where, Gongsundu and his sons are not good at business, and in addition, the Liaodong is barren, and the treasury is empty, not even a penny."

Zhao Rong was startled, and said, "My son laughed."

"It's not a joke," Bai Xiaowen coughed, and took a turning point. "Of course, poor and poor, 10,000 yuan should still be able to come together."

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