The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1206: Guandu camp

Zhao Rong: "... even if it is 10,000, now the reservoir of Youzhou Prefecture is empty. If this money is injected, the general will ask for food next time. It will finally be supported."

Bai Xiaowen waved his hand and said, "Slow. Don't drive, you just need the benefits, no matter the trouble ... Four Liaodong counties, there is a big problem now."

Zhao Rong sullenly asked, "What problem?" He arrived from Peiping overnight, and did not know the news of the Yellow Turban Army.

Bai Xiaowen informed the Yellow Turban.

"Yellow Scarf Thief found in Liaodong ?! Is this news conclusive?" Zhao Rong said in surprise.

"The thief Guo Guocai, and his dozens of slaves were taken to jail, and there are other books here, witnesses and physical evidence are all there, is there any truth?" Bai Xiaowen said.

"Well ... the son means ..."

"Of course it's going to die," Bai Xiaowen said of course. "How can I let the Yuan clan guard the Youzhou on behalf of the Han Dynasty? How can we let these gangsters miserable the people? Liaodong soldiers and horses have not yet been attached and should not be used. This battle must be done by the Youzhou headquarters. . "

Zhao Rong whispered secretly: Are you serious, son? Who doesn't know that the black mountain thief in Jizhou has been lingering for three years, and the general has not closed his eyes with one eye open.

However, on the bright side, of course Zhao Rong could not refute, but he nodded and said, "If you want to use the Youzhou people, you must have the permission of the general. The son may wish to write a letter asking for the general's order. And the three generals, Yan Rou, dare to move. "

Yan Rou had led 500 soldiers before, and the scale was very small. It was only said that the guards around "Yuan Xi" had doubled, and it was not a troop expedition.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen did amazing things with these five hundred soldiers. It was not an expedition, it was better than an expedition. This is why Zhao Rong's opening is the reason why "the son has done a great thing", and this sigh is roughly equivalent to the ancient man's "depression."

To deal with the turban thief with more than 2,000 people, obviously it wasn't a trifle.

Bai Xiaowen had expected Zhao Ronghui to say so, he nodded and said, "Writing a letter is fine, but you need Zhao to drive a joint name."

Zhao Rong would like to say, can I not swim in this muddy water?

But according to Bai Xiaowen's meaning, it's really impossible not to go through muddy water. Ten thousand yuan of money and grain are not taken by Bai.

In the end, the letter to Yuan Shao was personally written by Bai Xiaowen. In addition to his own name, Zhao Rong was also signed at the end.


Two days later, Guan Du Yuanjun camp.

Yuan Shaogao sat on the main seat. He was dressed in uniform, with a fair complexion and three long beards, and was not arrogant. Everyone who sees it must praise it. It is truly worthy of the third and third grandfather. This is extraordinary.

There are two rows of long tables below, and a group of conspirators sit around, with more than ten people.

The number of people is several times stronger than Cao Cao's think tank.

It's a pity that although there are many people, most of them are mixed people, and they will only pass by.

Those who can really make plans and get Yuan Shaoxin's weight are only three or four people.

"Report! Youzhou emergency military information!"

Yuan Shao's gaze fixed: "Bring it up!"

Three Youzhou cavalrymen, rushing into the camp.

"Puppet master, the second son has a letter, and one should respond to the military situation, all in the letter." The emissary headed to his knees, took a letter from his arms, and put his hands on his head.

The waiter took the letter and passed it to Yuan Shao.

"Oh? It's actually Zhao Rong and Xi'er signing together."

In Yuan Shao's heart, he paid a little attention to the letter and opened the sealed letter.

After watching it, Yuan Shao couldn't help but look happy, admiring the festival: "I didn't expect Xier to do such a big thing in Youzhou!"

The conspirators below were a little curious. Some of them said, "Master, what military situation is there in Youzhou?"

Yuan Shao laughed and laughed: "Xian Yi (Yuan Xi's character) wrote that he had brought five hundred elites to Liaodong and wiped out his father and grandson. Since then, the four counties in Liaodong have also been brought under my control.

The first response of the conspirators was:

how is this possible?

Yuan Shaoha laughed and passed the letter to everyone to watch.

In fact, Yuan Shao's first reaction was unbelievable, but the benefits of Zhao Rong's signature were reflected, which greatly enhanced the credibility of the letter.

Yuan Shao got up, paced in the account, and said with a smile: "This Xier, he has been silent for a long time, I didn't expect to earn Gongsundu and his son ..."

Yuan Shang, the third child who served his father in the camp, was jealous and envious. He looked at a counselor in the first row of his right hand.

The murderer's name was Feng Ji, and he was quite famous in the history of the Three Kingdoms.

Feng Ji glanced at Yuan Shang's gaze and nodded slightly. He had finished reading the letter, thinking about how to speak.

At this moment, Yuan Shaozheng asked the conspirators: "You won the land of four counties without spending a single soldier. Xianyi's credit is not small. In your opinion, how to reward?"

When Feng Ji got up, the counsellors who wanted to speak suddenly closed their mouths.

Feng Ji bowed and saluted and said: "Master, in my opinion, the second son should not be rewarded for this move, but should be blamed."

"Oh?" Yuan Shao frowned, "What's the point?"

Feng Ji had long wanted to understand, and said without hesitation: "Back to the lord, our army and Cao thief will stand together. If we win, we will be able to unify the north. This is a strategy that involves the overall situation. You cannot afford to lose! , Qingzhou, Jizhou, and Bianzhou, stability should be the top priority. The second son's move is too risky, and it is a courage to say something unpleasant, and he has not considered the consequences if things fail. "

Seeing Yuan Shao's frown locked in deep thought, Feng Ji continued: "If something fails, the second son will be betrayed or killed by Gongsun, or Liaodong will be betrayed. The battle in Youzhou will inevitably lead to chaos in the rear! Fortunately, the second son relies on Yuan ’s reputation, The protagonist, Hong Fu, succeeded. However, if the protagonist rewards the second son by doing so, he encourages other officials who guard the rear, and so does the risk. Then when the rear is unstable, how can our army fight the Cao thief? "

"What's more, ~ ~ The bitter cold land of eastern Liaoning is not enough to support the soldiers, it is just a small profit. Compared with the great cause of the protagonist's struggle for the world, is it important? May the protagonist think carefully!"

Guo Tu, who was on the side, also took the opportunity to say: "The protagonist, Gongsundu invited the son to the banquet because he was prominent in Yuan's gate and wanted to make some friends, so he was not prepared and was taken advantage of by the second son. I am afraid that this matter will spread , They must laugh at me. The Yuan family is unbelievable. Who dares to associate with us? "

Feng Ji and Guo Tu are almost Yuan Shao's most relied on counselors. The two of them expressed their opinions. Of course, a group of counselors who ate melon behind them responded in unison.

Yuan Shao slowly sat down and filmed the case, saying, "If it weren't for everyone's words, I would have made a big mistake. Xianyi's move, indeed, should not be rewarded, so that everyone would imitate and mess up our army's plan. This stand, I will deliver Youzhou With him, I expected him to be honest, and did not expect to cause trouble for me! "

From joy to anger, Yuan Shao's temperament changed quickly, just like Sichuan opera changed his face. Just now I also said how to reward Yuan Xi, at a glance, we must think about how to punish blame.

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