The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1239: Occupy Prime Minister's House

At this time in Xudu, there are only a few thousand old and weak soldiers. How can they withstand the 20,000 army in Youzhou, and they are more elite like wing cavalry.

The generals who were not able to conquer battles were all transferred to Guandu. The few remaining commander-level generals here were nothing more than unknown generals and yamen.

Some generals Cao Jun also worked hard to assemble troops, trying to keep the main point.

But the White Phoenix team is already very familiar with this kind of breaking the city. Seeing the tendency of holding a group, Li Shuyi went directly to cooperate with Qiao Rui and Han Xu to carry out targeted killing.

As soon as General Wu died, the enemies who had just gathered were immediately dispersed.

The Youzhou Army is almost as if it were in a state of no one, and the speed of advancement is much faster than imagined by Jiao Touch and Zhang Naner!

Da da da.

Xun Youzhou wing riding on the long street, Cecilia changed back to the mount Bai Yujing, led the elite cavalry, and went straight to Xudu's vital place: Xiangxiang Mansion.

The four gates of Xudu were blocked, leading to noble officials in the city who could not escape if they wanted to escape.

It is worth mentioning that the Prime Minister also has a good general, Cao Zhang, who is Cao Cao's third son (existing) and a 7th-rank leader.

Cao Zhang has been raised in the Prime Minister ’s Palace, and it has not been his turn to glow, so his level is very low, and the template is just an ordinary leader.

Calculated based on Xia Houyuan's strength, after Cao Zhang's force was full, how could he have a rare leader level. But now, it is just a mantis arm as a cart, and it has no ability to compete with the wing cavalry.

Cecilia waved her troops, killed the Prime Minister ’s guard, captured Cao Zhang, and left two hundred horses waiting for Bai Xiaowen's arrival. She led the remaining wing cavalry to the palace.

According to Bai Xiaowen, the Prime Minister ’s Mansion is the actual command center. Occupying it is equivalent to taking Xudu; emperor is a symbol of orthodoxy, and obtaining the emperor is equivalent to having the righteousness of the world!

After a short while, Bai Xiaowen rode into angry claws and came to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

He and other conspirators, clerks, and relatives and relatives of Cao Cao have been brought under control.

Tong Bai Xiaowen glanced at him, and finally his eyes fell on Cao Cao's sons.

Cao Zhang was sturdy and **** by the iron chain, and needless to say; Cao Yu looked a little timid and timid, while Cao Zhi was strong and calm, but there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Cao Cao's five existing sons have captured three.

"I heard that Cao has five sons, 丕, Zhi, Zhang, Xiong, and Chong. Why do you only see three here?" Bai Xiaowen walked in front of the children's servants in the princely prime minister's house and asked.

A group of child servants shivered and dared not speak.

Suddenly, there was a large fireworks display in the northwest corner of the city, and the fire was so fierce that even the half of the sky was red.

Bai Xiaowen frowned. After breaking the city, he did not order to set fire. Where did this fire come from?

Is n’t that the awakening of the divine court? Bai Xiaowen shook his head. This is not reasonable. If the awakening of the divine court wants to be tough with himself, he will not let his family enter the city so easily.

He sighed and said, "Under the Son of Heaven, he was actually broken by a thief and looted, and my sin also."

"Hello, are you the Lingjun?"

Bai Xiaowen said, "I have already broken the city, what's the need to arson? You don't have to blame yourself, and compare this boy to the ordinary bandits and thieves."

荀 Although pointed by the sword, he was not panic: "Who the **** are you?"

"Couldn't you guess Gu Lingjun?"

Bai Xiaowen smiled and said, "I am Youzhou Assassin Yuan Xi."

"Since you are a great Hanchenzi, why do you storm Xudu and disturb the emperor?" 荀 asked.

Bai Xiaowen secretly pursed his lips, 荀 This is knowingly why. Our two are at war, what's the problem when I come to copy Cao Cao's hometown?

But Bai Xiaowen couldn't answer that way, otherwise he would fall behind and fight against the "central" with the locals. He would soon put on a hat of rebellion. Although it was irrelevant to the situation, he was taken up by righteousness. Very upset.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaowen has a killer: "The Cao thief hijacked the emperor, and he came out of his own name, and he was named a Chinese thief. I am a thief in the blood book of the emperor, and I welcome the return of the emperor! Minister; you have also been a great man, why do n’t you think about serving the emperor, but instead help the Cao thief? ”

The girders are indeed killers, and I have nothing to say about it. I can only say: "The Prime Minister is not disloyal to the Han Dynasty, but the situation in the world is chaotic. It must be suppressed by such great talents as the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister will be returned to the Son of Heaven. "

He paused, and He said, "If there is no majesty in the world, I don't know how many people will be emperors and how many people will be king! Isn't Yuan Shu, the clan of the son, an example?"

With a word, Bai Xiaowen almost didn't take it easy.

Bai Xiaowen can only scold Yuan Shu for being a pig.

"Do you really think that Cao Cao is willing to return to the Emperor? It's just self-deception! When Cao the thief Xu Tian besieged, the Emperor Yuezhuang was honored by the officials and the wolf's heart was clearly revealed. Why is it! Don't you know it? "

In the Romance, Xu Tian besieged (hunting in Xu Tian) was a test of Cao Cao.

At that time, Cheng Yu, the counselor of Cao Cao, persuaded Cao Cao to "do the king", and Cao Cao designed this round of hunting, and he used the emperor's gold (pi) arrow to shoot a deer.

When Xun Qunchen saw the Golden Arrow, he thought it was shot by the emperor, and he called them long live. However, Cao Cao went straight forward and grabbed the congratulations from the emperor. The emperor was furious and conspired to consecrate Cao with Cao, but was unfortunately defeated. Not only was the loyal official signed on the Calyx almost dead, even the pregnant concubine could not be saved.

This incident also made Cao Cao realize that the Han Dynasty was full of anger, and that the enemy Yuan Shao could not be eliminated, and she put aside "the thing of the king".

荀 bowed his head and said nothing.

I actually know in my heart that Cao Cao is not a pure minister. But as a scribe, what can he do? Only deceive others and hope that Cao Cao is content with his prime minister.

Bai Xiaowen also said, "I am here ~ ~ to welcome the Son of Heaven and escape from Cao Cao. Is Ling Lingjun following the Son of Heaven or Cao Zei?"

This remark is a little heart-warming.

He said: "If Tianzi leaves Xudu, the situation will be even worse in the hands of the remaining princes. When he stays in Xudu, he and I will be able to discourage Cao Gong and loyal to the Han Dynasty.

He is also telling the truth. Since the Han Dynasty was exuberant, the emperor has gone through the torture of Dong Zhuo and the Xiliang Rebellion.

Under Cao Cao's hands, although controlled by others, anyway, he can eat and wear warmth, as well as the emperor on the surface.

I am in the hands of other princes, I am afraid that I may not even save my life.

In a word, I don't believe Yuan Shao.

Suddenly, a soldier from Youzhou pushed to a group of bound people and came to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"My son, the arsonist caught it!"

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