The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1240: Cao's 4 sons

Not only Bai Xiaowen turned around, but even Xun was a little curious.

荀 The ability to observe and observe colors is very strong. From the look of Bai Xiaowen, it can be seen that it does not seem to be fake, which means that the fire of Xudu is indeed not released by Youzhou Army.

He added that Bai Xiaowen had no reason to do so.

Then 荀 did not order to set fire, who did it?

I was escorted up by a dozen men in maid clothes, all of whom looked panicked.

"Where is the fire?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

Youyou soldiers replied, "Back to the son, it is said to be the granary in Xudu."

哦 "Oh?" Bai Xiaowen stared at the dozen child servants. "Who directed you to burn the granary?"

Although a dozen child servants flinched, they bowed their heads and said nothing.

"Well, even if you don't say it, I can find out!" Bai Xiaowen snapped, "Cut these people off me."

Xu Xu was broken at the beginning, and it was time to kill and prestige to make people fear. Otherwise, internal instability, even if Bai Xiaowen has 20,000 soldiers, he may not be able to hold Xudu for 12 hours. This is a requirement of the hero's branch mission.

However, at the end of the team, a child struck by the soldier's neck was struggling and jumped out: "It's the fire I let go!"

小孩 This child's clothes are luxurious and inlaid with gold and jade. It is not a child of ordinary people at first glance.

Bai Xiaowen didn't even have to lose sight, he knew who this child was. However, he still had to say, "Who are you kid, don't you mess around here!"

小孩 The child was not afraid, and said loudly, "My father is the prime minister of Cao, and my name is Cao Chong! I ordered the granary to be burned. Don't be angry with others!"

"The fifth son of Cao Cao ..." Bai Xiaowen smiled, "Somehow, why do you want to burn a grain silo? This is your own grain."

Cao Chong said:

"You seem to have a lot of people. In fact, you are only an lone army, and you are attacked lightly, so you must not have enough food. I have 97 cities in two counties, four counties, and four countries in Henan. !!

"If you leave a granary for you, you can rely on Xudu's strong city defense. Burning the grass, you will lose the city without food, and you will flee the city, and then you will become a bird in a cage, and it will be difficult to fly!"

Now the soldiers in the four realms of Yuzhou are moving in the wind. Xu Dushen was in the enemy's territory. If Bai Xiaowen led the 20,000 Youzhou Army to abandon the city and fled, he would most likely be intercepted by Yuzhou soldiers and even the retired Guandu Cao Jun. But to keep by the city, there is no more food and grass.

Cao Chong's metaphor of the bird in the cage is quite appropriate.

"Little boy, be careful!" I was afraid that when Bai Xiaowen was angry, he killed Cao Chong, shook his hand, and discouraged him.

But Bai Xiaowen smiled: "Yi Junjun is too young to look down on me Yuan Xi. The eldest husband was born in the world, and he should be based on benevolence, be taught by righteousness, be prosperous with Anbang, and be determined by martial arts. Would it be because of the special qualifications of young children? Killed with fear? "

荀 Her complexion eased.

Bai Xiaowen looked at Cao Chong and was quite appreciative: "It is really rare to have this insight at a young age. Unfortunately, it is clever to be exposed, like a peacock, but he does not know how to show off his feathers and be jealous. Not as good as your brother.

Cao Yan looked stunned, his head dropped even lower.

Bai Xiaowen came to Cao Yong. Seeing Cao Yong behind him, a woman wearing Qiluo was still standing, and asked, "Who is this?"

Qi Cao bowed his head and said, "This is ... this is Zhuo Jing Renshi." (Note)

Bai Xiaowen was emotional, and in the romance, Yuan Xi's wife Zhen Zheng was captured by Cao Yong. The current situation is reversed.

However, Bai Xiaowen's feelings are just a passing thought, and this will not cause him to have a bad taste. He must take Ren from Cao Yu.

In the first case, in front of the uncle and many priests in the prime minister's government, Bai Xiaowen must be decent, and his reputation cannot be ruined. Only in this way can we become the masters of influence and gather talents.

Secondly ... Ren's really looks average. Compared with Zhen Ye, it's like chaff in wine, and it can't be compared.

Soon, another wing cavalry came to report that General Bai Sanniang (Cecilia) had killed the Cao Jun guards of the palace and occupied the palace. He asked Yuan Xi to go as soon as possible to meet Tianzi.

My eyes looked over.

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "I'll go and see the emperor. As for here ... take away all the four sons of Cao Zei!"

He hurriedly said, "My son, the two armies are fighting, and this is not a matter of benevolence. This is my benevolence. Moreover, the son has promised not to hurt Cao Chong's life."

I'm telling the truth, after the Lord of the Three Kingdoms era, after breaking down the city, the enemy's family members will generally treat the so-called man and stay on the front line and meet each other in the future. For example, Lu Bu attacked Xuzhou and guarded Liu Bei's family members.

Under what circumstances do you not need to stay on the line? When the other party hangs up and your power tree collapses, you will naturally dispose of it without worrying about tearing your face.

At present, Cao Cao still has an army of officials crossing the army, and his strength is overbearing. Be nice to his family members, there is no harm, and he can make a good name.

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "Eun Lingjun said well. Although Cao Cao is a Han thief, I will not be alarmed by his family members. He will also send someone to guard the Prime Minister ’s door to prevent soldiers and horses from entering. However, his four sons are not equivalent. Depending on it, I need to be by my side to be assured. "

Silently, Bai Xiaowen said that Cao Cao's four sons were not easy generations. Even the youngest Cao Chong could have the keenness to burn a granary and break the road that the Youzhou Army kept on. Of course, none could be put.

Bai Xiaowen also said: "I'll go and see the emperor now. You Lingjun and your princes (yuàn) officials, please also sit here and don't move around. If my sergeant misunderstood and escaped, it would be a shame to have five steps. "

Bai Xiaowen immediately ordered two elite school captains ~ ~ to lead his 500-person watchmen who were present, strictly ordering: "If any fugitives stand up."

He arranged everything, and Bai Xiaowen took the rest of the soldiers and escorted Cao Yong and four others to leave the Prime Minister's Mansion.

However, Bai Xiaowen did not rush to the palace in the first place, but led the army to continue cleaning the remaining areas of Xudu, focusing on discipline.

The old and weak soldiers who stayed in Xudu were **** by iron chains, and they could be spared temporarily. As for those who resist, of course, it is a matter of killing.

It didn't take long for Xudu's alleyway to end. Twenty thousand troops from Youzhou occupied the main streets of Xudu. Those high-ranking officials and nobles closed their doors, fearing that the disaster would lead to the destruction of their families.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen could not let the soldiers loot. It should be noted that the looting of soldiers would destroy the homes of Xudu officials and the reputation of the Yuan family.

After the situation stabilized, Bai Xiaowen strictly applied for military discipline, and he rushed all the way to the palace.

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