The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1260: Heavenly Emperor's Book, Big Seal 0 Officer!

荀 彧 Archway:

"Thank you for your enquiry. From the following perspective, Da Sima is lost and the people in Jizhou are in chaos, and the new owner must be identified as soon as possible. At this time of crisis, who can do great things, who is the master? It's time for it!

"Don't ask the emperor to give up, give Dasima the honorary position, and Jizhou Mu to the son, and reward the civilian and military officials of Jizhou with peace of mind. The son of the son Feng will be able to calm down. If the city is flat, you will get Jizhou; Then the four states belong, and it goes without saying. "

Loquat truly speaks and believes. On matters that did not involve confrontation with Cao Cao, he no longer kept silent.

"Does not involve the affairs of confronting Cao Cao" means that when confronting Cao Cao, He will not help to make plans. Don't raise the bar, saying that helping Bai Xiaowen unify Hebei is to be the enemy of Cao Cao ...

Dong Zhao also calmed down quickly. Yuan Shao is dead, Yuan Cao's weakness is reciprocal. It's too late to regret it now, so I can only follow Yuan Xi and go black. Fortunately, Yuan Xi seems to have a rough mind, but it is worthy of help.

Dong Zhaojin said: "Jizhou has a population of five million, and the people are wealthy and wealthy, but it is the foundation of Hebei, and the foundation of the former Dasima is based on this. He Lingjun said that the protagonist should enter Jizhou as soon as possible. "

Calling directly on "principal", Dong Zhao stated very clearly.

Gao Gan was awakened, and he immediately enlisted, arching his hand and saying, "The lord and the state also have tens of thousands of soldiers. As long as the lord's order, I will enter Jizhou and help the lord to inherit the great cause!"

Gao Qian is both loyalty and change. Now that Yuan Shao is dead, everyone will respect "Yuan Xi" to inherit the great cause, so the original title of "son" will naturally be upgraded to "principal".

Li Shuyi whispered in a low voice, she thought the son was better. But Bai Xiaowen was glad to accept it.

Xi and other civil and military people listened to Gao Qian's courage, and admired Bai Xiaowen even further.

Unexpectedly, "Yuan Xi's son" has already subdued the history of this and the assassination! With the support of high-level officials, even if force is used, the possibility of pacifying Jizhou will greatly increase.

Bai Xiaowen's attitude towards Gao Qian was still very respectful, saying: "My brother guards and merges with the state. We still need to guard against Si Zhou Zhongxian and Xianbei in the north. Don't move lightly. Just order Guo Yuan to lead 10,000 troops and follow me into Jizhou Just fine. "

Guo Yuan led 10,000 to join the state army, and Bai Xiaowen's Youzhou army escorted the emperor into Jizhou at the same time, in fact, it was already a clear enough statement.

Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan can see the attitude of the high-ranking cadres in history from this 10,000-state army.

Next, Bai Xiaowen met with the emperor, and it was a tearful performance. Needless to say.

Emperor Liu Xie was also a little aggressive.

What is the situation, what about the big Sima I just sealed? I was still there just now, so big, and said no more?

After the persecution, there was a panic.

Originally thought that Cao Cao was eating jujube pills, but it was Yuan Shao who didn't expect to kick his legs first. In this way, Cao Cao would probably destroy Yuan's!

At that time, he still has to fall into Cao Cao's hands.

The emperor's heart was imaginary when he thought of the thief book he had sent.

I can only pin my hopes on Yuan Xi and try to turn the tide!

Yuan Xi's performance since his journey has been obvious to all.

If you want to inherit your father's office, you can! Jizhou animal husbandry? can!

The emperor was very generous, in addition to mourning the late Sima Yuan Shao, the focus was on Feng Bai Xiaowen inheriting the position of Da Sima, the right to open the government to build teeth (right), lead Jizhou herdsmen, and also control Ji, Qing, You, and the four states!

From General Zhengbei to Grand Sima, triple jumps are not enough to describe. However, this is a special period and certainly cannot be compared with the normal situation.

In addition, based on Ye's suggestion, Bai Xiaowen also invited the emperor to the important civil and military officials in Jizhou, regardless of virginity and ignorance, including Tian Feng, Ju Shu, trial, Zhang Ye, Gao Lan, Jiang Yiqu, Han Meng, etc. Sir, all named Guan Neihou.

Here to say, Guan Neihou is different from other counties, townships, and pavilions. There is no food, but a certificate of qualification, which represents the entry into the nobility circle.

The Han Dynasty used to have the rule that "non-military merits must not be sealed," but now it is dead.

For Tian Feng, of course, Bai Xiaowen would like to add additional seals, but now it is not appropriate to move lightly, showing that he is somewhat private, so he can only treat them equally and postpone them.

In addition to Jizhou officials, there have also been promotions for Qingzhou officials. Bai Xiaowen's move was intended to dissolve the rebellious will of Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan, in order to achieve a smooth transition of power.

Even Feng Ji and Guo Tu were rewarded. Now is the time to gather hearts, and the monarch must tolerate the villain.

The villain may not be able to help you, but it is bad enough.

Feng Ji and Guo Tu supplement Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan respectively. If they are not rewarded, they will surely make them realize that the second son Yuan Xi has hatred for them.

What will they do? Of course, they strongly encouraged Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan to fight for power.

Yuan's Guandu defeated, but Cao Cao was also unable to aggressively expand the results, so the four states of Hebei still have strength. However, if a civil war erupts and serious internal friction occurs, it will definitely affect Bai Xiaowen's next strategic process.

Of course, even if these two people are sealed, it may not be possible to achieve a smooth transition, but Bai Xiaowen definitely does.

This is the advantage of having the emperor in hand, just like opening a bank and having the right to print money. Official positions should not be issued with money. Other "banks" can only breathe my breath.

Bai Xiaowen's promise to Gao Gan's San Gong was first honoured, and Feng Gao Gan was the general of Qiangqi, leading the state herd. This is the official position of the San Gong, second only to the general.

As for the two cheap brothers, Bai Xiaowen still wanted to achieve peace on the bright side. Feng Yuan Tan was a former general and Yuan Shang was a right general.

However, these two states, Qingzhou and Jizhou, must not be delivered to the hands of the two brothers. They killed the two brothers and saw the emperor Xie En ~ ~ After receiving the seal, Bai Xiaowen felt a strong waist.

His Majesty Wenchen and generals did not confer official positions. However, these military officials and generals were not disappointed. They had a good vision, and of course they looked down on the court official.

Yuan Xi, as the chief Sima, opened the government to build teeth!

Becoming an official of Dasima House is the true dear! Both in terms of authority and future, they far surpassed those of the imperial court.

After the Youzhou Army rested for one night, they marched eastward the next day, escorted the emperor, and rushed to Yuncheng.

The land of Jizhou is vast, but the location of Wucheng is more subtle. It is located in Wei County, southwest of Jizhou, and it is no more than two hundred miles away from the place where Bai Xiaowen departs from Tunliu City.

Of course, the specific distance cannot be calculated in a straight line. Some places are mountainous and require detours.

Departing early in the morning, after Huguan and Wucheng, Bai Xiaowen led his army into Wei County, Jizhou.

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