The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1261: Enter Licheng, Dingjizhou!

After entering Wei County, first passed through Shexian County, and the official in the city greeted him.

Bai Xiaowen asked the county magistrate, how is the situation in Jizhou?

The magistrate replied: "After the death of Da Sima, the third son Yuan Shang and the army officer arrived at Liyang every time. Oral rumors of the death of Da Sima and the establishment of the third son as a puppet inherited the throne. The officials of Jizhou Zhucheng all got the last but Hesitating, hesitating, the truth is unknown. "

There was a slight sneer on Bai Xiaowen's face, saying: "My three younger brothers, do they really think they are well-known? They are falsely passed on, and they want to steal the position of their father, which is ridiculous."

The current situation is different from that in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Originally relying on a good skin and the strength of a second-class military general, Yuan Shang still inherited the foundation of Yuan Shao under the name of "Li Xian".

But now, Yuan Xi was shot out of the air, and Li Xian couldn't make Yuan Shang's turn at all.

Officials in the cities of Jizhou hesitated to take orders, mainly because they doubted the authenticity of this bequest.

Dong Zhao beside him scolded the county magistrate: "The second son has been killed by the emperor, and has been named Da Sima and Jizhou Mu, inheriting the great cause! Since you are the city magistrate, you can't meet anytime soon."

The magistrate hurriedly bowed again.

Bai Xiaowen said mildly, "No courtesy. Are there other actions for my three younger brothers?"

The county magistrate said: "The three sons did not know what to do. They moved General Li Yang to defend General Jiang Yiqu, and gathered a lot of soldiers from the Guandu battle. They claim to have 100,000 people and are marching toward Gaocheng."

Dong Zhao on the side immediately said: "Master, Yuan Shang is not enough fame to make up for by force. Wherever he goes, the officials in Jizhou City are afraid of soldiers and can only obey his orders. I do n’t know who is in charge of Wucheng at this time? "

The Shexian County Magistrate said: "Don't try to match while you are in governance."

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "I know this man. He and Feng Ji have always helped the youngest Yuan Yuan Shang; there are two counselors beside his father, one Xin Ping, one Guo Tu, and my brother Yuan Tan. . "

Dong Zhao said: "In this way, Tancheng is almost unguarded against Yuan Shang. The principal should make a decision early!"

Bai Xiaowen said: "I have my own opinions."

Between the conversations, suddenly there was a line of ten cavalrymen, all wearing fine iron armor, rushing on horses.

Bai Xiaowen recognized this as the wing cavalry he sent out, and smiled: "There is a messenger in Wucheng."

The hoofs stopped, and ten wing cavalry dismounted and sent a secret letter.

Bai Xiaowen opened it directly and laughed after reading the letter:

"As soon as I arrived in the state, I dispatched a team of three soldiers, Qiao Rui, Han Yang, and Bai Sanniang, and led the wing cavalry to Lucheng. The purpose was to report my father and make room for the emperor.

"Although Qiao Rui is a female general, she is determined by chance, but she has a general's style. After getting the bad news of her father's death, she immediately led the wing cavalry to Jizhou prison, and rescued Tian Feng. All are attached to it. Even though the trial team is willing to transfer troops, no one responds. He is currently under house arrest. Wucheng is already in my palm. "

Tian Feng's reputation is much higher than the trial.

The soldiers and generals beside him were all surprised and happy.

Some praised General Qiao's decision-making, and some congratulated "Yuanxi" Hong Fuqitian.

But only 荀, squinted and looked at Bai Xiaowen for a while, thoughtfully.

Bai Xiaowen knew that he could not conceal his concubine. All these plans, including entering Tiancheng in the name of Tianzi's presence in the concubine; immediately after the news of Yuan Shao's death came, he released Tian Feng and house arrest for trial ... all his advance arrangements.

But this is not surprising. From the time the Sizhou Army desperately intercepted, the wise man was able to guess the Guandu battle, which was not good for Yuan Jun.

Yuan Jun lost, can Yuan Shao survive? No one can tell.

So from the perspective of Xun, Bai Xiaowen sent the wing cavalry into the city of Xun, and laid out in advance, just in case.

If Yuan Shao is still alive, then the task of the wing cavalry is really to stay for the emperor and make room.

If Yuan Shao is dead, the task of the Winged Cavalry will naturally change.

In any case, it is difficult to guess that Bai Xiaowen had foreseen the end of Yuan Shao's death, because he did not know the existence of the awakened person, or the existence of the divine court. This is a vision limitation caused by information asymmetry, and it is not a lack of wisdom.

But ... in his eyes, it seems that "Yuan Xi Gongzi" is a little more intelligent, and he can pass through ghosts and gods. This person really is only in his twenties?

Not to mention the shock of Qiao, Qiao Rui's letter also has another news, that is the eldest son Yuan Tan.

After the defeat of Guandu, Guo Tu originally wanted to merge with Yuan Shao. However, he expected Yuan Shao to fail. After thinking about it, he decided to go east to Qingzhou and continue to assist Yuan Tan.

With the support of Xin Ping and Guo Tu, Yuan Tan named himself a general, raised 30,000 soldiers from Qingzhou, and entered Qinghe County (or Qinghe State) in eastern Jizhou.

Yuan Tan also marched hurriedly and did not stop in Qinghe County, but went west all the way. According to Qiao Rui's calculations, at most tomorrow, the Qingzhou army led by Yuan Tan will enter Julu County, and the next goal is naturally Weicheng ’s Wucheng.

"Three sons are separated ..." Thinking back to the romance, Bai Xiaowen felt a touch of emotion. In fact, after the defeat of Guandu, the foundation of Hebei has not been damaged. After all, Jizhou is too rich and its population is full.

In addition, about 100,000 Yuan Jun was killed and wounded in Guandu. The rest followed the generals and fled.

According to the story, Yuan Shao was still alive. It was reported that the troops were "reinstated again," and the reinforcements of Youzhou, Qingzhou, and Bianzhou were still worth RMB 200,000. From the perspective of military strength, it is enough to compete with Cao Cao.

In addition, Cao Cao needs to go back to stabilize the situation, unable to take advantage of the pursuit and expand the results.

Of course, in Cao Cao's opinion, Yuan Shao is dead, and the three sons will inevitably compete for the family business. The so-called "strike with the soldiers, and then meet the enemy with urgency, if you can't let it go, you will have a plan" (Note).

After the rivals of the Yuan family quarreled and their power was lost, Cao Cao just stabilized Henan, and then crossed the Yellow River to attack, which will inevitably save effort. This is the way to watch the fire across the bank.

Bai Xiaowen knows that the most urgent time is now, not the time to regret the props. He again used Meng De's new book-Binggui's quick strategy to speed up the whole army, rushed to Yuncheng, traveled to the west of the sun, and then rushed to the front of Yuncheng gate.

Qiao Rui's soldiers guarded the city. After inspection, the city gate was opened.

Tian Feng led the civil and military officials in Wucheng to kneel beside the road. In fact, this time kneeling and welcoming, not just for Bai Xiaowen, but to greet the emperor.

Emperor Liu Xie met in the car and was quite useful.

The messenger read the biography ~ ~ Feng Yuanxi as Da Sima, Jizhou Mu, inherited his father's office.

Civil and military officials in Jizhou all have rewards. The negative impact of Yuan Shaoxin's funeral on people's hearts was immediately reduced by more than half, and the addition of officials to the ranks was rejoicing.

After Xuan Yuan, Bai Xiaowen met Tian Feng and said with emotion: "How can I take Xudu and return to heaven without the help of my husband? If Cao Cao does not break, he will be firmly behind, and he will be forced to advance to Jizhou. I It's difficult to save lives from the top to the bottom. "

Tian Feng did not take credit, and said, "This is the queen of the son, but the old is only a little bit hard."

Bai Xiaowen immediately invited Tianzi, and described that Tianfeng was in prison that day, he set up a family home, helped him secretly raise soldiers to surprise Xudu, and asked Tianzi to admire Tianfeng food.

Tian Feng resolutely resigned: "At this time, Jizhou has not been settled. The protagonist is not in a hurry to reward the old, so as not to be jealous of the foreign minister."

Bai Xiaowen said: "Mr. conducts high cleanliness, but those who have merit must not be disappointed, it is right to do justice." The matter of Hou Jinjue.

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