The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1445: 20 million people!

Qiao Rui's situation was understood by several companions.

Occupational classics are like this. When studying, my mind will be filled with many perceptions about this profession, which is regarded as the basic knowledge.

After mastering these basic knowledge, the professional skills attached to the classics can be learned and applied.

Five people exchanged experiences.

Qi Qiaorui is an evolutionary of the control system. The skills he learns are related to temperament, which can weaken opponents or increase friendly forces through temperament. There is also a killing sound when necessary, just like magic, which can cause pure spiritual damage.

Li Shuyi is an evolver of fighting system. She is currently learning the skill of cultivating sword gas. Her radon energy can be converted into sword gas at any time, which is added to melee attacks to cause additional spiritual damage. It also has the effect of destroying enemy armor. .

As soon as I practiced to a high level, I can also release the sword air, or even take the first level from a long distance, which is close to the means of the immortal plane.

Cecilia is a firing department. When you get started, you need to focus on your mind. The arrow of suffocation is almost like a spell, but the speed of attack is incomparable with that of spells.

旭 Han Xu is an evolutionary of the defense department. Now he has learned a skill—the Golden Stone Curse. After being cast, he is as solid as a rock and inaccessible. However, during the continuous period, the ability to move is greatly reduced.

Bai Xiaowen is the last one. He is a dual-professional, and he is a governing department. He has two skills: military power and military soul. It is not useful for the time being. The vice-professor is a gas practitioner, belonging to the Department of Huaxia Taoism.

Bai Xiaowen thinks this is also very good. The dominance system is used to command the army, and it is certainly useful to explore in the spiritual world in the middle and late stages. The Taoist Department promotes the individual's combat effectiveness and can help him through the early stages.

教程 Novice lord tutorial, quickly reached the last step.

Spiritual Realm Rule: "Your territorial aura concentration is level 3. When the evolutionary cultivates in the territories, the spiritual power recovery speed increases by 30%, and when the realm breaks through, the breakthrough probability increases by 15%."

"Please control the area of ​​your territory and the existing population to maintain the concentration of Reiki."

"At present, the area of ​​the territory is 20 million hectares. The suitable population limit is 20 million. If the population exceeds 20 million, the concentration of Reiki will decrease."

Seeing the population limit of 20 million, Li Shuyi laughed and became a Muggle: "20 million, the monkeys will only be full when they are full."

But Bai Xiaowen was not so optimistic. He frowned, "No, if the population limit is so ample, then training in other territories should be a trivial matter. But when I learned about the situation on the evolutionary platform, that person regarded 'providing training points' as a Welfare said ... it's very abnormal. "

Bai Xiaowen then said: "Query, Bai Huangling's current population."

The rules of the spirit world quickly gave the answer: "There is already a population of 129,420."

"How can there be so many! Even these bones and skeletons are counted as population, and they will not reach 160,000!" Li Shuyi said.

Bai Xiaowen calculated the rules of the spirit world instantly.

"It seems that the 'population' here refers only to ordinary people, not even the awakened."

Bai Xiaowen said: "Ordinary people consume very little psionic particles, so the population limit of this territory is enough to accommodate 20 million ordinary people, and the concentration of aura will not decrease. But the awakening and evolutionary people have a much higher demand for aura. To ordinary people, so each awakening person, evolutionary person, takes up dozens or even hundreds of times the population of ordinary people. "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen continued: "According to my calculations, a level 1 awakened person is equivalent to 10 ordinary populations; a level 3 awakened person is equivalent to 30 ordinary populations. The monsters of the awakened level are the same. The minimum number of skeleton soldiers is 3, with a total of 3,000. There are also several teams of higher-level skeleton warriors and skeleton mages. These alone have already occupied more than 120,000 population quota. "

"The evolutionary should be 100 times, and then multiply by the level." Qiao Rui said.

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "Yes, evolution is the main force of spiritual power consumption. An 11-level evolution is equivalent to 1,100 ordinary people. No wonder those territories regard‘ allocation of cultivation points ’as an important welfare.”

Li Shuyi said: "If we say so, our territory can also accommodate more than 10,000 leaders of the evolutionary ranks."

"This number is already very exaggerated," Bai Xiaowen laughed. "I also saw the authority to transfer troops across borders from the lord's authority. After meeting the prerequisites, I can recruit the army in the territory to the ectopic plane. Fight a plane war ... and summon thousands of territorial troops at any time, which is much better than the general summoner. "

"There is still such abnormal permissions?" The companions were startled.

Qi Qiaorui said: "It seems that this is the weight of the" evolution lord ", and the hero evolution is completely two levels of existence. The most suitable lord must be the governor of evolution."

"This is not necessarily the case, the lord may not be the governing department, as long as the people know how to make good use of it. In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of their army, the non-dominant lords will certainly recruit and even vigorously train the evolution of the governing system. The leader of the dominion contends. "Bai Xiaowen said.

Qiao Rui suddenly said, "Captain, I thought of a problem. The number of evolutionaries who are promoted from the earth every year must be very few, at most, dozens, and the number of newly evolved lords is even less. You were the only one in 1999. Many of the forces of the Star Alliance have eyes and ears on the earth. It won't be long before they can guess that 'Lu Wang' is actually you. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "I also thought about this problem. Lu Wang is just my code name, and my lord status can be hidden for a while ~ ~ Can't be hidden for a lifetime. As long as we don't expose the coordinates of the territory, even someone It is speculative and it does not threaten our territory. So in the first stage, before the five elements of the territory shield are built, we don't have to contact the outside world too much. "

In simple terms, it is a closed country.

Of course, retreat can only protect for a while, not a long-term solution.

Bai Xiaowen's plan is to wait for the establishment of the territories, and then do transactions with other territories, exchange the existence, and accelerate the development of territories. From a long-term perspective, it is necessary for the territories to develop rapidly and communicate with other territories.

Otherwise, the rules of the spirit world will not be full, and will create a "blue star lord group", is it for the entertainment of the major lords? That doesn't make sense.

Xi Bai Xiaowen then handed over the construction of the territory to Zhen Ye. In fact, there is not much need for supervision, because it is the hard work of the undead race, there is no smart existence, the unit time of work is a bit inefficient, but never sleeps 24 hours a day, and will never be lazy.

The role of Zhe Zhenyu is to ensure that the construction of the main city of the territory is carried out in accordance with the framework predetermined by Bai Xiaowen. It is also time for Zhen Huan to practice the Taiping Scriptures.

Bai Xiaowen and four companions are on the first exploration of the evolutionary plane.

The Evolution Plane does not require a ticket. You can pass the portal directly through the plane and pay the corresponding spirit crystal according to the level and template. For example, Bai Xiaowen needs 77 Lingjings, and his teammates only need to pay 66 Lingjings to randomly match an evolutionary plane.

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