The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1446: Evolution plane, true rules!

However, one of Bai Xiaowen's four companions is special.

That's Cecilia.

除了 In addition to Bai Xiaowen's former teammate, she also has an identity, that is, Bai Xiaowen's followers.

As a follower, Cecilia can follow Bai Xiaowen and enter the same evolutionary plane without the additional cost of Lingjing.

However, this peer approach is very different from the previous team formation, mainly due to the effect of "spatial misalignment".

When two people enter the same plane, they will spread because of space dislocation. If you are unlucky, you may not meet until the end of the exploration.

In spite of concerns about spatial dislocation, Cecilia chose to follow Bai Xiaowen for the first evolutionary exploration of the spiritual world.

I have no reason but save money.

66 spirit crystals, not a small number, especially for the first arrival of the White Phoenix collar.

Bai Xiaowen first asked several other companions to leave a spiritual mark on the stele of the territory, which is equivalent to obtaining a pass, and subsequent return to the territory does not require Bai Xiaowen's consent.

After the partners got the imprint of spiritual power, they stepped into the evolutionary spirit realm plane through the plane portal.

Bai Xiaowen then explained the affairs of the territory again, and let Kitts stay, and assisted Zhen Zhen to manage these skeleton coolies.

要 Here to say, the Black Soul Stone-now is the face of death. The summoned creatures in it can have an independent consciousness and can operate independently from Bai Xiaowen, like a zombie doctor.

And when necessary, Bai Xiaowen can still summon his transcendence through the return of the dead.

Unless you encounter a particularly unlucky situation, such as the death of a Nigol, who did not want to be named, summoned the black rider lord in the Guangchengzi Cave ...

I arranged everything. Bai Xiaowen took Cecilia and stepped into the portal.

Uh ...

The light flickered.

After the weightlessness disappeared, a rough wind with sand blew across his cheeks.

Bai Xiaowen took a closer look, this is a wilderness.

I looked around, and sure enough, Cecilia was not around.

[The cut-in to the plane of the Awakener is a bit different, just like crossing through ... Is there no introduction to the plane background? 】

As soon as Bai Xiaowen's idea flashed, he got a series of reminder messages about the spirit rules.

"You have successfully transmitted. Did you get the background information?"

After Bai Xiaowen chose to agree, a message came from the rules of the spirit world.

"Plane Type: Overhead History."

"Plane time: Song Lizong Shaoxing four years (1231)."

"Plane background: Four years in Shaoxing, the emperor fainted, the traitors seized power, the chaos was chaotic, and demons were rampant."

"Cut in: Cangzhou Ancient Road."

"You can spend 1 phantom to transform your language and accent to fit the general language of the plane. Are you sure?"

背景 Tips on background are brief.

Bai Xiaowen first converted the language, and then asked: "Why is there no mainline task?"

Tips of the spirit world rules:

"Evolutionary Plane Mission Rule Modification: There are no longer mainline missions. Evolutionaries can freely trigger and complete side missions."

"Evolutionary loot rule amendments: First, killing enemies will no longer drop loot treasure chests. Evolutionaries can search for enemy corpses to obtain loot. Second, evolutionaries can collect relevant information through mining, medicine collection, etc. Material resources. Third, psionic treasures obtained by the evolutionist through any means will belong to you. "

These two tips made Bai Xiaowen's eyes widen suddenly.

Although brief, the amount of information it contains is amazing.

Bai Xiaowen immediately asked: "Without the main mission, how is the time spent on the Spirit Plane counted? Also, is it possible to leave the Spirit Plane at any time during the stay time? Can I return directly to the evolutionary after leaving? Platform, or return to territory? "

The spirit world rules responded one by one:

"Your plane's stay is unlimited, but you need to pay Lingjing for each natural day (the first natural month is free). The longer the stay, the higher the payment fee."

"You can leave the Spirit Plane at any time, but you need to return to your 'Space Node' (ie: your initial cut-in point). Except for the Space Node, any props of the Plane Teleportation type cannot be used in the Evolutionary Spirit Plane. The plane takes effect. "

"When you leave, you can choose to return to the evolutionary platform, or return to the territory where your spiritual mark is left."

晓 Bai Xiaowen's eyes narrowed.

According to Xun, the spiritual rules of the evolutionary plane are also moving closer to "real".

Kill humanoids, you can search for corpses and get the other equipment.

Kill the beast, you can also search the corpse to get some special materials from the corpse.

Mining and medicine, materials can also be obtained. This is higher than the "realism", or "freedom," of Baodi space.

It is especially critical that puppets, especially "psionic treasures obtained in any way," will be owned by the evolutionists.

Theft, robbery, killing and overstocking ... There are no taboos in every way.

Of course, this may lead to the evolutionary plane, the angry pursuit of aboriginal masters.

The rule of "must return to the space node in order to return" has also made the evolutionists frightened. Because returning to the city volume is useless and must return to the space node to run, it is best not to offend the power of the indigenous people.

Bai Xiaowen, after clarifying the amendments to these rules ~ ~, took a few steps on his angry claws.

He saw a fragment of the boundary pillar.

"Guhuai Town?"

Zhi Bai Xiaowen recognized these words, and immediately produced some bad associations.

Acacia, wood ghost also.

A brief introduction to the background of the niche plane, but there are four words "monsters run rampant". If you want to come to this ancient town of Huaihuai, it is certainly not an ordinary market town. Maybe there is a lurking demon.

Well, the evolutionist just wants to do things, otherwise he can only stay in this wilderness countryside, mining and collecting medicine every day, whether he can earn a trip to Lingjing is very questionable.

"But this boundary monument is destroyed. This ancient road in Cangzhou is full of weeds, and the road is not clear. Where should I go?" Bai Xiaowen frowned.

At this time, he could not help thinking of the S-level golden props: geographical map of mountains and rivers.

Unfortunately, those were the props of the Awakener's rank, and the evolutionist could not use them-Bai Xiaowen was still on his body, and could only be sealed for the time being. When he returned to the earth to visit his relatives on vacation, he would throw all these props to Xiaojun.

When I was thinking, I suddenly heard the bell ringing crisply, a caravan in the distance, walking forward.

Bai Xiaowen felt a joy in his heart, and hurriedly checked his own image—the default illusion of the rules of the spirit world was an ordinary cyan shirt.

He slammed the soil on his clothes, making his face embarrassed, and then Bai Xiaowen gathered his angry claws and rushed to greet him.

He doesn't know the road, but the Aboriginal caravan definitely knows it.

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