The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1592: Startled! Sister's news

Lord Mengchuan shook his head and said, "Nie Li Xian is not an evolver yet, not enough. Take a step back and say that even if I can help you successfully intervene, Li Xian nephew cannot inherit the territory of the Great Tang dynasty."

The evolutionary world is like this. If you are not an evolutionary, you will not be regarded as a person.

Wu Fujing, with his eyes brightened, said, "In other words, as long as the fourth son is promoted to evolve, will Mengchuan become famous?"

Meng Chuan squinted his eyes and said, "Hurry up. The ancestral heirs of the Great Tang dynasty, this identity will quickly lose value over time and be annexed to the territory. The rebuilding period of the boundary monument is only six months. Plastic! Moreover, people are forgetful in themselves. Within half a year, things in Datang's leadership will be forgotten, and even the qualification to become a Star Alliance topic will be lost. "

Wu Fujing said, "Can you send four sons to the Pan-Asian Training Camp?"

The Pan-Asian training camp, similar to the Shenting training camp, is a unified organization of the Awakened by the Star Alliance Territory.

He Mengchuan shook his head and said, "He is not qualified and will be opposed by other Pan-Asian territories ... unless he is my nephew."

This sentence is very obvious.

Fu Jing laughed: "Four sons, Master Mengchuan and Lord Taizong are best friends, that is, your uncles. You may wish to recognize Master Mengchuan as your righteous father, so that you can enter Pan-Asia with his name. Training camp, quickly complete the unification and become an evolutionary! Then, you can regain territory with the help of Lord Mengchuan. "

The fourth son, Li Jinen, is not a fool. He knows Meng Chuan's thoughts well.

Taking up this righteous fatherhood, Meng Mengchuan was able to get involved in Datang collar affairs with fairness. In the end, even if it can regain territories and reshape the border pillars of the Tang Dynasty, it is estimated that the best result will also be a vassal territory of the Tianfu territories.

But Li Jinen has no choice. He is now sending people under the fence and holding his breath. If he does not do this, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in Tianfu.

Of course, Li Jinen is also willing to do so. A lord of a tributary land has a fundamentally different status from that of ordinary heroes. He immediately fell on his knees, performed a great gift, and spoke of his righteous father.

Xi Mengchuan showed a smile on his face and reached out to lift Li Jinen.

Li Jinen then wanted to bargain, saying, "The righteous father, the child takes the liberty, wants the righteous father to help in the Pan-Asian training camp, seek a higher position, get more war contributions, at least become a heroic evolutionary ... It is also helpful for children to manage their territories in the future. "

As to grab the largest share of the war contribution, become the lord-level evolutionary ...

进 Li Jinen didn't dare to think about such a beautiful thing, which he could not touch.

Mengchuan's face sank: "Jin En, the time is urgent. Your level is only level 7. It stands to reason that you are not eligible to participate in the training camp, let alone that the training camp quota has been determined. I can arrange you in It's not easy. As for the leader of the training camp, it's impossible! You can still follow in with peace of mind and mix up a big unified place. Become an evolutionary sooner, and professional books are almost okay. "

进 Li Jinen also wants to fight for it, after all, it has to do with his potential limit after becoming an evolver. However, Meng Chuan's face sank, and he waved and said, "This matter is so decided."

Li Jinen can only be reluctant.

Wu Fujing looked at this scene coldly, and of course he understood the truth.

For Lord Mengchuan, as long as Li Jinen becomes an evolutionary, it is enough that such a tool person is not worth the painstaking training.

Further, Li Jinen's strength is weak, but it is more convenient for Lord Mengchuan to control. If he really made him a hero-level evolver, maybe he would have thought about something he shouldn't have.

So Li Jinen's plea was just a waste of effort, and Lord Mengchuan could not agree.

Although Fu Fujing sees through, it is not necessary to break through. To him, Li Jinen is just an instrumental person.

Uh ...

After Bai Xiaowen closed the group chat, he received another private chat request.

I opened it and saw Candice led by Rivendell.

Bai Xiaowen immediately chose to connect.

[Cantis-Rivendell: Brother Lu Wang, you are really eye-opening. As a new territory, you can defeat the invasion of the old territory. Only two people have done it in the Star Alliance! 】

[Lv Wang-Bai Huang: Lord Candice has won, who are those two? 】

[Candice Rivendell: a man and a woman, two lords who entered the Star Alliance almost simultaneously. Among them, the male lord you have seen, is Xia Feng, a big summer lord; the female lord is called Hua Xueli, but it has become history. 】

Bai Xiaowen jumped in his heart.

Yunhua Xueli is the alias of her sister Bai Xiaohua!

Bai Xiaowen pretended not to understand, and asked, "Become history? Didn't she defeat the invasion of the old-fashioned territory? Why, did you not keep the territory?"

[Cantis-Rivendell: She was not defeated in the territorial war. The leader of the Shili Colleague was once more rapid than the development of Da Xia Ling, and was also the strongest enemy on the road of the rise of Xia Feng. However, she was eventually defeated by Master Xia Feng ~ ~ Even Xue Li became a vassal territory of Da Xia. 】

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes.

I finally got the news of Xue Li's leader, but I did not expect that the enemy was actually Da Xia.

It seems to me that the mission laid down by his father's first thought was to discuss from a long-term perspective. Xia Feng's amazing strength was already known by Bai Xiaowen when he first joined Star Alliance.

However, Bai Xiaowen still wanted to know more details, but it was a bit inconvenient to ask him to conceal the connection between Bai Huangling and Xue Li collar, and he couldn't show too much curiosity about Xue Li collar.

However, Lord Cantis made a sigh of emotion: "In the beginning, Lord Xia Feng and Lord Huaxue Li were both superstars of the Star Alliance, and they were no less impressive than you are now. Unfortunately, God made people both A Tianjiao figure, and at the same time promoted the evolutionary as a lord, caused their territories to be very close to each other, and became a natural rival. In the end, Master Xia Feng beheaded Hua Xueli in the territorial war and smiled to the end. "

Bai Xiaowen instantly understood Cantis's intention to bring up this past event.

Rivendell collar and Bai Huang collar, but both are in the womb star area.

Cantis mentioned this story and sent such emotions, obviously laying the groundwork.

Sure enough, Candice then said: "Unfortunately, if the two can be broad-minded and help each other and work together, they can certainly develop each other's territory more powerfully. Master Xia Feng, as a rising star, is now facing The deliberate suppression of some big men is isolated and helpless. I don't know if he regrets it. "

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