The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1593: Primary mutual trust agreement

Bai Xiaowen understood Candice's meaning, and then replied: "Lord Candice is right, cooperation can be a win-win situation. Our White Phoenix leader loves peace and will never take the initiative to provoke war."

Candace: "It seems we have reached a consensus on this point. Lord Lu Wang, I have one more thing."

I paused, and Candice sent another message: "At present, the territorial coordinates of the White Phoenix Territory have been mastered by me, but I can assure you that there is no disclosure of your territorial coordinates to any third-party territories ..."

Bai Xiaowen's heart tightened a little, then he came to understand.

的 Discussions in the Blue Star Lord group, including Cantis's move to watch "tickets", Bai Xiaowen also watched it. Since she can arrange the investigation methods on the battlefield, she must have found the position of Bai Huang's collar on the star track.

After all, Rivendell's collar is also in the double womb star area, not too far away.

Even if Candice didn't say it, Bai Xiaowen also mentioned the matter. Now Candice took the initiative to raise it, believing that she had released goodwill, and of course Bai Xiaowen expressed thanks.

Candice: "No need to thank. In fact, after this battle, Bai Huangling has already won the prestige in the Star Alliance. The general territory is afraid to start the war easily. Lord Lu Wang can rest assured."

Bai Xiaowen certainly understands that as the attacking side, it is necessary to create a gate and transport the army, and the defensive side only needs to rely on the territorial defense array to defend. The territorial war in the Star Alliance is not good for the attackers.

So even if two territories with similar strengths do not conflict, they usually do not start a war easily, but through mediation and negotiation.

Unless one of them is very powerful and far surpasses his opponent, he will declare war through this contradiction.

However, declaring war in many cases is only a means to achieve goals, and does not mean that the war is really launched.

After all, launching a war means astronomical military spending, and because of the territorial self-detonation mechanism and strict restrictions on the annexation of territories, it may not be able to achieve the purpose at a large cost, but it may cause a commotion.

比如 For example, when Da Xia Ling declared war on Gondor, it was an attitude. The Gondor leader knew that he was out of reach, and quickly asked the important figures of Shenting and Pan Asia to mediate. In the end, Daxia Ling won a Lingjing vein at a negligible price through a duel. This is certainly more cost-effective than starting a war. Much more.

Bai Xiaowen replied: "Even so, Lord Bai Huang hopes to keep the coordinates of the territory confidential. Lord Cantis can offer a price, and I am willing to pay if appropriate."

This is the sealing fee. Bai Xiaowen doesn't think he has such a big face. He can let Lord Candice have a lot of territory if he doesn't make money. He is interested in the coordinates of Bai Huang's leader. It does not mean that he must wage a war, but precious information. It's worth collecting.

要 Here I want to say that the battlefield observed by the eyes of the three forests is only a small piece of starry sky within a few tens of kilometers. The background is only a part of the White Phoenix collar, and the gate of the Great Tang collar. The rest of the lords who watched the battle wanted to determine the coordinates of Bai Huang's collar on the double uterine star track of nearly 20 million kilometers through the tens of kilometers of starry sky, which is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, it is certain that the coordinates of Bai Huang's collar are currently in the hands of Candice alone.

Candice replied: "Lord Wang wants to speak quickly, and I won't make any corners. I don't need the sealing fee. The white phoenix has just gone through the war, and Lingjing must be scarce. I hope that between Rivendell and Bai huang, Sign a mutual trust agreement and strengthen exchanges with each other. "

"Mutual trust agreement? Can you elaborate?" Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes.

Candice: "A mutual trust agreement is an agreement that is generally signed between Star Alliance territories, which is very convenient for territorial exchanges. According to the degree of trust between the lords of the two sides, it is divided into three levels. After signing, the territories of the two sides can directly pass through the portal Completing the exchange of materials or personnel does not need to go through the transit of the Blue Star platform. "

"Including personnel exchanges?" Bai Xiaowen frowned. If the personnel exchanges are included, it needs to be cautious. What if the other party sends a group of masters to find a chance to grab the class and seize power? Although the possibility is low, we have to guard against it.

Candice understands Bai Xiaowen's concerns: "In fact, no lord dared to violate a mutual trust agreement. Using a mutual trust agreement to engage in a raid war will greatly increase the belligerent index of the territory, which is equivalent to annihilating the Blue Star lord group. So two territories There is a contradiction, there must be a routine procedure to declare war before starting a war. Of course, in order to eliminate your concerns, we can start with a primary mutual trust agreement. "

Subsequently, Candice sent the contents of the primary mutual trust agreement.

Bai Xiaowen browsed it. After the signing of the primary mutual trust agreement, the territorial portals of both parties are exempt from each other's visas, that is, they no longer need the consent of the lord to transmit.

However, this type of visa-free transfer has strict restrictions. For spiritual materials below the gold level (including gold), the number of Lingjings in a single transmission must not exceed 3,000, the number of personnel in a single transmission must not exceed 10, and the personnel level must not exceed 13. In other words, it only includes low-level evolutionaries, awakeners, or real ordinary people ~ ~ The exemption restriction of this mutual trust agreement is limited by the rules of the spiritual world, that is, the hidden strength , The trick of reducing your spiritual power fluctuation to below level 13 cannot pass the visa-free process of the portal at all.

This visa-free method will inevitably be the general trend in the future, because the lord cannot stay in the territory, nor can he be a visa tool. Every time someone uses the territory portal, the lord's consent is required, and the lord does not have to do business.

Take Bai Huangling, for example, several friends are eligible for visa exemption. They all left their spiritual energy on the portal stone pillars. When entering and leaving the Bai Huangling, they did not need Bai Xiaowen's consent. Can transfer directly.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen, as the lord, has the power to erase a certain spiritual power, which is equivalent to reclaiming the other's visa-free status.

Seeing that Bai Xiaowen had not responded, Cantis sent a message again: "In fact, we can publish a notarized message in the Blue Star Lord group, and Ravendale Leader and White Phoenix Leader have signed a preliminary mutual trust agreement. So if we have If one party violates the agreement, it will be difficult for Star Alliance to do so in the future ... Even if the annexation of the other party's territory is not enough, Lord Lu Wang should rest assured. "

Bai Xiaowen replied: "No, I believe Lord Cantis is a man ... No need to be notarized in the lord group, we can sign it directly."

Bai Xiaowen considers that if notarization is bound to let all lords know about this, then other lords will come to you soon and want to sign a mutual trust agreement. If Bai Xiaowen refuses, it may offend people.

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