The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1594: 7th gear

Bai Xiaowen still wants to develop. After all, the concentration of the aura of Bai Huangling is so high and the area is so large, it is easy to cause nagging. The White Phoenix collar currently does not have enough strength to deter other territories, even if it has the advantage of the defensive side, it cannot be guaranteed.

Therefore, Bai Xiaowen added another item to the mutual trust agreement, which is that only the exemption of materials is exchanged. The territorial personnel of the two sides are still not exempt from visas and need to be approved by the lord to enter.

This can prevent the staff led by Ravendale from publicizing the richness of the White Phoenix collar.

Candice was very happy after signing the primary mutual trust agreement.

Bai Xiaowen took the opportunity to ask for advice: "Lord Cantis, I just came to Star Alliance and I know too little. Can you sell me the information about the Star Alliance territory you have? Just brief information, such as those active territories. Classification of strength, especially those top-tier territories. Lest I be a careless man, and should not mess with the big brother. "

Candice replied: "Of course you can. In fact, these brief information can be easily found in the Star Alliance, and there is no charge."

After a long pause this time, Candice finally sent a bunch of news.

Bai Xiaowen remembered the content at a glance. It was indeed very brief information. It did not involve any in-depth information about territorial coordinates or other territorial military characteristics.

And Bai Xiaowen's rough grading before, divided the Star Alliance territory into five levels. Candice divided the Star Alliance territory into seven levels according to strength.

The worst seventh grade is pure colony, not even the vassal territory. After the conquest of the monarchy, the puppets raised by the monarchy inherited the lord's boundary monument and conveyed benefits to the monarchy in all directions. There are no points in Chengdu. You can only get the residual cold from the lord's territory.

If Bai Xiaowen did not choose to annex, but chose the inheritance model after inheriting the Datang Colliery Monument, and passed it on to a small partner, then the Datang Colleague would become a pure colony of the White Phoenix Colleague-of course, it depends on How much room Bai Xiaowen has left for Datang collars will not leave room under normal circumstances.

There are many such territories. Candice wrote a large number of names later, including their suzerainty territories. There are many colonies, there is more than one suzerain, and the largest one has four suzerains! According to Cantis, this situation is not uncommon. Generally, during the territorial war, other territories, in the name of intermediary mediation, cooperated with the strong side, eventually embezzling the weaker territories and dividing up territorial resources.

And the original lords of these colonies were generally killed. The rafts they cultivated were very weak, and they simply did not have the ability to resist.

The sixth gear is the vassal territory, the one with a certain degree of autonomy, which is similar to the worst gear designated by Bai Xiaowen. The vassal territory generally does not have a formed army, but some scattered soldiers led by the garrison of the suzerain to maintain the normal order of the territory.

Therefore, the strength of the vassal territory is inevitably inferior to that of the independent territory. There is no counterexample in the Star Alliance.

There are also many vassal territories, such as the Jinyuan collar and the Norwington collar, which are the vassals of the Tianfu collar.

Going up and above is the independent territory, and the strength span in it is large. The combat strength "crystal number" is mainly used to measure the territorial strength.

The fifth level of territory is the territory that has just developed a certain size army. All the combat powers that can be summoned in the territory, including the evolutionaries and lords, when measured by "crystal number", the total does not exceed 10,000 crystals (the combat power of a 11th-level ordinary flame is 5 crystals).

Bai Xiaowen estimated that the White Phoenix collar at this time should be in the fifth gear. The three hundred and fifty elements in the territory are calculated to be about four or five thousand crystals, and then a small number of leader-level warriors and the small team of the White Phoenix team. The words of partners and Bai Xiaowen should not be lower than Liu Qianjing.

In the fourth gear territory, the number of combat power is more than 10,000 and less than 30,000. This kind of territory can be regarded as the backbone of Star Alliance's established territory. Among the three major organizations of the Blue Star platform, it can also occupy an important group seat, such as Rivendell, Tianfu, Gondor, and so on. It should be noted that the Datang collar before the decline was also regarded as the fourth gear.

It is worth mentioning that Candice also ranked the White Phoenix collar as the fourth gear. The reason is very simple. The White Phoenix collar defeated the Datang collar and proved his strength. This real record is recognized by every lord, and it is also the reason why Candice took the initiative to associate with Bai Xiaowen. Only equal strength can equal status.

In the third gear territory, the number of combat power is more than 30,000 and less than 100,000. There are relatively few such territories, and they are generally large territories that have been established for more than a few decades and have been tested by many territorial wars, such as the Kweil and Newcastle territories of the Holy Land.

Of course, there are also some amazing and amazing characters who have developed very quickly and later came on top in a short time. There are very few examples of this.

The second level of territory is the core territory of the three major organizations. With Cantis' intelligence-gathering capabilities, it is impossible to assess how much combat power their territories have, but it is definitely not a provoke. The three territories are the Baros (Shenting ~ ~ Dayan collar (Pan-Asia), and Boyd collar (Pulpace).

The information is over here.

Bai Xiaowen was a little confused, and sent a message asking: "The core territory of the three major organizations is actually only the second level? Why is the first level of territory blank?"

Candice replied after a while: "In fact, this is no secret. Lord Lu Wang, have you heard of extraterrestrial civilization?"

"Extraterrestrial civilization!" Bai Xiaowen certainly heard the term, but it was limited to science fiction.

Candice: "Why is the planet's evolutionary platform called the Blue Star platform? Because Blue Star is the common name of the Earth in the Milky Way ... In comparison, the psionic age of the Earth has come too late, barely a hundred years! And many Extraterrestrial civilization is much earlier than we started the psionic age, and of course its strength is much stronger! What we usually say about the Star Alliance refers to the Earth Star Alliance, but the true Star Alliance is much larger than this. Many lords have speculated that there must be a galaxy and even a cosmic star up! "

Bai Xiaowen was shocked and asked, "Extraterrestrial civilization, also has territory in the Blue Star Alliance? Have you seen aliens?"

Candice: "I haven't seen it, but it is said that the leaders of the three major organizations have seen the messengers of extraterrestrial civilizations, gave them their territories and established observation posts."

观察 "Observation post?" Bai Xiaowen asked in confusion, "Why do aliens observe us? Isn't it about aggression?"

Cantis: "No, interstellar travel is not a simple matter. Aliens observe us just to experience the cultural history of different civilizations."

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