The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1605: Uganda: The Dinosaur Planet!

"The mystery is finally open, fast!"

Evolutionary batches of evolutionaries ended their cross-knee practice, got up from the meteorites, flew to the secret portal, and disappeared into the light blue light gate.

On a medium-sized meteorite, Bai Xiaowen opened his eyes.

He saw four companions and had entered the light gate.

"It's time to go in. From now on, there will be about ten days to a month. It is my prime time to explore the mystery!"

Bai Xiaowen is a lord + half of a king-level evolutionary. Although there is only a low-level evolutionary level, even if it is a strength, even the middle-level evolutionary rarely meets rivals.

Bai Xiaowen is still a lord. Although there is no suitable spiritual medium on hand (the source of spiritual power), he cannot summon the army from the territory temporarily, but there is such potential after all. You need to know that there is a source of spiritual power in the mysterious realm. As long as you can find one or two and summon a hundred Wuxing Banner warriors, Bai Xiaowen can walk sideways.

One last thing is the power of Dark Rebirth.

After Bai Xiaowen's last killing of Snake Girl in Shao Ding Mian, she originally wanted to find a chance to bury the body of Snake Girl, but it was not implemented for various reasons. Later, Bai Xiaowen also wanted to understand that a master-level warrior such as Snake Girl was quite rare, and it was an excellent target for resurrection in the dark.

However, Bai Xiaowen's current 2300 psionic strength value has not yet met the requirements of the resurrected snake ji. Snake Girl is a 15th-level lord with a psionic power of 2600.

Dark resurrection requires Bai Xiaowen's spiritual power value to be higher than the target in order to force the resurrection, otherwise the deceased's subjective willingness is required-thinking with his toes, Snake Girl with deep hatred cannot voluntarily become Bai Xiaowen's thug.

Bai Xiaowen's "Taigong Bingfa" already has the content of the middle section. Then, as long as you practice step by step, you can practice the middle section to the "beginner" level and rise to the 14th level. At that time, Bai Xiaowen's spiritual power will increase by at least 330 points, and he can meet the requirements of the resurrected snake ji, obtain a lord equivalent to level 15, with all aspects of combat expertise and combat skills are quite mature.

Before the energy intensity of the mysterious portal was raised to a higher level-that is, before the Star Alliance high-level evolutionaries and veteran lords could not enter the mysterious region, Bai Xiaowen was the top group of people in the mysterious region. benefit.

Bai Xiaowen flew to the mysterious portal, his body submerged.

Uh ...

感觉 The feeling of weightlessness in space shuttle disappeared.

Bai Xiaowen's body sank suddenly, and then he felt a hot tingling discomfort and spread it all over the body.

This kind of tingling sensation is relatively weak, just like a caterpillar crawling over the body and itching and pain.

"This feeling is ... Nikko?"

Bai Xiaowen suddenly looked up.

"What a big sun ..."

The round of the sun in the sky is more than double the diameter of the sun that Bai Xiaowen saw on earth. I don't know if it is bulky or because it is too close to the mysterious planet.

The whole body is slightly stinging, probably because the body is not used to strong direct sunlight.

"Ultraviolet must have exceeded the standard ... but it has little effect!"

Bai Xiaowen muttered, and began to adapt to the planet's gravity.

Evolutionaries are quite sensitive to their own weight. Bai Xiaowen moved his hands and feet and quickly confirmed that the planet's gravity is about twice that of Earth.

As for the air, Bai Xiaowen is not interested in outside breathing. Anyway, as an evolutionist, he can carry in the body for internal breathing every day.

[It must not be the earth here ... not even the solar system. 】

Bai Xiaowen observed the situation around him, thinking secretly.

There are giant trees soaring into the clouds around it. From the leaves, it looks like a giant fern.

落叶 As a result of fallen leaves, a thick layer of humus "carpet" was laid on the ground.

Obviously this is a planet of life, and the concentration of Reiki is also quite high, higher than that of Bai Huangling!

The sound of gurgling on the ground sounded, Bai Xiaowen looked down, and it turned out to be a fleshy bug, crawling quickly arch by arch.

But, this worm is a bit scary, the size of a teddy dog ​​on earth!

I didn't wait for Bai Xiaowen to exclaim. Immediately, an adult-sized scorpion was passing by with brilliance, his tail thorns rising high, with a faint blue light.


A terrifying howling came from far away.

Bai Xiaowen looked up and looked into the sky from the gap between the towering trees, and saw a huge flying creature full of the size of a civil airliner with stretched wing membranes, gliding past.

[Here is ... the dinosaur planet? 】

Although was a glimpse of Jinghong, the flying creature just seen was indeed similar to the pterosaurs that the earth once had.

Bai Xiaowen exhaled softly. If it was a dinosaur planet, the mystery would not be considered dangerous. This clumsy monster with an empty body can fully cope with the spiritual evolution--

The thought just turned, Bai Xiaowen suddenly noticed a threat! He jumped quickly, grabbed a tree vine, and slammed onto the opposite branch.

With a grunt, a gray shadow swiftly passed over the branch where Bai Xiaowen was just now. The thick branch at the mouth of the bowl was directly cut off, and its cross-section was smooth as a mirror.

"What monster can escape my spiritual knowledge?"

Although he said that there is no active scanning of spiritual knowledge, Bai Xiaowen's spiritual knowledge is still working passively. I did not expect to be discovered by a monster approaching it ~ ~

The monster missed a shot, landed on the ground, looked up at Bai Xiaowen on the branch, opened his mouth full of fine teeth, and issued a warning-like threat.

[Devil Claw Dragon? 】

Bai Xiaowen frowned, and the eye of evolution actively scanned and looked at the dinosaur carefully.

[Terror Talon (Elite 17)]

[Race: Ancient Dragon / Chilong]

属性 [Attributes: Strength 100, Dexterity 150, Constitution 90, Spirit 55]

[Spirit value: 2400]

恐 This dire claw dragon is more than three meters long, standing nearly two meters tall, one circle larger than the angry claws, and the whole body of the film is shiny.

What surprised Bai Xiaowen the most was that this Direclaw dragon also had spiritual power, and it was quite high!

In the active scanning horizon of the Eye of Evolution, you can see the body meridians of Direclaw dragons, which are quite wide and tough, which is a lot stronger than ordinary evolutionists. This is probably the reason for its strong spiritual power. Its extremely strong body and tough and wide meridians have brought about a stronger spiritual power.

After screaming for two times, Fright Claw Dragon became transparent, his spirit covered his body and disappeared.

However, this time Bai Xiaowen took the initiative to turn on the spiritual scan. With the advantage of high priority, he still caught the Devil Claw Dragon-within the field of vision, the fuzzy figure of the Devil Claw Dragon took a circle, ready to launch the first Second raid.

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