The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1606: Kill and Collect

Bai Xiaowen secretly marveled at the cleverness of this beast, and actually knew how to play tactics.

Alas, it seems that Direclaw does not belong to the beast species? But what kind of cologne?

Bai Xiaowen's mind emerged from the Western fantasy world dragons-that is, those large lizards with wings, from the shape of the body, aside from the wings, it is indeed a bit like a dinosaur. The Western dragon is the evolution of dinosaurs.

说 Although there is such a messy thought in his mind, it still does not affect Bai Xiaowen's battle. When it comes to playing tactics, how could he lose to a Dementor.

Bai Xiaowen deliberately did not turn around, pretending that no action of Direclaw was found.

When the Devil Claw Dragon leapt for the second time, when the sharp claws waved to Bai Xiaowen, Bai Xiaowen gently broke the tree branch under his foot, and his body dropped sharply.

In this way, this time the Devil Claw Dragon jumped again, and at the same time swept over the top of Bai Xiaowen's head.

Invisible Blade!

Bai Xiaowen's right palm was erected to the sky, and the invisible blade that fluctuated suddenly skyrocketed, extending more than three meters! He intends to give it an open stomach by the impact of Direclaw.

There was a hissing noise, and a terrible wound was added to the abdomen of Direclaw Dragon, and blood splattered. It landed on the ground again, his body revealed, his eyes were blood red, staring at Bai Xiaowen fiercely.

"Suddenly not killed?"

Bai Xiaowen was a bit surprised. The film of this Dementor was too thick. When the invisible blade just cut through his belly, it was like cutting old cowhide. Nature energy bodyguard.

If it is not the invisible blade that has the characteristic of breaking the body's physical strength, plus Bai Xiaowen's true power is more overbearing, just now, it may not be able to cause damage to Direclaw.

Bai Xiaowen straightened his waist, automatically canceled the art of change, and restored his original appearance.

"Unexpectedly, in the face of an elite-level Direclaw dragon, we must go all out."

Bai Xiaowen has completely put aside the contempt of dinosaurs.

After all, this is a high-level secret, these middle-level evolutionaries, are only vanguards who come to fight outposts.

The monsters facing him are comparable to high-level evolutionaries on the level. Let's say this Direclaw dragon is level 17, which is 4 levels higher than Bai Xiaowen, two major stages!

Even if you are only elite, you cannot belittle you.

Bai Xiaowen twitched his fingers to launch a lightning strike. This is only a castration version of the lightning method, which consumes relatively little real power.

The dreaded claw dragon roared, jumping and avoiding lightning strikes—it was obviously a bit scared of this dazzling lightning energy.

After a few lightning strikes, Bai Xiaowen raised his hand and struck the marsh, retarding the action of Direclaw Dragon, and then flew forward to take the initiative.

However, a pair of claws of Direclaw dragons have an extra layer of 氤氲 energy, and they step on the mud like a flat ground! This low-order path is really not very useful against high-level creatures.

Like a locomotive, Dire Claw Dragon slammed into Bai Xiaowen.


A tree vine suddenly rose from it, tripping on one of the hind legs of Direclaw. One end of the vine is tied to a large tree, but the other end is held by Kitz.

Bai Xiaowen has quietly summoned Kitts when he disturbed Direclaw Dragon with a lightning strike and prepared such a trip.

他 In his opinion, Demon Claw Dragon is not human, after all, it lacks wisdom.

The result was not the same. This trip was a success, and this time, the claw dragon lost the sighting halfway and flew forward out of inertia.

I was waiting for Bai Xiaowen's second invisible blade.

What Bai Xiaowen chose this time is still the abdomen, which is the part of the previously injured Terrorclaw dragon. Without the protection of the membrane, the invisible blade is deeply embedded in its belly. Bai Xiaowen stirred it hard and flew back, avoiding the revengeful claws of Direclaw Dragon.

With this blow, it finally hit the Devil Claw Dragon. It lay sideways on the ground, and blood poured out constantly. Although it was not dead, it had completely lost its combat effectiveness.

Bai Xiaowen snapped his fingers: "Plan through! Kitts, are you all right?"

"Hey, hey ..."

Kitts grunted out of the trunk of a large tree. I just pulled "Trip Marshall", and although he successfully caused Detalus to lose his balance and fall, the impact caused by the running of Demon Claw is quite strong.

Driven by this impact, Kitts flew out directly, embedded in the trunk of a large tree, leaving a "T" -shaped dent.

Fortunately, the tree vines in this virgin forest are not ordinary vines. They are quite sturdy, and they successfully tripped Direclaw Dragon before breaking.

"Boss, can you not let me do such a dangerous job in the future, you can change to a butcher or a death knight, any of them is bigger than me ..."

Kitts 叨叨 叨叨.

Bai Xiaowen waved out the dead bone shooters, fired far away at the key of the Devil Claw Dragon, slowly and steadily wiped out the opponent's residual health value, and at the same time exercised the shooting ability of these dead bone shooters.

However, Bai Xiaowen people seized the opportunity to recover a small part of their true power. It is necessary to maintain your perfect state on the dangerous dinosaur planet.

It is worth mentioning that the arrows of the dead bone shooters fell on the membrane of Deinonychus, basically leaving only a white mark and then being ejected, which could not deduct the health value of Deinonychus.

The only thing that can cause harm is the arrows that land on the wounds of Deinonychus, and the vital parts of the eyes, nose, and other unprotected membranes.

Kitts couldn't help muttering: "This film is too hard ..."

After the health value of Deinonychus was completely cleaned ~ ~, after the death was completely announced, Kitts dared to step forward and use a knife to deal with the body of Deinonychus.

Uh ...

"Boss, I got two kinds of materials, both seem to be good! You give palms and eyes?" Kitts presented treasures.

There are a total of nine spikes, all of which are the sharpest claws of Direclaw dragons. Each spike is about fifty centimeters long, like a sharp sickle, with a heartbreaking cold light.

There is also a generally intact film that was peeled off from Deinonychus.

Bai Xiaowen swept with the eyes of evolution, which is equivalent to the identification process.

Spirit Realm Rule Tips:

"You got the claws of Direclaw."

"You've got the coating of Deinonychus."

The claws are grade 8 gold quality, and the film is grade 8 blue quality, which are all forged materials.

Evolutionary world, killing humanoid monsters, you can get finished equipment. But to kill non-human monsters such as Direclaw, you can only collect materials and give them to professionals to build equipment.

"Dug out the heart of Deinonychus." Bai Xiaowen motioned to Kitts. He has seen with the eyes of evolution that the heart of Direclaw is also a gold-grade material, and it is a medicinal material. Beyond that, the flesh and blood of Direclaw dragons is of little value.

Bai Xiaowen summoned the butcher and devoured the flesh and bones of Direclaw Dragon.

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