The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1622: The role of the probe

"The gains from exploring this mystery have exceeded my expectations."

Bai Xiaowen participated in the exploration of the mysterious realm of Wiya domain, in addition to tempering himself, the biggest goal is to obtain the source of spiritual power.

Only when there are enough sources of spiritual power on hand, can the lord exert his strongest power on the main material plane.

Especially the dominance evolver of Bai Xiaowen.

Because the source of spiritual power is the "spiritual medium", which can serve as a medium to summon territorial army from a long distance.

Now, Bai Xiaowen has got 41 sources of spiritual power all at once, and has also cultivated to the 14th level, the middle-level evolutionary level. The price he paid was only seven dead bone shooters, and he could be summoned again soon.

Overfulfilled the goal, even if I go back now, it can be called a successful adventure.

The only thing that exceeded Bai Xiaowen's expectations was that he did not have extra real power to maintain the technique of change during his escape, and revealed his original appearance in front of Atelier Lansor.

However, this is not a big problem, at that time Yuan Lin and others have been killed.

Also, Atelier Lansor did not know Bai Xiaowen, let alone the identity of Lord Bai Huang. The art of change does not make any sense to him. In his eyes, Bai Xiaowen, who has the beauty of the world, is no different from the hump-backed old man Hei Er.

I am also a human on earth. Seeing other races may have face blindness, not to mention different races.

Ateli Lansor's "remembered" should be remembered Bai Xiaowen's spiritual breath characteristics-this is more accurate than the DNA identification of modern earth technology.

Although some people can camouflage their spiritual strength through special skills cultivation, they can only lie to their opponents who have lower priority than their own. A protoss with a top-level template like Atelier Lansor, basically no one can camouflage the spirit of spiritual power in front of him to make false realities.

"If you remember, you will remember 呗, anyway, I don't plan to live on this dinosaur planet for a long time, and I will leave if I get a sum." Bai Xiaowen was not worried.

However, Bai Xiaowen has no intention of returning now. After all, there are still a few days before the high-level evolutionaries and established lords enter the territory. During this period, Bai Xiaowen's strength far surpassed the rest of the evolutionists.

In addition to being careful of those powerful indigenous dinosaurs, Bai Xiaowen can also harvest many benefits.

Moreover, another harvest of Rainbow Pond is the spying needles grabbed from the hands of Yuan Lin and three others.

With the spirit probe, combined with Bai Xiaowen's knowledge of surveying the earth's veins, his progress in finding the next convergent point will definitely be faster.

Bai Xiaowen took out the spirometer and injected real power.

The shape of the probe is like an enlarged compass, with a miniature map on the base.

After injecting spiritual power, the miniature map will zoom in to show the current position, and the compass will start to rotate, automatically detecting the surrounding spiritual power abnormal conditions.

Generally speaking, such props are used to survey the Lingjing mineral veins in the territory, but there is also an abnormal situation of spiritual power at the convergence point of the spiritual power, so the spirit probe is also suitable for exploration in secret areas.

The probe used by Yuan Lin is very sensitive, which is by no means comparable to the surveying props in retail hands.

Bai Xiaowen injected a hint of real power, and the ray of the probe suddenly flickered, and an illusory topographic map appeared.

The vast majority of this map is blank. Only a small part of the map depicts the rough landscapes of mountains, hills, and woodlands, which are obviously traces left by Yuan Lin's use of spiritual power.

Bai Xiaowen tried it, and found that he could control the trace of real force in the probe, and delete, modify, or engrav the miniature map. It only needs to be done between thoughts, which is very convenient.

"I don't know how to make this spiracle, it's not like the props produced by the spirit world. Is Starlink's psionic technology?"

Bai Xiaowen thought of the screw cap that Camille had given him for space locking.

Ping Xinglian's secrets are quite a lot.

Bai Xiaowen put aside this idea and carefully observe the miniature map, Yuan Lin has already found out the part.

三角 There are two places in it, which are left with a triangle by Yuan Lin for special marking.

Looking at the two triangles, Bai Xiaowen's eyes brightened.

"The location of this triangle ... isn't it Rainbow Pool?"

也就是说 "That is to say ... the triangle represents the convergence point of the spiritual power found by Yuan Lin! He has found a convergence point of the spiritual power, and the Rainbow Pool is the second convergence point he found."

Bai Xiaowen finally understood why the trio of Yuan Lin obviously had more accurate spirometers, but it was the last group to arrive at Rainbow Pond, which came later than the elite evolutionaries, namely the retail investors.

It turned out that people came here after finding a meeting point.

As soon as Bai Xiaowen was thinking, he immediately decided to go to the first convergence point marked by Yuan Lin.

I may think that the treasure of the first spiritual gathering point has been taken by Yuan Lin and others. It is useless to go there.

But Bai Xiaowen thinks that this possibility is very small.

Convergence points are generally guarded by powerful creatures ~ ~ This is because the high concentration of aura at the confluence points of spiritual forces has a strong attraction for creatures.

According to Bai Xiaowen's speculation, the dinosaur who can hold a convergent point of spiritual power is probably the lord class. Because the two leader-level toothless pterodactyls do not have a concentration of spiritual power, they can only live in a bare cliff.

Rainbow Pool itself is because of the existence of the divine creature Atelier Lansol, which does not appear to be a powerful creature guard. This is just an illusion and an example, which is not representative.

Although Yuan Lin and others are intermediate-level hero-level evolvers, it is still impossible to capture the treasures of the convergence of spiritual power in the hands of a master-level dinosaur.

He stepped back and said that even if the guardian dinosaur at the convergence of spiritual power was a high-ranking leader, it was definitely enough for Yuan Lin and others to drink a pot. Even if Yuan Lin and others work together to win a high-ranking leader-level dinosaur, it is bound to be a hard battle, and it is unlikely that they will rush to the Rainbow Pool.

Therefore, Bai Xiaowen reasoned that Yuan Lin's task should be only to "record" the convergence point of spiritual power, in order to provide their lords with a rough map of the convergence points of the spiritual powers after entering the Wiya secret place for the lord's strategy .

When his thoughts were determined, Bai Xiaowen rushed to the first meeting point of spiritual power.

Alas, the action did not take long, and suddenly a slight vibration came from the ground.

After Bai Xiaowen's search, he suddenly found that from the direction of the vibration, there was a group of small dinosaurs rushing forward! There are seventy or eighty.

:. :

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