The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1623: 3 Xenoclaw

Rumble Rumble ...

The earth shook slightly, and the dinosaur's claws turned up the humus between the woodlands and rushed forward.

This is a group of Direclaw Dragons, Bai Xiaowen has encountered before.

Dire Claw Dragon's individual strength is not strong, just an elite template. However, because this is a high-level secret, the strength of these Direclaw dragons is basically above level 17, and it is still not easy for intermediate-level evolutionaries to deal with.

Especially the number of seventy or eighty in front of him, Bai Xiaowen did not dare to provoke it easily, mainly because it was hit and it was not good.

After coming to this jungle, the Brigade Terror Talons slowed down and moved in different directions. They started to scatter search.

Looking at this posture, it looks like a well-trained special force!

Suddenly, Bai Baiwen felt suspicious, and he began to doubt the actions of these Direclaw dragons.

It ’s too abnormal. The purpose of the operation of the Terror Claw Dragon Swarm is too strong. Instead of hunting, it looks like something or someone ...

Bai Xiaowen jumped lightly and jumped into a big tree. He converged on his spiritual power fluctuations and breath. Under the shadow of the leaves, he silently monitored the movements of this group of abnormal dinosaurs with spiritual knowledge.

When the horrified claw dragons came to this dense forest hidden by Bai Xiaowen, they were scattered in twos and threes.

There are three Direclaw dragons near the big tree in which Bai Xiaowen is hiding.

When I saw this scene, Bai Xiaowen no longer doubted that these dinosaurs were really searching for themselves.

Moreover, Bai Xiaowen's convergent spirit can hide the detection of many powerful evolutionaries, but he can't hide these sensitive dinosaurs.

Squinting his eyes as the three Deinonychus approached, Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes.

[If you rashly start, there is no cover up for the fluctuation of spiritual power, and it will likely attract dozens of nearby Terrorclaw dragons. 】

[Although I have got the source of spiritual power, I can summon territorial troops. However, the cost is high, and it is better to save a bit of use ... I also do not want the Five Elements Banner warriors to fight hard with these high-end elite dinosaurs and cause too much damage. 】

Bai Xiaowen thought for 0.1 seconds and picked a leaf.

There was a gurgling sound, a very low breaking sound sounded, and under the infusion of a little element of Bai Xiaowen's real power, the leaves shot at another large tree one hundred meters to the left.

Although the cricket sound was low, it still caught the attention of the three Deinonychus.

Hit the heads of three dinosaurs and watch the leaves fall slowly.

After discovering that it was not the target he was looking for, the three Deinonychus continued to stretch their noses and smell the smell of Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen headed to the right and flew out the second leaf.

The sound of breaking the air caught the attention, and the three dinosaurs brushed up again, watching the leaves float leisurely, falling down 100 meters to the right of Bai Xiaowen.

Repeat this three times.

时 When the leaves were shot for the third time, this tiny sound could no longer attract the interest of the three Deinonychus.

The three Direclaw dragons were close to the big tree in which Bai Xiaowen hid. They apparently followed the scent, and felt that the scent became stronger and stronger, and the tremor of the nose flank became more and more rapid.

Bai Xiaowen shot the leaves for the fourth time, and the target was a tree directly opposite.

Transfiguration Transfiguration-Flying Thor!

树叶 When the leaves touched the big tree, Bai Xiaowen's body instantly changed with the leaves—

He climbed up to a hundred meters away from the tree directly across from the encirclement of three Direclaw dragons.

Almost a second later, the three Direclaw dragons launched a violent impact on the tree where Bai Xiaowen had been living before! They have been identified, and the target is hiding in this tree.

With a click, the tree was knocked down by the three Deinonychus.

However, no figure appeared.

You look at me, I look at you.

Twenty-six eyes were wide and small.

Then, the three noses began to twitch again, sniffing.

They locked a tree again. This tree also has strange strange smells!

The cricket hit again and the tree fell.

A long, slender figure of black gauze fell-it was the snake girl.

He waited for the three dinosaurs to respond, and suddenly a ray of spells rose around them, and then formed a simple rune.

Bai Xiaowen came out.

"I think what you're looking for is probably me?"

Dire Claw Dragons still can't understand the meaning of Bai Xiaowen's idea fluctuation, but they can feel that this newly emerged two-legged monster has a provocative taste.

A low roar sounded, and the three Deinonychus began to scratch the ground with their hind paws, lowering their bodies.

"Isn't smart enough to talk?"

Bai Xiaowen felt a bit of regret. He just took off the shell, and then used Snake Girl to attract their attention and arranged a magic circle around him. This is Bai Xiaowen's proud hand.

Bai Xiaowen finally understood why "the villains died of too much talk"-when the winning coupons were in the hands, the villains were intertwined to let the righteous protagonists fall into the delicate layout of the trap. If they did not say it, it would be exactly like obsessive-compulsive disorder. Uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaowen is not a villain. He has always regarded himself as a right partner. The heavy trap array he arranged is a simple variation of the "Four Elephant Arrays". Only the effect of isolating spiritual fluctuations and sounds will not trap the enemy in the array.

Whether or not you are trapped is not the point, as long as you can isolate spiritual fluctuations and sounds. Bai Xiaowen will not let these three Dementor dragons run away ~ ~, a deaflaw dragon as a forward, rushed towards Bai Xiaowen quickly. The other two follow up at a constant speed from left to right as Austrian aid.

"Quite tactical."

Bai Xiaowen held it with one hand and a dazzling thunder light fell.

The left-wing Direclaw dragon was unambiguously struck by a palm thunder and fell to the ground twitching. There was a hint of thunder, circulating on its surface.

The power of this strike also surprised Bai Xiaowen slightly. After he was promoted to level 14, the power of Zhenyuanli seems to have improved again. This thunderbolt can actually cause 30% health damage to Direclaw dragons. Adds a strong paralysis control effect.

Xuan Charge's front-strike Direclaw dragon jumped up directly, and his stench mouth bit into Bai Xiaowen's throat.

Bai Xiaowen saw the timing and waved the invisible blade directly.


A section of the dinosaur's head and the headless body of the dinosaur landed at the same time.

Directly gave a level 17 elite to the second.

Bai Xiaowen looked at his right hand.

At this time, the last Direclaw dragon wanted to escape, but was stopped by Snake Girl, a simple punch punch fixed the figure, and then the invisible blade penetrated the back and successfully killed.

The Direclaw Dragon lying on the ground, once desperately trying to run away, was stopped by Bai Xiaowen's puzzled charm.

来 "Come on, let me see what's in your head ..." Bai Xiaowen rubbed his hands, a smile on his face and a kind smile.

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