The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1646: World trend

Bai Xiaowen smiled and said, "Before that, Hei Tianjiao cooperated with another place, that is, my counterpart, to build a resonance teleportation matrix. Because of this, there were two hundred Hades, two Hundreds of brutal soldiers besieged the Qing affair. "

"Is that the opposite, the forces that are vocal against your territory this time?" Chen Rong asked.

Bai Xiaowen nodded.

"If this is the case, should the teleportation matrix still be used?" Chen Rong responded quickly.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "My opponent (Datang collar) has been destroyed. As one end of the resonance matrix method is missing, the resonance matrix method is also equivalent to being abandoned. Of course, the abandoned matrix method can also be repaired, but some need to be used Precious and scarce materials, with the help of masters of formation. "

In fact, the so-called "repair" is to use a new source of spiritual power and combine some spiritual materials and spirit crystals to reposition and resonate with the Tang Dynasty portal, instead of resonating with the White Phoenix portal.

榕 Chen Rong said decisively: "I can do what Hei Tianjiao can do. There is no problem even if we build a new resonance array, let alone repair it."

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "Of course, we need to rely on the power of the Qing Dynasty, but I have already made preliminary preparations. In the past few months, I have collected the precious materials I needed almost."

The most precious material is, of course, the "source of spiritual power".

榕 Chen Rong felt a little irritable, and opened the brain tonic mode.

[Awang just said that he went to explore the mystery ... Is this year, he has been trying to collect the material of the resonance array method? 】

[He should know the problem of time flow rate, so he has been looking for a solution? 】

[This year ... oh no, it's only been a few months for Awang, he has never forgotten me? 】

Bai Xiaowen suddenly felt that Chen Da's head had all the little grievances in his heart, but he couldn't feel them. Looking at his eyes, there was a hint of light.

Bai Xiaowen: "???"

Fortunately, Chen Rong is different from the ordinary girl. She is a strong woman in a high position at the head. Even if she is touched for a while, she will not be emotional.

"Lü Wang, you haven't answered my initial question."

Chen Rong slowly said, "What are you doing this time for?"

Bai Xiaowen said, "Did I answer it before? To build the resonance matrix."

榕 Chen Rong shook his head: "I know. But before I help you build the resonance matrix, I need to ask clearly ... Why did you build this resonance matrix?"

[For me? It must be for me! 】 Chen Rong shouted silently in her heart.

Bai Xiaowen sincerely said: "I hope to build a closer relationship with this world. While absorbing the nutrients of this world and strengthening the territory, I can also contribute to the just cause of this world. This is my wish. "

Full score, Bai Xiaowen silently applauded himself in his heart.

的 It's rare for young people like me to be honest and unpretentious.

榕 Chen Rong was silent for a second, and slowly said, "The cause of justice? What are you referring to, is it a war between righteousness and evil? Hei Tianjiao is clearly overwhelmed."

Bai Xiaowen waved his hands again and again: "No, Hei Tian Jiao is just a small part of the chronic illness in this world! Do you remember the tree demon that we killed in the ancient Buddhist temple? There are still a lot of" monsters "in this world."

I paused, and Bai Xiaowen said, "In addition to the demon, there are actually more hidden dangers."

"Greater hidden danger?"

Bai Xiaowen nodded and emphasized: "Yes, by comparison, the damage caused by demons and Hei Tianjiao is minimal."

榕 Chen Rong's face became serious: "What is the hidden danger?"

Bai Xiaowen sighed silently in his heart and said:

"It's four years now ... Oh no, five years, right?"

Wu Shaoding was five years, which was 1232 AD.

It is more than forty years before 1279 when Mongolia was destroyed by the Southern Song Dynasty.

In Bai Xiaowen's impression, the war between Mongolia and the Southern Song Dynasty also fought for more than 40 years. In other words, Mongolia is about to kill it!

Chen Rong did not understand the meaning of Bai Xiaowen's words.

Bai Xiaowen continued, "Chen Zhangmen, do you know the general trend in the world?"

榕 Chen Rong said with a little doubt: "The general situation in the world? You mean the court. We are monks and do not like to pay attention to the secular affairs."

The monks do not interfere in the secular affairs, which is a habit of the ancient Chinese gate. It is not only the Shaoxing plane, but also the world of the Three Kingdoms plane.

Of course, there are very few monks who use the magic to win riches and privileges, and even be ruled by the ruler as a state teacher, with honor for a while. However, such people will be looked down upon by the truly spiritual monks.

Bai Xiaowen was also mentally prepared for this, and said, "How about you? How much do you know about the world?"

榕 Chen Rongdao: "I still know a lot about the current situation ... In the current Song Dynasty, there are Jin Kingdom in the north, Xia Kingdom in the west, and Dali country in the southwest; it is said that there is a Mongolian country in the northern grassland and all countries coexist."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "Xiaxia has been extinct a few years ago. Jin Guo is estimated to be unable to support it soon."

榕 Chen Rong said, "Isn't Jin Guo always stronger than Song Dynasty?"

Xi Baixiaowen thought to himself that it seems that the monks in Shaoxing's position did not really care about state affairs. Xixia died in the hands of Mongolia in 1227 AD. The war between Mongolia and Jin has been going on for decades, and the kingdom of Jin died in 1234. In the same year, the Song-Mongolia war broke out.

The 13th century AD ~ ~ is widely recognized by Chinese and foreign historians as the "Mongolian Century". Mongolia has lost countless counties. The Southern Song Dynasty did not perish until 1279. It has been a long time.

Of course, this is the spiritual plane of "overhead history" and cannot be equated with the course of history, especially this demon-ridden world.

But it should be true in the general direction. As for the specific details, Bai Xiaowen has ordered the leaders of the four major ethnic groups such as Higdelif to pretend to enter the southern Song Dynasty capital Lin'an (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang) and spy on the information.

No matter what, Mongolia will attack Song after the destruction of gold. This is the conclusion reached by Bai Xiaowen.

After listening to Bai Xiaowen's analysis, Chen Rong fell into silence.

After a long time, Chen Rongcai said: "It turned out that you were worried about the death of the Great Song, so you need to establish a teleportation formation ... Do you want to help the Great Song, fight against Mongolia, and avoid the scourge of the country? But for the monks, too much interference Red dust matters, it ’s easy for Dao to become dusty, and it ’s difficult to make inroads. Lu Wang, are you so talented, is n’t it good to send a monk in Shangqing? Whoever wins the world, it ’s just a cloud of smoke for us, so why? Work hard? "

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