The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1647: The country and the world

Bai Xiaowen thought to herself, sister Chen Rong, you are more concerned.

Interfering with Hongchen's affairs will make Daoxin's heart dust and make it difficult to make progress?

It is true for the aboriginal monks, but it is not true for evolutionists like Bai Xiaowen.

The Song-Mongolia war should be the main line of the dynasty's hegemony in Shao Dianping. Coming into it, there are opportunities to trigger a large number of tasks, and the tasks mean to feel the light ball.

Are you aware of the sphere of light, are you afraid that Xiuwei cannot make progress?

The benefits of Xiu Weiwei are not mentioned for the time being. If Bai Xiaowen can control an empire, he can draw a steady stream of resources from it, which is really the power of the entire plane to help Bai Huangling develop.

The gains from the above two aspects are enough for Bai Xiaowen to take his Majesty's four heavenly kings into the history of dynasty hegemony.

Of course, as an ideal and aspiring integrity young man, Bai Xiaowen can't answer Chen Rong like this. Fortunately, aside from income theory, his reasons are still good.

Bai Xiaowen turned to say: "I'm not worried about the death of the Great Song Dynasty. I don't have any extra feelings about Zhao Guan's family. The world's last name is Zhao or Li and Wang. It doesn't make any difference to me."

榕 Chen Rong frowned: "Then why are you ..."

Bai Xiaowen interfaced: "I'm not worried about the Song Dynasty's death, I'm worried that the Han people's death!"

Facing Chen Rong's doubtful gaze, Bai Xiaowen said slowly:

"The demise of the Han and Sui and Tang Dynasties was just a change of surname by the court, which belongs to the change of the dynasty. The political, legal, scientific and other aspects of the system are all in the same line, and can be said to be the continuation of the Han people's clothing.

"But Mongolia is not the same as the Song Dynasty. Mongolians are people on horseback. After joining the Central Plains, they will promote the backward system on the grasslands to the world, causing a devastating blow to the cultural heritage of the Han people! Make China There is a fault in civilization. This is 'Dead World'. "

Bai Xiaowen said that these are not just words, but justified.

In the history of the earth, Chinese civilization has always been ahead of the West. Why was it later surpassed and has a century of humiliation in modern times?

Because of the beginning of Mongolia (Yuan Dynasty), the Chinese civilization started to reverse.

First of all, the ruler's thinking has fallen sharply.

The Southern Song Dynasty Emperor Fang Tingshi once warned Song Gaozong: "The world is the world, the world of the ancestors, the world of the ancestors, the world of the monarchs, the surnames, and the three armies, not the world of your majesty." In other words, officials of the Song Dynasty believed that the emperor only managed the world for the people in the world, and must always reflect on himself to be a good emperor.

However, the rulers from the Mongolian steppe brought the idea of ​​the steppe to the Central Plains, taking their wealth such as population and land as their own property, and even began to implement a backward sub-sealing system! This is reflected even in the Ming Dynasty.

Second, the rigid and insurmountable class division. The Yuan Dynasty abolished the Song Dynasty recruiting system and divided the people into military households, craftsmen households, salt households, and Confucian households according to their occupations. Their identities are passed down from generation to generation and cannot be changed for life. The historical reversal at this step also affected the Ming Dynasty.

There is also a degradation of property rights: officials in the Yuan Dynasty were free to "register" people's property (including family members), and the registration system was strictly restricted and rarely used in the Song Dynasty.

Also, the punishment was severe again: the corporal punishment abolished from the period of Emperor Hanwen was revived.

The judicial system has been severely damaged: the Dali Temple was cancelled, the jurisprudence was cancelled, and the criminal law examination was cancelled. Even the Juju Division (separation of trial and sentence) and "transition and relocation" (prisoners must re-examine their statements) The good system has been completely abandoned ...

What caused this series of reversing?

The Huaxia Empire, which has sprung up capitalism economically and has a little "Renaissance" trend in culture, has fallen asleep.

Twenty years later, the West began the Renaissance, but the Chinese civilization fell into a dark regression of hundreds of years because of the arrival of the barbarous ruler.

The scholars of the Ming and Qing dynasties could only imagine the noble character of the predecessor scholars from Tang poetry and Song poetry.

Mongolia seized Changsha, and hundreds of scholars at Yuelu Academy were killed violently. When Yashan in the Southern Song Dynasty was destroyed, the minister first drove his wife into the sea with his sword, and then carried himself to the sea with his young emperor on his back. There are more than 100,000 people from the sea. "

When the Ming Dynasty worshipped itself? Only one **** was with him.

The reason is because of the brutality of the ruling class after the Yuan Dynasty (the Ming Dynasty was also brutal under the influence of the barbarians), ignoring the value of life and restraining thoughts, so that in the face of external insults, most Han people were indifferent and their spiritual backbone was taken away.

Bai Xiaowen couldn't say too much to Chen Rong. After all, the historical development process after the Yuan Dynasty had no way to say.

榕 Chen Rong is also hard to understand, she does not have the broad vision of Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen said, "Chen Zhangmen, you come from the family of Jiangnan weaving, and the cloth is sold in the world, right?"

榕 Chen Rong nodded: "The existence of this family business depends on the pioneering work of the four generations of the Chen family."

Bai Xiaowen said: "If one day, the **** pays attention to the property of the Chen family and randomly arranges a crime, he can be sentenced to all the family members of the Chen family, not men, slaves, and women ... there will be such things in the Chen family. Motivation to actively explore and strengthen our business? "

Chen Rong said suddenly: "This ... isn't it possible? In such a big event, how can a priest conceal one's own hands. Even if he tried the crime, he could not pass his sentence. If the Chen family wants to reverse the case ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ There is also Dali Temple. Unless Taishou and Dali Temple are in a hurry, will the local officials and Beijing officials collude like this? "

Bai Xiaowen said: "You think too much. If the Mongolian destroys the Song, the barbarians from the grassland rule the Central Plains, let alone a guardian, a county order can make people break the door. Take a step back and say that the Mongolians are brutal. Killing, I like to slaughter the city most. It ’s hard to say whether the Chen family can live to the end of the war. Maybe the Mongolians will not allow the Han people to continue farming and weaving, and they will turn the farmlands of the Central Plains into ranches. "

He paused, and Bai Xiaowen concluded: "Yi surname changed to the name of the deceased country. Kindness is stuffed, and as long as the beast cannibalism, people will eat each other, that is, the world is dead."

Starting with Chen Rong's family, Chen Bai Xiaowen finally made Chen Rong realize that the difference between the so-called "dead nation" and "dead world" is. She also seemed to understand why Bai Xiaowen should devote himself to the red dust and reverse the trend of the world.

白 For Bai Xiaowen, even if Shao's positioning plane is not an orthodox history, it cannot be equated with the earth. Changing the historical process of Mongolia's destruction of the Song here has no meaning to the Chinese history of the earth that has happened and cannot change much.

But for Shao positioning plane, for Bai Xiaowen, it is meaningful.

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