The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1700: Kelly

With the death of the two demon lords, the war came to an end. Some of the surviving demons fled, and more demons chose to take refuge in the new master, that is, they fell down at the feet of the Three Heavenly Kings.

Bai Xiaowen has been watching the green eyeballs in the sky, that is, the eyes watching this war.

After the war, the green eyeball suddenly burst into light, then quickly shrank, and disappeared invisible.

There was a laugh in the sky: "Interesting! This is an unexpected war, which should please the great King of Silver! You are doing well, undead. My name is disaster, all evil forces on this land Are all my servants, and you are included. Keeping this in mind, I look forward to your performance. "

This burst of laughter and words seemed to have an invisible power. Some weak demons even offered to worship and stood still on the ground, indicating their surrender to the strong.

The Three Heavenly Kings then began the transformation, turning piles of demon corpses on the ground into stitched monsters and bone-type soldiers. Sigridley also used the accumulated dark energy and grievances to create a group of ghosts.

After doing all this, it took another day.

At night, Sigridari approached Bai Xiaowen quietly.

"Master, we have expanded a group of undead army in accordance with your instructions. At present, the total number of army has exceeded a thousand, and among them there are nearly one hundred elite individuals."

Higglifa reported respectfully.

Bai Xiaowen nodded and applauded: "I look at your efforts. You did a good job."

"Master, this is the 'nucleus of chaos' taken from the demon lord Feishan and Kiefer." Said Sigurdelifa.

The core of chaos is actually the energy core of the devil.

Every demon has a core of chaos. However, at the time of death, the nucleus of chaos had a chance of fragmentation and dissipation, and naturally found nothing. Only powerful demons such as Feishan and Kiefer will retain the core of chaos.

Of course, the nucleus of chaos at the lower level of the weak devil, and even the nucleus of the chaos at the level of the leader demon, are basically useless to Bai Xiaowen as the lord.

Only the nucleus of the chaos of the lord-level demon is considered a category of dark gold material and has corresponding value.

For Bai Xiaowen, Fei Shan's chaos core serves as evidence that he killed a demon lord.

Putting down two chaotic cores of superiors, Bai Xiaowen said: "You continue to work in the vicinity, investigate the information of other demon lords, and sweep the small demon gathering points, and continue to expand the army. Don't keep the captives, kill all, Batch by batch. "

Upon hearing this new command, Higdrifa had a hint of doubt: "Master, aren't you saying that you can collect demons for our use? In the war just now, the small and inferior army of the sincerity also proved this. One thing ... and they act as cannon fodder in the war, and they will form new sources of corpses. "

Bai Xiaowen said: "Yes, collecting demons is equal to eating two fish and eating twice as much. But this must be based on the fact that collecting demons will not betray them. These weak demons respect the strong, and now we are fighting against the demon lord. , They will not betray; but after we confront the Demon King, do you think they will remain loyal? "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen pointed to the sky: "When the war is over, you remember the sound that sounded in the sky."

"Remember. It was a powerful demon. He claimed to be a" catastrophe. "He also said that I, Abaddon, and Pudge were his servants," Higdrifa said with a disgusted expression. "He was really arrogant. , Our allegiance object is the owner and you alone. "

Bai Xiaowen said: "The self-proclaimed calamity should be the scourge of the scourge who ruled the area. From the calamity's words, he recorded the war between the demon lords against each other to please the king of silver Isman.

Sigridari understood: "The host means that we will soon face the demon-level opponents, so we can't keep those wall grass."

"Yes, go ahead." Bai Xiaowen said.

Higglifa agreed, and bowed to leave.


Bai Xiaowen quickly returned to Wutu Town.

At this time in Wutu Town, an undercurrent was already surging.

Miko Kelvin, puts a traveler into the spirit hut, and claims to be Christ the Savior Christos.

This news has been spread by the guards of two big mouths.


Before the spirit hut.

A crowd of people blocked the door.

"A ridiculous prophecy!"

"Get rid of that outsider!"

"An outsider will anger the ancient gods! Bring destruction to Utu!"

Of course, only a few dozen people chanted these slogans with outstretched arms.

Most of the rest of the people of Wutu Town are onlookers, and they have no clear tendency.

The wooden door of the spirit hut is closed.

Protesters shouting slogans, trying to rush into the spirit hut, were heard by the militias instructor Herbart, throwing them out in one hand.

At this time, Herbart had glaring eyes and a beard shaking, like the same old angry lion: "Are you crazy? This is the former home of the Great Sage, an inviolable spiritual hut! No one can break in, Except for the acceptance by the owner of the cabin ... This rule has been strictly followed since the establishment of the refuge in Utu, have you forgotten it? "

"Instructor Herbart, I have something to say about this rule."

A chubby middle-aged man squeezed out of the crowd. His clothes are not expensive, but he still stands out among a group of people in shabby clothes. Including the roundness of the body ~ ~ is also "arrogant" to all people who have dishes.

"Mayor Kelly." Herbart narrowed his eyes. "What do you have to say?"

Fat Mayor Kelly said: "The rule was originally formulated to allow the great sage Erasmus to settle in Utu, using his wisdom to guide the lives of the Utu people. However, Erasmus Sage did not contribute to Utu ...

"What's more, the sage has died, and there is only one woman left in the spirit house. If she keeps her duty, I will not embarrass her, but what she is doing now has threatened Utu's safety. I Can't let it go. "

With a squeak, the door of the spirit hut opened.

Witch Kai Luowen appeared and said blankly, "You say I threatened Utu?"

Mayor Kelly froze slightly and then said, "Of course. The predictions you and your teacher made about 'Savior Christos' have severely affected the demon's perception of our surviving humans. Now we can survive, not because How strong we are, but because we are inconspicuous! Understand? "

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