The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1701: Survival or destruction

Mayor Kelly was probably used to speaking, turned to face hundreds of people, and continued his generous submission:

"Rebellion is hopeless. The strength of our human survivors and the power of demons are not comparable! Only if we do not cause the demons to pay attention and resentment can we humans survive.

"I don't think there is any savior who can recover such a huge power gap. Even the true gods can't do it! Because of the demon camp, there are three ancient gods.

"The pair of masters and apprentices, Erasmus and Kelvin, is obviously a well-crafted lie about the savior Christos! I do n’t know their purpose, but the result of this lie is to Utu It is a deadly threat, and it is easy to draw the sight of the devil to Utu! "

Among hundreds of people, someone nodded secretly.

Mayor Kelly concluded his statement: "So we must act before our home is destroyed-expel that foreigner! Expel the so-called savior! We don't need a savior and we don't believe he has the power to save the world ! "

"Expulsion of foreigners!"

Dozens of protesters spearheaded slogans.

There are also radical people, even shouting the slogan "Expulsion of Witch Kai Luowen".

"Instructor Herbart, the people are waiting for your statement! As the guardian of Utu, you must show your position," said Mayor Kelly.

Herbart and several militiamen were a little overwhelmed by the approaching crowd of protesters.

Miriam Kai Luowen's expression remained calm, as if all these tidal currents had nothing to do with her.

At this moment, a voice sounded, "Who wants to drive me out?"

This sound is not loud, but it is extremely clear. In the noisy human voice, it clearly penetrates into everyone's ears, as if speaking with ears.

The crowd suddenly turned sideways.

From the direction of the gate, a handsome young man in a white robe came. His body seemed to have a halo, which made people dare not look straight.

Including those dozens of protesters, they unconsciously flinched back.

Although Bai Xiaowen was to be expelled and he did not believe the so-called savior's prophecy, these protesters were still under great pressure when facing Bai Xiaowen's people.

There is no reason for him. Bai Xiaowen is a lord-level strong, and has the strength of half a king-level strong. The gap between the ranks will unconsciously emit a coercion, making the opponent who is malicious to him feel panic. .

Mayor Kelly went out and pointed to Bai Xiaowen and said, "I said it! But it's not me who wants to expel you alone, but the people of Wutu Town, don't welcome you!"

"Always put yourself in the position of 'people'. Do you think you can represent all people?"

Bai Xiaowen smiled indifferently, "I have heard your speech. I repeat, your argument is to give up the resistance and stay at the status quo in order to get the devil's contempt and persistence ... right?"

Mayor Kelly said, "Yes! Is there something wrong with you?"

Bai Xiaowen said: "These fences, city walls, and these guards do not need to exist. Don't you want to give up the resistance? What are you living together to do, take your family, move into the wilderness and turn them into zero, The probability of being despised or even ignored by the devil is higher, should the survival rate be higher? "

Of course, Mayor Kelly will not be overwhelmed by Bai Xiaowen's fluttering words. He said arrogantly: "You are misinterpreting my meaning, young man. I mean, those organized and intelligent higher demons, we cannot fight at all. Keep a low profile and give up direct confrontation with them. As for the city walls and guards, they are to guard against the wandering low-level monsters! "

"That is to say, in the face of higher demons, in order to survive, they are willing to be their captive livestock, right?" Bai Xiaowen said.

Mayor Kelly Shen Sheng said: "Young man, pay attention to your words! Such humiliating words can't shake my determination. In order to survive, human beings should bear the burden of humiliation."

Bai Xiaowen said: "Then one day, the higher demons came to this village and asked you to hand over your wife and children as sacrifices. What would you do?"

"What a bullshit!" Mayor Kelly jeered.

"You don't dare answer that question, you don't even think about it, do you?"

Bai Xiaowen sneered: "Do you still insist that the only way to survive in the face of power is to give up resistance?"

Mayor Kelly said: "What then? Resistance just dies faster!"

Bai Xiaowen's palm holds a chaotic core: "Not necessarily. This is the core of energy that I gained after killing a demon lord from the Valley of Molten Volcanoes. For the higher demons, humans are also capable of fighting, This is what I ... the answer from Christopher Christos! "

The nucleus of chaos of the demon lord, the breath of energy is very powerful and difficult to falsify.

Herbart came together in time and nodded: "Such a powerful evil force is indeed the core of the energy of the higher demons."

Mayor Kelly called, "Even if you can kill a demon lord? There are seven demon kings, and there are three Xeon demon kings! You can't fight them at all, and even if you take 10,000 steps back, even if You can kill these demons, and they will be born again and again! "

"No more rebirth."

Suddenly, Ms. Kai Luowen said quietly, "From this core of the demon, I can see the despair before the death of the demon. His soul has been completely destroyed and he has not returned to the realm of the devil."

"You lie!" Mayor Kelly didn't believe it.

"Whether you believe it or not, this is the power of Christ the Redeemer, and it is part of my teacher's prediction," Ms. Kelloven said.

Bai Xiaowen was also reminded that the first step of the continuous task has been submitted, and the completion rate is 108%.

Obviously, this is because Bai Xiaowen not only killed Fei Shan, but also destroyed all of his demon army. It was considered that he had overfulfilled the mission goal.

The people around him were hesitant.

Although the great sage Erasmus has died, his prestige is still strong ~ ~ especially in the case of practical examples, his prediction is even more convincing.

Should we believe the "savior" in this prophecy?

"I would never believe such a ridiculous prophecy, nor do I recognize what Christos is," said Mayor Kelly, turning away and leaving. "Foreigner, leave Utu as soon as possible and save elsewhere Let the world go! "

A group of protesters hesitated to follow Mayor Kelly away.

The rest of the crowd also scattered, and only Herbart took a group of militiamen and stayed in front of the spirit hut.

"I have to say that you changed my mind. The militia unit in Utu is willing to assist you ... but we can't stay away from Utu, so we can not help you much," Herbart said.

"Do you believe me?" Bai Xiaowen was a little surprised.

Herbart looked at the nucleus of chaos in the hands of Bai Xiaowen, and said slowly, "I believe it is the witch Kai Luowen, you really have the ability to completely destroy the devil."

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