The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1704: Resonance Matrix

Latest website: Bai Xiaowen certainly knows how strong the so-called "Second Demon King" is, that is, the demon of the high-level king-level template.

Putting it on a low-to-medium level plane, the king-level template can already be the world's total boss in the plane, such as the black sky master of the positioning plane, Temujin, etc.

At that time, in order to assassinate a Temujin, Bai Xiaowen made every effort to create a siege situation. It took a lot of effort to make Temuzhen.

Now facing a high-level king-level demon, considering the level problem, it is three points better than Temujin.

Moreover, the environment is not friendly. This is a world dominated by demons. There are still several demon-level demons staring at it.

"Of course I don't underestimate the power of the Scourge."

Bai Xiaowen said to Witch Kai Luowen, "In order to fight the scourge for a long time, I plan to open the dimensional teleportation circle and connect my world. This requires your help."

"Dimensional teleportation?" The Witch and Herbart were a little puzzled.

Bai Xiaowen then explained the necessity, this time he came to the Dark Age plane, it is impossible to stay for a long time. And next time you want to come, it will not be so easy. There is a dimensional teleportation matrix that can connect the two worlds, you can fight for a long time, and slowly find opportunities.

Herbart understood it and nodded, "It is really a long and difficult task to kill a demon king, and I will help you activate the teleportation array."

Witch Kai Luowen had a little hesitation.

"Do you have any concerns?" Bai Xiaowen's eyes narrowed slightly.

"No," Ms. Kelvin whispered, "I hope this is the right decision."

"Of course, I promise." Bai Xiaowen smiled.


The teleportation array, also known as the "resonance teleportation array," is also a question of where to set it.

The time is not allowed, and Bai Xiaowen has no energy to find a feng shui treasure where spiritual power gathers, and can only set up a matrix method that relies on Ling Jing as power. The disadvantage of this resonance method is that it is expensive to operate.

However, Bai Xiao's text did not intend to convene the territorial army into the Dark Ages. It was only a back-end, and it was acceptable and expensive.

Herbart originally proposed to be located in Utu, but was rejected by Bai Xiaowen.

Later, Herbart mentioned a site, a hidden crypt in the north of Utu town.

In this way, Bai Xiaowen established the resonance teleportation matrix with the help of Herbart, Miko Kailov, and two other leader-level militia captains.

The white phoenix collar and the Dark Age Plane formally connected.

As usual, Bai Xiaowen set some permission conditions. The most important one is the creatures of the Dark Age plane. Without the permission of Bai Xiaowen, he cannot use the resonance teleportation array.

This is also for the safety of Shiraishi collar.

After doing this step, Bai Xiaowen was considered to have solved his worries. For the time being, he is not in a hurry to do the mission of the deities, or to complete another goal of this trip-to solve the problem of the origin of the demon army of Mengchuan, but to immerse himself in cultivation.

After all, Bai Xiaowen is only 15th level, his level limits the strength level of the three heavenly kings and his undead slaves. In this Dark Age plane, basically all high-level monsters encountered at level 17 and level 8 differ by more than two levels. They are very disadvantaged in terms of attributes and spiritual power.

At present, Bai Xiaowen has two extremely high-quality perception balls—one is an "Epic 4A" light ball for the "Eagle Fall" mission, and one is "The Prodigal 6C" for the "Proof of the Redeemer" mission. -Class "light ball.

Many of these two extremely high-quality photospheres have never seen one in their lifetime.

Bai Xiaowen intends to use one to see if he can touch the threshold of upgrading.

As for the witch Kai Luowen, Bai Xiaowen will not urge Bai Xiaowen to kill the evil devil.

In fact, in the perception of the aboriginal people, it is necessary to have sufficient preparations to bring down a demon king, and it takes one or even several years of energy to complete it. The eagerness and quick success like the evolutionist always tried to complete the task within a month or two, but the indigenous people could not understand it.

Therefore, Bai Xiaowen's temporary cultivation and enhancement of strength, both the witch Kai Luowen and the chief instructor Herbart expressed their understanding and support.

In order to keep Bai Xiaowen from being deported, Herbart also had a dispute with Mayor Kelly. Like last time, Mayor Kelly and his followers, in the presence of a well-trained and relatively powerful militia, could only shout two slogans in vain, and they were defeated.

Bai Xiaowen worked hard in the spirit house, and he directly used the "epic 4A" sentimental light ball.

Of course, it ’s still used in the Tai Gong Bing Method. Although Bai Xiaowen knew the importance of the Tai Xing Jing, the Tai Gong Bing Method was related to his occupation level, and his occupation level was related to the Three Heavenly Kings and His Majesty's undead servants The grade is really crucial.

This time, the feeling was even stronger. When reading the middle part of the Tai Gong Bing Fa, one after another came to the consciousness like a fountain, as if there were a group of cultivating great powers, and in turn, Bai Xiaowen's ears talked about the cultivation of truth.

With Bai Xiaowen's understanding, they had to retreat for as long as ten days to digest this insight.

He is like a college entrance exam candidate, infused by a group of teachers in a roulette style, rote memorization of the brain. After the "self-study" of the next ten days, I gradually accepted and learned these new knowledge.

After realizing it almost, Bai Xiaowen's body also developed a strange sense of hunger and emptiness. Don't get me wrong, this is not Xiaowen's restlessness, but the body's extreme desire for external psionic energy, which is a physical change caused by the improvement of the realm of perception.

Bai Xiaowen spent another ten days ~ ~ to absorb the spirit crystal and strengthen the realm. Although his physical fitness panel has not been improved immediately, Bai Xiaowen can feel a bottleneck and a faint layer of diaphragm.

"A month passed, and that's how it went. The epic high-level photosphere was really powerful. Soon after I was promoted to level 15, I felt the bottleneck of level 16."

Bai Xiaowen looked inward and "looked" towards another divine-level perception light ball.

But hesitated again and again, Bai Xiaowen did not use it immediately.

According to the experience of being promoted to level 15 last time, Bai Xiaowen must go through a battle of dominance before he can be promoted to level 16.

Otherwise, it is difficult to complete the breakthrough by relying on the stacking of light balls. If you have consumed this precious deity-level light ball without breaking through, it is an unforgivable waste.

It's like a student who has learned a lot of new knowledge. He always has to go through the examination room, practice a few sets of papers, and prove it through practice. It is really a mastery and application.

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