The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1705: Monster Forest

The latest website: Bai Xiaowen took out a thousand miles of notes and called the Sigurdari method.

Soon, an echo came from the thousands of miles of notes. It was the slightly heroic female voice of Sigridari.

"Master, you are finally out of customs."

At the beginning of the retreat, Bai Xiaowen assigned the Three Heavenly Kings a corresponding task, and ordered them to develop on their own. Do n’t disturb yourself if there is no major event.

"Higrida, how are you doing this month?"

The voice of Sigridari came: "Master, everything is going well. At present, the elite soul and corpse warriors developed by Pudge and I have exceeded 300. And the bone soldiers of Abaddon, even more It's ten thousand ... "

"How many?"

Bai Xiaowen was somewhat surprised.

"Ten thousand, my master," Higdelifa smiled.

Bai Xiaowen said: "Within a month, Abaddon expanded the skeletal army to 10,000. How did you do that?"

If Bai Xiaowen leads the team, it is not surprising.

But it can be difficult to do this without any guidance.

"The master, the three of us, after receiving an order from the master to develop military power, made a division of labor. I have the strongest maneuverability, the fastest flight speed, and the ability to detect a wide range of consciousness. Therefore, it is the responsibility of investigation.

"My main task is to find demon gathering points, find out their strength and size, and military deployment.

"Then, Lord Abaddon will bring the undead legion, encircle the lower demons as a precursor, and launch a storm on the demon gathering point. Butcher Pudge brings the stitching troops to check for gaps."

Bai Xiaowen understood: "You still use the low-level demons of the surrender as cannon fodder, which is good."

Higglifa said carefully: "After discussion, the three of us thought that there would still be some benefit in doing so, so we slightly modified the owner's order and left a group of surrendering demons."

Bai Xiaowen said: "It's okay, you are doing well. At this stage, you are destroying some demon forces at the chief and lord levels, and the lower demons who surrendered will not backfire. Using them can also reduce the casualties of the undead army. , Speed ​​up the snowball-like promotion of combat power. "

Bai Xiaowen originally issued the order of "no demon prisoners". He was mainly worried that the Three Heavenly Kings would leave too many demon prisoners. When he finally dealt with the disaster king, he was directly countered by the other party.

After all, the demons are admirers of the strong, and the three heavenly kings are strong enough to be willing to surrender. When it comes to the stronger demon king as their enemy, it is not surprising that they are again apostasy.

Now the three people such as Higdrifa are not constrained by his orders, and adopt this method of fighting and raising wars. Each battle drives a group of demons to make cannon fodder, and the dead corpses are used to expand the army of undead ...

This always guarantees that the number of devoted demonic cannon fodder troops will not be too much, but the undead army under the three men such as Abaddon can continue to expand, and the loss per battle is minimal.

This is Bai Xiaowen's ideal leadership model, that is, a powerful leader, supplemented by a certain degree of flexibility. As long as you do not violate the general direction of the order, moderate flexibility changes, but it is better.

Bai Xiaowen asked again: "Abatten's army is constantly expanding. Has it been exposed?"

Higdelifa said: "According to the host's strict order, His Excellency Abaddon will place about 70% of the undead army in the ground of the monster beast and temporarily hibernate. This process should be under my entire anti-monitoring process. Someone will find out. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. Did you notice your emerging power, the disaster devil Tifast?"

There was a hint of admiration in Higdelif's tone: "The master expected it well. The evil devil did send a messenger to contact Abaddon, and left a newsletter. It is now kept at Abaddon."

Bai Xiaowen said: "There is nothing difficult to guess. There is a new undead power in his territory, which is still expanding, and the evil devil will definitely take you for your own use."

Higglifa said with a chuckle: "The master was able to make this prediction a month ago and gave us instructions on how to respond. This visionary is the most admired by his subordinates."

"Well, gossiping ... What's new recently?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

Sigridari said: "In the monster beast, there is a new monster power that appears to be related to a newly emerged lord-level monster. Would the owner go and take a look at the monster Received as a mount? It is an honor to be the mount of the owner. "

Xiaowen Bai smiled: "No need."

Sigridari was a bit strange, saying, "One of our next plans is to attack the monster beast. Does the owner mean to suspend the attack on the monster beast and leave the new monster beast lord? A life? "

Bai Xiaowen said: "No, you have to fight, hit hard."

Higdrifa: "IMHO, Master. The monster beast forest is not a place suitable for the army to advance. Instead, those monster beasts can take advantage of the location and constantly ambush our army. Our original main goal is not in this direction. . "

"Then fight it, donate all the demonic cannon fodder, and pull up the corpse for second use. Regardless of the victory or defeat, the demonic cannon fodder can be evacuated after all are killed." Bai Xiaowen issued an order.

"Yes, my master." Higdarifa responded suddenly.

"The next order is ..." Bai Xiaowen said slowly.


The monster beast forest, a war between monsters and demons, opened the curtain.

The so-called monsters are actually all kinds of monsters, but most of them can not be transformed because of their low strength and can be regarded as "magic beasts".

Howling Demon Wolf, Two-Headed Fire Lion, Spooky Python ...

A leader-level powerful monster ~ ~ brings a group of elite monsters to the conflict in the array of lower demons, and destroys the demons.

"what happened."

Standing on a mountain, watching Abaddon in this war situation, Shen Sheng said, "These monsters give me something special."

Higdrifa said: "Indeed, they seem to have a large invisible hand in command, there is a very regular way between advance and retreat, and even form a certain formation! In this dense forest terrain, the formation can be maintained without dispersing and maintaining With the advantages of the local battlefield ... it is hard to believe that this is a group of wild untamed monsters. "

"The demon cannon fodder is almost dead."

Abaddon stunned his rifle, "Shall we send the main force into the stadium?"

Pudge: "Kill!"

Higdrifa vetoed: "No, the master's order is that after all the demon cannon fodder has been killed, it can be evacuated. It is time to evacuate."

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