The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1711: Kill!

The latest website: shower-like footsteps sounded, and then the hall began to tremble violently, as if there were countless excavators in demolition.

With a bang, the hall collapsed into ruins.

Of course, in terms of the physical qualities of all the people present on the site, the civil and masonry that the palace collapsed cannot pose a threat to them. After all, this is just a natural falling stone, not an attack of infusion of spiritual power by the master of evolution.

It's just that the dust is diffused and the visual effects are pretty good.

Bai Xiaowen's spiritual protection automatically pushed away the stones falling on top of his head. The same goes for other militiamen.

"My palace--"

The Scourge Lord roared loudly.

However, when the roar was halfway, it stopped abruptly.

Suddenly, the Demon King suddenly found that the skeleton soldiers of the brigade group appeared around the ruins of the hall.

"It's those two thousand skeleton soldiers! Why didn't the monster lord destroy the bones? It violated my order!" The evil devil screamed angrily.

A voice came from far away: "Who wants to listen to your order, do you pay him?"

The crowd looked at each other, but they saw a group of monsters appearing not far away. The first one was a two-story giant wolf with white fur.

The middle-aged human man whispered to the Devil Lord: "The great King of Disaster, it seems that there are more than two thousand skeleton soldiers ... too many!"

Indeed, there are already two thousand skeleton soldiers present, and on all roads of the city of calamity, you can still see a steady stream of skeleton soldiers coming in, but also mixed with more powerful stitching monsters and ghosts. Wait for undead creatures, it looks like there are at least 10,000!

The calamity demon gritted his teeth, looked at Bai Xiaowen, and said, "You have hidden your strength."


Bai Xiaowen simply answered two words.

"Why can Ru sneak into my palace so smoothly?" The evil devil asked.

Bai Xiaowen did not answer, but the Three Heavenly Kings gave way, revealing the dark and resurrected general, Goldin's strong body.

"Golding-how dare you betray me!"

The calamity roared, but Goldin was silent.

"Stop delaying time."

Bai Xiaowen said leisurely, "King of disaster, you will die today. As for you ..."

Bai Xiaowen's eyes turned to the middle-aged human man and smiled. "I'm very interested in you. We'll talk about it when the King of Disaster is destroyed."

The middle-aged human man shrank his neck.

"Huh! Stupid human." Scourge Devil sneered, "I have a way to get out, and wait for today's conspiracy, but useless work. After I summon the demon army, I will settle all human settlements on the dark continent, let Ru Can't wait to regret it. "

A beam of green halo spread out in the palm of the evil devil, forming a space portal. The scourge devil sneered into the space portal.

"Master, please bring me!" The middle-aged human man followed closely.

However, the calamity demon and middle-aged humans, after crossing the green door, were surprised to find that the intended transmission did not take effect.

"What's going on?" The evil devil stared around, "Singular energy interferes with my portal positioning!"

Bai Xiaowen said calmly, "You can't run. The undead army, arranged in a square array, spiritually figurative!"

Ten thousand skeleton soldiers, divided into ten squares. Bai Xiaowen's spiritual power surged wildly, connected to these ten squares, and the images of ten black giants suddenly rose.

Inside each of the black giants, powerful dark spirits surged.

After all, every black giant is made up of the spiritual power of a thousand skeleton soldiers.

Bai Xiaowen felt a bit of effort, while manipulating so many powerful spiritual manifestations, it was quite horrible to consume the true elemental power.

However, the figurative strength of these ten black giants is also worthy of Bai Xiaowen's consumption.

Purely based on the level of spiritual power, ten black giant figures, each of which is not lost to the evil devil, can be regarded as "quasi-king" strong.

The only thing missing was skills. Bai Xiaowen manipulated ten figurines, and was unable to perform any skill attacks for the time being. He could only fight in the most primitive "joint attack" mode.

Bang Bang Bang ...

A series of black spiritual powers hit the calamity like a cannonball.

Suddenly there was a green-blinking saw blade in the hands of the evil demon king, who slashed against the black spiritual bullets, smashing one after another.

The skill of his combat skills is indeed amazing. He can use the saw blade to block the shells that come from different directions.

Unfortunately, Bai Xiaowen himself does not intend to win by skill-fighting against a high-level king-level demon who hasn't known how long to live is a specialization, purely looking for abuse.

At the beginning, Bai Xiaowen manipulated ten spiritual manifestations, which was to use force to crush people and crush the evil devil to death.

Fortunately, the army of the calamity monster was sent to the Valley of the Forgotten Road, and was temporarily unable to return.

The remaining demonic army in the plagued city was led by the angry claws, and stopped outside. Coupled with the assistance of the Three Heavenly Kings and the Militia, these unformed demonic forces cannot come at all to support them.


The calamity devil sprayed green blood, and even with his skill, he could not stop this endless spiritual power shell.

First the spiritual power ceased, then the meridian oscillated, and then hematemesis was injured.

The calamity demon who has lost his spiritual protection is very fragile, and his huge body becomes the best target.

嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 ——

With no expression on his face, Bai Xiaowen was ten magical artillery shells in a split second, bombarding the demon body that was injured by the evil devil.

The scaled armor fell off, green blood blew, and a large chapped crack appeared on the skin of the calamity demon king. The health value fell sharply.

This is tantamount to ten masters who are at the same level as him ~ ~ and beat him continuously. Rao is thick and thick, and he can't stand it.

"No! My strength is invincible--"

A large hole was blasted out of the chest of the evil devil, and even the dark sky behind him could be seen through the hole.

The calamity devil, declared dead.

For the first time, Bai Xiaowen dissipated the spiritual figuration, breathing a bit.

Fortunately, it only consumes half of the real power, which is not too exaggerated. Bai Xiaowen took out the artifact "Blessing of Longevity" and wore it on his body to accelerate the recovery of spiritual power. As for the ten-second anomaly that must occur every hour, it does not matter, anyway, the most important battle has ended.

As for the soul of the calamity demon, of course, it was forcibly absorbed by the face of death.

Bai Xiaowen was tired of the shock and unbelief when these demonic souls were sucked away. At this moment, the calamity demon king did not perform much better than other demons.

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