The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1712: Mysterious slate

The latest website: The Three Heavenly Kings searched the corpse of the Devil and searched for booty.

Herbart and others were in tears. They witnessed the fall of one of the Seven Demon Kings, and felt that they had witnessed history.

Bai Xiaowen didn't feel that much. He directly caught the middle-aged human messenger.

"How do you call it?" Bai Xiaowen smiled mildly.

The middle-aged messenger's face was cloudy. Although he is a high-level evolutionary, and Bai Xiaowen is only a middle-level, the scene just when Bai Xiaowen commanded his army to beat the Devil is still imprinted in his eyes-he dare not despise Bai Xiaowen.

"I ... my name is You Heming."

"Tianfu Leader?"

"I'm not!" You Heming said hurriedly, "I'm just an evolutionary who has strayed into this place and have no intention of opposing you."

Bai Xiaowen squinted and said, "Do I look like a fool?"

You Heming: "..."

"If you are not the leader of Tianfu, how did you mix up with the Devil King and become his senior consultant?" Bai Xiaowen shook his head slightly. "Depending on your strength, the Devil King will not even look at you, let alone see The demons and the human camp are hostile in themselves. There is no explanation but a strong territory standing behind you. "

You Heming bowed his head: "... Yes, I am the messenger of Tianfu."

"What are you doing here?"

"I am responsible for communication between the Territory and the King of Scourge."

"What cooperation does Tianfu Leader have with the King of Disasters?"

"I can't say this."

"can not say?"

You Heming looked up and said, "Speaking, I will die."

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes and said, "As far as I know, the evolutionary world no longer has the notion of" spiritual rule notarization. "Based on this common sense, you say that leaking secrets will lead to death ... that is, you have signed some kind of someone Leading contract? "

You Heming nodded.

"It's a pity that I also want to ask the secret of the Tianfu leader's manipulation of the demon army. As long as you are willing to say, I can let you go."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head slightly. "Well now, it's hard to do."

You Heming shivered and said in a hurry: "I can't reveal the secrets of the territory, but I can pay for my life. My lord, I still have some savings, you can take them."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "I haven't noticed the bits and pieces on your body. The only thing I'm interested in is the secret of Mengchuan's manipulation of the demon army."

In the last sentence, Bai Xiaowen said it word by word, repeating it intentionally.

You Heming bowed his head and said, "Sorry, that secret, I have to die ..."

Suddenly, a yellow spell came across, and You Heming's eyes narrowed, trying to struggle, but his two arms were fastened by two stout demon arms.

The magician Golding will control You Heming. The power of the spell of confusion quickly invaded You Heming's consciousness.

Bai Xiaowen is now a 16-level evolutionary, with great strength. You Heming is just a high-ranking elite. The line of defense in the meridian bursts and it is almost unhindered by Bai Xiaowen's consciousness into the sea.

In just five seconds of fighting in the sea of ​​consciousness, You Heming became a slave to Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen immediately began to read You Heming's memories.

"Hope something."

In the end, Bai Xiaowen asked You Heming "the secret of Tianfu's manipulation of demons", which is to make You Heming involuntarily recall and strengthen this memory. In this way, after Bai Xiaowen controls You Heming, when searching for memory fragments, the possibility that this secret is retained as part of the fragments will increase a lot.

This is the answer that Bai Xiaowen summarized many times.

It is said that before a person dies, an important memory of this life will flash quickly.

The memory fragments are actually the most memorable pictures before death.

Every scene flashed before Bai Xiaowen's eyes.

In the end, Bai Xiaowen opened his eyes and stood up.

You Heming's eyes had lost his charm, and Tong Tong fell to the ground with no sound.

"That's it ... soul contract? I see."

Bai Xiaowen strode to the throne of the evil king.

The current throne has been buried in ruins.

When Bai Xiaowen thought, a tall skull warrior appeared, and he moved the ruins of the throne and cleared them out.

Bai Xiaowen stepped forward, sat on the throne, and touched the throne's armrest with his right hand.

The throne armrest was bumpy, with sculpted demon carvings.

Bai Xiaowen recalled the height and wingspan of the evil devil, and after a little calculation, he selected one of the devil sculptures.

After studying it carefully, he suddenly inserted his devil's carved eyes with his hand and pressed hard.

Suddenly the eyes of the devil's sculpture sunk, but the sculpture floated upwards, highlighting it.

Bai Xiaowen twisted his hand smoothly, and the rumbling sound in front of him sounded.

The ground in front of the throne was separated from it, and a stone platform one person high and two meters square rose up.

Above the stone platform, a gray slate slab was suspended.

On the slate, there were lines of demon words.

"Master Christos, what is this?"

Now relatively free is the militia in Wutu Town. Herbart has been watching Bai Xiaowen's actions.

"This is a contract."

Bai Xiaowen said, "The above is written in demon language and records the real names of some demons. From the content point of view, as long as the demon with a name on it, they should be loyal to the evil devil, but just do not know the validity of this contract. How is it maintained? "

If this is a magic contract, with Bai Xiaowen's sensitivity at this time, he should be able to feel the magic power (spirit) contained in this contract.

However, Bai Xiaowen couldn't feel it at all.

The contract book on this slate is just like the most ordinary text without any power ~ ~ I don't see the mystery at all.

However, Bai Xiaowen has reason to believe that the evil devil must rely on the power of the contract to restrain his demon army, so that so many unruly demon lords obey.

And from You Heming's memory, Mengchuan was able to restrain the demon army, and the reason was also related to this contract.

Is it related to the text?

Deciphering this contract is tantamount to breaking the secret that Meng Chuan can manipulate the demon army.

Of course, even if it ca n’t be decoded, it does n’t matter. Mengchuan should have cooperated with the evil devil. Now that the evil devil is finished, Mengchuan has lost his partner and the demon army must not continue to expand.

From this point of view, Bai Xiaowen has completed the goals entrusted to him by the two lords of the queen and Candice.

However, Bai Xiaowen still wants more, and he wants the territory to grow faster. The secret of manipulating the demonic army is obviously a good entry point.

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