The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1720: The shock of the town

Bai Xiaowen faintly felt that, in fact, the normal solution of the mission of the deities was to start the people of the dark continent.

Changing to other people did not develop the ability of the undead army, and only the human militias of the Dark Continent relied on it.

First gain the trust of a human settlement, then continue to do some small tasks, destroy some demon leaders, lords, get more trust of human settlements, and then form a human army to find the opportunity to destroy the evil devil ...

Bai Xiaowen just turned around. He was the first to destroy the evil devil before launching the people.

This has the advantage of saving a lot of pre-development time. According to the orthodox line, Bai Xiaowen now estimates that the "United Front Against the Magic Alliance" has not been completed yet.


Mayor Kelly's home.

The mayor of Kelly suddenly stood up and looked at the person below. That man was a militia in Utu town.

As the mayor, Kelly is not without influence over the militia in Utu. However, his influence is limited to a few militiamen, and he can keep abreast of the movement of the militia regiment.

"Are you sure, Morrison? The man called" Christos "really killed the King of Scourge?"

The militia, named Morrison, focused on: "Yes, Lord Mayor, I participated in the whole battle, and the King of Disaster really died."

Kelly's face changed drastically, and he sat down on the chair.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly ... he even ..."

A light laughter interrupted Kelly's murmur.

A woman with flax hair, wrapped in a burqa, chuckled and said, "Mr. Kelly, you seem to be shocked."

On the chest of this woman's clothes, there is a three-color square coat of arms, which is a sign of the "old gods". As a member of the ancient deities, Mayor Kelly also has such a heraldic logo, but he rarely wears it.

Mayor Kelly glanced at the woman and waved his militia Morrison away.

Only Mayor Kelly and the woman were left in the room.

"Miss Joan, to be honest, I'm really surprised."

Kelly said in a deep voice, "In the teachings of the sect, the ancient gods are invincible, and human beings can only ask for the mercy of the ancient gods to survive. But today, the man called 'Christos' has changed all this He ... he killed a god! "

The ancient goddess priestess named "Jong" smiled and said, "First of all, it is doubtful whether this news is real. Take a step back and say that, even if it is true, what can be done? Only three ancient gods out of seven It is the supreme existence of the supremacy. They are the masters that have existed since ancient times. The other four deities are only their vassals, the lower gods. Being able to kill the lower gods does not mean that the man has the ability to challenge the ancient gods! "

Kelly said, "But at least that's one thing ... King of Disaster, he's not God!"

How could God be defeated by mortals.

The priestess frowned, "Mr. Kelly, there is something wrong with your faith."

"Yes, I did have doubts about the teachings of the ancient gods. At least in the case of the King of Disaster, you deceived me." Kelly said.

The priestess said coldly, "What do you want, join the ranks of resistance to the ancient gods?"

Kelly said: "If there is hope, who would like to live a life like a dog like a dog? Over the years, no matter how devout we may be, worship the ancient gods ... but people are still being attacked by demons."

The priestess screamed, "That's because the dead are not religious enough!"

Kelly frowned. "I don't plan to accept your sophistry. I'm going to find the outsider."

"Just this thing happened, did you shake it? Are you so naive that you think that alien can defeat the ancient god? Don't forget, the King of Disaster can be resurrected!" Said the priestess.

"The student of Erasmus said that the demon killed by that outsider cannot be resurrected. Although I do n’t know about the sorceress Kelvin, the students of the great sage of Erasmus still have a certain speaking ability Reliability. "

Mayor Kelly paused. "However, I haven't made up my mind to join the outsider's camp for the time being. I want to talk to him. This time, I want to see his pattern and measures."

"You go. You have been removed from the ancient **** sect! From then on, you will no longer be protected by the ancient god, waiting for the ancient god's anger to come!" The priestess' voice was a little cold.


Spirit cabin.

There is only one man and one woman, Bai Xiaowen and Kai Luowen.

Although it is lonely men and widows living in the same room, it is inevitable to cause gossip, but they do not seem to care much.

Bai Xiaowen sat cross-legged on a wooden bed, practicing with closed eyes. He recently broke through the realm too fast and gained too much insight from the classics. It really needs to be consolidated.

Kai Luowen was busy between a row of book scrolls, constantly comparing to the demon text on that contract slate. At Bai Xiaowen's request, she investigated the secret of this slate.

Suddenly, a sound wave surged from outside and from near.

The two people in the house attracted attention almost simultaneously. Bai Xiaowen opened his eyes and Kai Luowen looked up.

"It's in the direction of the hut." Kai Luowen listened and said.

The door of the spirit cabin was knocked.

"You keep researching, I'll go and see."

Bai Xiaowen got up, stepped forward, and opened the door of the spirit house.

Knocking at the door was one of the two militiamen standing guard, named Morrison.

"What's the matter?" Bai Xiaowen asked, raising his eyes to see a group of townspeople in front of him, carrying a large stretcher with a layer of linen on it.

Morrison said a little nervously: "Here ... Lord Christos, Mr. Kelly is dead!"

"Mr. Kelly?"

Morrison hurriedly reminded: "It's Mr. Mayor ~ ~ he was killed!"

Bai Xiaowen was slightly surprised, but he didn't have much grief, instead he began to ponder the cause of Mayor Kelly's death, as well as the intention of these townspeople who seemed to be supporters of Mayor Kelly.

When the surrounding townspeople saw Bai Xiaowen appearing, they immediately began to clamor.

"The outsider is out!"

"Murder! Murderer!"

"Get out of our village!"

Bai Xiaowen frowned slightly. Now Herbart brought people to other human settlements and was not present. Otherwise, with the prestige of the old instructor, Bai Xiaowen would not have to show up in person.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen's prestige at this time is also very high. The respect and worship of the militia team is definitely not under Herbart!

Morrison and another guard militia stood up and scolded: "You are crazy! This is the great savior, Lord Christos! He has just done great work for human beings and is resting. Don't disturb him!"

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