The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1721: frame

Among the protesting townspeople, standing in the forefront was a long, thin man with dark green hair. Although his eyes were small, he looked very good, like a vole.

The vole's eyes exclaimed: "What a savior is just a murderer! No matter what he is, we can prove that he is evil by assassinating Mr. Kelly!"

"Yes, maybe it was the demon posing, deliberately to fool us!"

The militia Morrison exclaimed: "Calm down, Mr. Kelly's death. Why can it be said that Lord Christos did it?"

The vole said: "Before the mayor of Kelly died, he wrote the clues of the murderer with his blood!" He suddenly took out a piece of linen and shouted, "This is the evidence! As the mayor's instrument, I know this is the handwriting of Lord Mayor! "

On the pieces of linen, a Latin word was written crookedly, meaning "foreigner."

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, this was a premeditated planting of mischief, targeting Bai Xiaowen himself.

Bai Xiaowen's strange question is, why would the victim be Kelly? The mayor Kelly and himself are clearly opposite, and for those who want to oppose themselves, they are definitely available.

Unless, Mayor Kelly showed his intention to change his mind, which caused fear among the people.

As for who the interested person is, Bai Xiaowen also has speculation in his heart, but it still needs to be confirmed.

At this moment, more and more townspeople were surrounded by the eyes of the vole.

Looking at the blood book on the linen cloth, more and more townspeople turned their skeptical eyes on Bai Xiaowen.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaowen already had a fairly high reputation at this time, and the townspeople were only skeptical of him. Instead, this kind of thing happened in the beginning, the townspeople had already gathered and attacked, at least he had to be deported.

"I don't believe it! Lord Christos has been in the spirit hut, staying with Lord Kelvin, the Witch, it is impossible to have time to murder." Militia Morrison was quite clear.

"Well, must he take it himself?" The Field Mouse yelled. "This outsider's method is very strange. Maybe there is a way to hide it from you. In short, this blood book is hard evidence and cannot be disputed."

At this moment, the militia Morrison suddenly thought of something and said excitedly: "Yes! Lord Ms. Kelvin is in the spirit house. Ask her to fortune tell once and find out who killed Mr. Kelly!"

Other townspeople were a little interested.

The vole's eyes exclaimed, "No! The witch Kai Luowen and this outsider are obviously all the same, her divination is not enough to believe! She is likely to distort the truth of divination in order to stay this outsider!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around them suddenly had doubts again, and turned their suspicion to Bai Xiaowen again.

Bai Xiaowen took a step and stood in front of the vole's eyes. The crackling light flashed in his palm, and a powerful thunderbolt energy was surging.

"What do you want to do?"

The vole's eyes backed a little in panic.

Under Bai Xiaowen's waving hand, a dazzling thunderbolt smashed in the distance, and a big tree was split open from it with a burst of smoke.

There was a low exclaim in the crowd.

Bai Xiaowen has practiced the Tai Gong Bing Fa to level 16 and has a three-level addition to the Tai Xu Jing. On the level of spiritual strength, it is enough to be comparable to the king of the 16 level! He now sends out Ben Yuan Thunder, which has the power to move the power of heaven and earth, and is extremely arrogant.

"If I want to kill Mayor Kelly, I can do it with just a flick of my finger, and remote control will not let him see me at all! It is even more impossible for him to have the opportunity to leave a blood book."

Bai Xiaowen said calmly, "If you don't understand this, you will only be fooled."

This Yuan Yuanlei was very persuasive, and many townspeople who originally worshiped Bai Xiaowen also changed their minds and felt ashamed that they had doubted Bai Xiaowen's actions before.

The vole's eyes rolled around and suddenly said, "No, if Mr. Kelly was chopped by thunder, everyone would still doubt you, because there is no second magician in the town except you! So you abandoned yourself His magical powers, he chose to assassinate himself, and was recognized by Mayor Kelly. "

Apparently, Vole's eyes regarded Bai Xiaowen as a "magician."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head, revealing a touch of compassion: "Your intelligence work is too bad ... who told you that I am a magician?"

"Don't you?"

Bai Xiaowen smiled and waved slightly.

Behind the vole's eyes, a shadow assassin appeared, covering the vole's mouth with his left hand, and holding a dagger around his neck.

The vole's eyes had not yet responded, and a cold light flashing dagger was added to his neck. He was so frightened that his voice became sharper.

"Actually, I'm a summoner. This Rapha ability is just a personal hobby."

Bai Xiaowen paced slowly with his hands on his back. "If you want to assassinate Mayor Kelly, I don't need to show up at all. It's enough to send a ghost killer directly. You tell me, what happened to Mayor Kelly when his throat was cut behind him Are you sure the killer is mine? "

The vole's eyes were speechless.

"Next question ..."

Bai Xiaowen's voice suddenly turned cold. "Who sent you to frame me?"

The vole was sweating coldly behind his eyes and screamed, "I, I don't know what you are talking about--"

"Well then, let me expose your plot in front of the townspeople of Wutu Town." Bai Xiaowen snatched the linen blood book from his hands and raised it high.

"Everyone! After my proof just now, you should understand that this blood book cannot be true."

The onlookers nodded.

"So, why did it appear at the scene of Mayor Kelly's death? The reason is very simple ~ ~ Someone imitated Mayor Kelly's handwriting afterwards, wrote this blood book and put it there!

"His purpose is to blame me for the death of Mayor Kelly."

Bai Xiaowen said here, showing a smile, looking at the eyes of the voles: "I heard that you are the mayor of Kelly? Then tell me, who is the best at mimicking the handwriting of Mayor Kelly?"

The vole's eyes flickered.

At this point, the onlookers had basically figured it out.

The trick to frame the scams must be the eye of the vole, the mayor's instrument! Maybe Kelly's death might be related to him.

"I don't know what you're talking about! Everything I do is to get justice for Mr. Kelly!"

"Mouth hard."

Bai Xiaowen said coldly, "I have ten thousand ways to let you speak against people like you. But ... since it is in Wutu Town, please follow the rules of Wutu Town. You are suspected of killing Mayor Kelly, pay Interrogated by the militia. "

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