The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 812: Rocket Launcher (2 in 1)

Field Tips:

"This scenario is the leader challenge scenario. After the player enters the dying state, he can choose to release the 'soul.' If he does so, the soul will be led to the base camp by the soul healer, and the player's 'body' will become indestructible.

"In the state of soul, you can choose to resurrect within 25 meters of the corpse's location. After resurrection, you only have 50% health and mental power. You can also choose to resurrect directly before the soul healer in the base camp, but it takes 10 minutes Weakness, reduced all attributes by 50%. "

Isn't this the "running corpse" and "weak resurrection" in Yamaguchi Mountain? Bai Xiaowen found it very interesting.

The leader challenge mode, due to different scenes, the resurrection rules are different. This scene is obviously the background of Yamaguchi's human race and troll war, so the rules of resurrection and the rules in Yamaguchi game are the same.

Running corpses to resurrect is more troublesome, but the full attributes will not fall, which is the most reasonable way to resurrect. The weak resurrection seems very convenient, but within 10 minutes, it is weak and easy to be killed again.

Bai Xiaowen suddenly remembered something and said to Delifa in the Black Soul Stone:

"Well, if I kill the Awakeners of the Jingwu Clan later, don't try to **** their souls."

"Good host."

In fact, according to Bai Xiaowen's thoughts, the release of the soul after the death of the other party may be just a form, not the real soul out of the trick, the soul-sucking function of the black soul stone may not take effect.

And even if the real soul is out of touch, the opponent's soul will be protected by the rules in the psionic training field-specifically embodied in the "soul healer" connection. The priority of this protection is as high as 10. Bai Xiaowen's Black Soul Stone's ability to **** souls is overbearing, but it should not be comparable.

The reason why Bai Xiaowen ordered Delifa in advance was just in case. If the souls on the other side are really sucked away and turned into the essence of the soul, then the joy will be great, and Bai Xiaowen himself will be in trouble.

Taking a step back, Bai Xiaowen and Jingwu Guild did not have any deep hatred, but they were just fighting for each other and there was no need to kill people.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Qiao Rui asked.

Bai Xiaowen stood at the bow of the airship, looked down, and estimated the height.

The airship is about a hundred meters away from the ground. This is to maintain the range of arcane cannons. At the same time, there are several large iron chains hanging on the ground structure, perhaps to stabilize the airship and facilitate the artillery's aiming.

However, the same iron chains as these anchors will also give the other party a chance.

Bai Xiaowen said: "Analyze the situation. We are on the human side, and the Jingwu team is on the blood top troll side. Our goal is to kill King Hastala. The main difficulty lies in the elite troll army in the fortress. The number must be There are many more human guards than an airship. The Jingwu team can clear up some mobs, but their problem is how to get on the airship. I guess the setting of this scene is for the trolls. The team climbed up with those anchor chains, and of course they must be attacked in the process. "

Qiao Rui nodded and said, "In this way, the overall difficulty for the enemy and ours to see BOSS is almost the same."

Bai Xiaowen nodded, he had to speak again, and suddenly heard Princess Angelina's voice sounded again:

"Warriors, time is running out! Go on your mission!"

Xiaowen Bai thought for a while and said, "His Royal Highness, I want two people to stay and protect you."

Princess Angelina was unheard of, and after a few seconds, she urged again: "Warriors, time is running out! Go on your mission!"

"Okay ..." Bai Xiaowen said a little awkwardly. "It seems that the BOSS on both sides cannot communicate. And she has been urging us. It is estimated that it is the implied rule of the leader challenge mode. We can't stand by here, we must be aggressive."

"Can't we just stay with one or two people?" Qiao Rui thought, "We can hide where Princess Angelina cannot see."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "It's useless. This should be a requirement of implicit rules. No one can stay."

Bai Xiaowen tried again, and a group of five people entered a remote cabin of the airship to avoid Princess Angelina's sight.

However, within five seconds, a paratrooper ran in, and spoke the same lines as Princess Angelina, urging everyone to join the battle.

At this moment, other teammates understand that it seems that it is really a requirement implied by the rules, so that all five must rush to kill the enemy commander as soon as possible. Correspondingly, the enemy fortress, which is called Hakkar Fort, is displayed on the map.

"Well, all the people parachute and storm the fortress to grab the time! With our spirit to explore the strength, this game wins a lot. If you hit the Jingwu team in the fortress, play a team battle in advance. Such corpses are everywhere In the battlefield environment, we still have the advantage of teamfights. "Bai Xiaowen said.

Standing on the airship's deck, Bai Xiaowen looked back at Princess Angelina again. Although he said with confidence, in order to prevent the possibility, he left a little ambush.

The five jumped down one after another, and there were five white umbrella flowers in the air.

In fact, the airship's height of 100 meters, for the physical strength and agility of the awakened person, can't fall without parachute, but it will lose a lot of life value, and may accidentally fall its leg if it is not careful. Five parachutes are opened after landing at half the height, as long as they are slightly slower.

Five people have landed one after another, the landing point is already within the city wall! This is the benefit of airdrops, there is no need to break the door from the outside.

After quickly gathering, the White Phoenix team followed the Terran Paratroopers and rushed into the Haka Fortress.

Outside the gate of Haka Fortress, a hidden place turned out the figure of five people, which was the Jingwu clan.

"Captain, would you stop them?" Deng Zhou asked.

Wu Guangzong shook his head.

"It must be acknowledged that the opposite side is very powerful ... and this battlefield is very suitable for Bai Xiaowen's corpse recovery tactics!" Wu Guangzong pointed to the ground of the battlefield, and the bodies of blood-topped trolls and human paratroopers accumulated. Hundreds of thousands, once used by Bai Xiaowen, will repeat the last tragedy.

Tan Xiong said in a deep voice: "In this case, you must board the airship as soon as possible and kill the BOSS first."

Wu Guangzong nodded: "Lao Tan is right. The main difficulty when we saw BOSS was to board the airship, and the normal way was to climb through the anchor chain. I believe Bai Xiaowen thinks the same way ... Huh, he has no experience after all."

While talking, Wu Guangzong waved his hand, and four teammates followed him and rushed all the way to the walls of Haka Fortress. On the city wall, there is a row of trebuchets. Under the command of the goblin gunner, the troll constantly carries stones and throws stone bombs at the airship in the sky.

"Don't destroy these trebuchets before entering the fortress ... it's a failure due to Bai Xiaowen's lack of experience!"

Wu Guangzong said to the goblin gunner: "We are warriors sent by King Hastala. We need to board the airship as fast as possible and take off Princess Angelina's head! Let's five of us act as stone bombs and launch into the airship! "

"Goblin technology is shocking! ... good warrior, this is a genius idea, I will do it right away!"

The goblin gunner actually doesn't have much communication ability. When he goes back and forth, he only knows to repeat the first eight words, which can be regarded as a program. Only after Wu Guangzong's request triggers a hidden procedure, the goblin gunner will have the following words. This is a pre-set triggered answer, not a smart answer.

This method of throwing a rock thrower and approaching an aerial vehicle is a small skill of the ground camp team in the leader challenge mode. More exciting is the cannonball that acts as a cannon and fires out of the cannon ... Of course, it has rich experience The team will also guard against this hand.

Wu Guangzong climbed directly to the shovel handle of the trebuchet and drew down the prepared stone bomb. Waving for launch.

Huh! Huh!

In the whistling sound, five of the Jingwu clan went to heaven. According to their experience, they curled up their bodies as much as possible, so that their center of gravity did not change much, and they just smashed into the magic airship in the air.

In addition to saving a lot of time, this method can also prevent the Jingwu clan from being interfered by the firepower of the airship artillery unit during the process of boarding the airship!

Of course, this method is not safe. Only five of the Jingwu team successfully "landed"-that is, they hit the flexible airbag of the airship.

When he bounced back, Wu Guangzong raised his hand and grabbed a cable on the surface of the airship's airbag, then slowly slipped to the ground. The other two successful landings were shooter Pang Yu and tank Tan Xiong.

Wu Sihao, an energy engineer, and Deng Zhou, who assisted, shot unluckyly, drawing a large parabola in the air, and landing on the ground thousands of kilometers away.

Fortunately, due to the influence of air resistance, the speed of the two before landing was not too fast, and they rushed forward, rolling dozens of laps on the ground, removing the impact of the fall. Part, but little impact.

"Fuck, the gunners of our two rock throwers were too poor!" Wu Sihao cursed.

"It doesn't matter, three people successfully boarded the airship, we have the first chance!"

Wu Guangzong landed at the tail of the airship, and she could see Princess Angelina standing on the bow of the airship in the distance. Around them were paratroopers who had not yet set off, and were shocked to death on the spot by his three punches and two feet.

Wu Guangzong quickly issued a command: "Lao Tan, Pang Yu, assembled at the tail of the airship! Clear the mobs first, do not enter the alert range of BOSS! Sihao and Deng Zhou, climb up along the anchor! Wait for them to come up, our mobs It ’s almost clear. BOSS is opened immediately after a short break. "

When Wu Sihao and Deng Zhou climbed the anchor chain, the resistance they encountered was almost zero, because the paratroopers on the airship were attracted by Wu Guangzong and others.

According to the scene settings, as long as she is not close to the magic range of Princess Angela, she will not actively move or attack.

Of course, this also has a reasonable explanation: Angelina remained mainly in the bow console, controlling the firing instructions of the arcane cannon, and would not easily leave, just as King Hastala would not easily leave the Throne of Bloodbones.


The White Phoenix team broke into the fortress of Haka, the interior of the pyramid building.

The internal structure of this fortress extends in all directions, and a series of corridors connect rooms that are square and square like a tomb, and the virtual map shows that Troll Warlord: King Hastala's room is on the top floor.

(Here to say, the composition of the troll tribe is more primitive, and the leader can be called the Warlord, Chief, King, or Chieftain, all of which have the same meaning. For example, the Amani Warlord Zulkin is the ruler of the Amani Empire.)

With the guidance of the virtual map, the White Phoenix team's breakthrough speed is still relatively fast. In their path, the bodies of a dozen blood-topped trolls have fallen.

There are two main types of blood-top trolls currently appearing. One is a melee type called "blood-top drudgery", which holds either a miner's puppet or an iron pick in his hand. The combat power is very limited, which is equivalent to an ordinary template. One is a long-range type, called the "despicable arrow blower", which blows out paralyzed poison arrows at a long distance. The template is the same as the blood ceiling hard labor.

These two kinds of monsters can not become a climate, and even hinder the advancement of the White Phoenix team.

Suddenly, Qiao Rui “snapped”.

"What happened to sister Qiao?" Li Shuyi asked.

Qiao Rui's face was a little weird: "Jingwu has already boarded the airship."

"So fast? We are still far from the Throne of Bloodbone in Hastala!" Li Shuyi said in surprise.

Qiao Rui has been using the spirit of the Falcon to monitor the battlefield at high altitudes and explained to everyone that the methods used by the Jingwu team were suddenly shocked.

"This is simply cheating. Their biggest obstacle is landing on the airship ~ ~. I didn't expect to solve it this way. The number of paratroopers on the airship is not large, and it will not be cleared for a long time." Li Shuyi said.

"Well, it seems that the Jingwu team started the BOSS battle before us. It is unavoidable," Bai Xiaowen said in a breath, "I did not expect that there are still hidden tips for the stone thrower to board the ship, so it corresponds. Yes, there should be a similar secret passage in the Hakkar Fortress, which allows us to go directly to the Throne of Bloodbones, but we do n’t know where to find the secret passage entrance ... Or, to find the secret passage entrance of the institution, we should first Find the corresponding Terran NPC and trigger the program. "

Qiao Rui said: "After all, it is a newly formed team, and our experience is too lacking."

"It's okay, it's just a little accident. It doesn't affect the overall situation. I'm ready," Bai Xiaowen smiled. "Keep going, don't be disturbed by the mentality of the opposite side."

The White Phoenix team continued to follow the guidelines of the virtual map, and soon encountered the elite individuals in the Blood Top Trolls.

A group of tall, thin and strong trolls stood in front of them. There are eight trolls in this team, of which six have dual spears, and a bundle of short spears is tied behind them; the other two trolls standing behind are wearing voodoo masks and short animal skins. robe. To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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