The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 813: Gosh! What is he doing? (Two in one)

Bai Xiaowen shared the information of these blood-top trolls to his teammates. All eight trolls are level 8 or 9 elites, and their strength is not weak.

[Blood Top Headhunter (Elite 8)]

[Race: Humanoid / Troll Race]

[Attributes: Strength 40, Dexterity 57, Constitution 38, Spirit 20]

[Skill 1: Barbarian Spike: Jump in one direction and launch a fierce spear, inflicting heavy damage to the first enemy on the path. The target needs to be judged by physical fitness, otherwise it will suffer additional bleeding effects. 】

[Skill 2: Regeneration: Passive, Racial Ability. The Troll Headhunter's life recovery speed is increased by 50%, and it can also recover its local mild disability at the cost of physical loss. 】

[Skill 3: Long-range form: The blood-headed headhunter launches a spear for a long-range attack. Each spear will cause additional physical damage (based on strength). 】

[Skill 4: Hastala's Shout lv2: Gain 200 bonus health. 】

The next two trolls with voodoo masks are level 9 and are called "blood crest shamans". Their attributes are spiritual, and from the technical point of view, they are also caster professions. In addition to racial passive ability "regeneration", and In addition to the advanced elite general skill "Rastaha's Roar", the other two skills are Lightning Bolt and Summon Totem.

Li Shuyi sprints ahead. After the previous battle, her two major bonuses-Oni Warrior class and talented combat enthusiasm, have been stacked to 10 levels. Now she is haunted by a faint halo, while having 88 agility. With 50 points of power, he can almost be regarded as a 9th-level agile leader.

In a face-to-face meeting, the first Blood-Headed Troll Headhunter was pierced by Li Shuyi's sword, and the critical attack plus the vital attack directly spiked! Then Li Shuyi staggered one step and sent out the sword again. The second blood-headed headhunter waved his short spear to try to parry, but was tricked by Li Shuyi's false tricks. Another sword pierced the heart and spiked again.

Li Shuyi was like dancing. She rushed left and right among the troll crowd. Every sword shot, there must be a troll that died or died.

This scene was displayed on the big screen, which immediately caused a burst of exclamation and admiration in the auditorium. With her powerful strength, Li Shuyi received applause from the audience.

The two shamans wearing voodoo masks, of course, will not let Li Shuyi play like this. The shaman on the left danced with both hands like a great god, and soon emptied a turquoise totem pole to land.

The green totem is like a vine extension, and a lot of green energy crawls out, entangled Li Shuyi, and Li Shuyi's speed decreases suddenly.

Summon Totem-Earthbound Totem!

Another shaman held up a burning stick in his hand, and a dazzling lightning bolt shot out from the complicated and incomprehensible recitation.

Seeing that Li Shuyi was slowed down, the remaining blood-headed headhunters immediately resumed the courage to fight. One of the trolls roared, and the flat-ended short spear rushed to launch the barbarian spike.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen will not let Li Shuyi single out so many high-level elites, especially with casters. He waved a skeleton sword shield hand, blocking the lightning bolt.

As for the savage spike, because there is a trace to follow, Li Shuyi was able to avoid it even if she was slowed down by the ground-bound totem. At the same time, the Qixiao Sword led the area and the blood-headed headhunter could not stop the car and bumped it Martyr walls. Li Shuyi stabbed another sword in the backhand, Chixiao sword pierced through the back of the troll, and her chest was exposed, and she saw that she was dead.

Bai Xiaowen took out the desert eagle, and began to name the two blood crested shamans. One shot collapsed first, the other was wrapped by Han Xu, and there was no room for casting.

Eight elite trolls have only delayed the White Phoenix team for less than ten seconds!

Following the trolls that kept flowing, the White Phoenix team killed all the way, killing to the top of the Hakkar Fortress, the Throne of Bloodbones, and facing King Hastala at an amazingly high speed!


Jinghai Stadium.

The big screen is divided into two sections, one showing the progress of the White Phoenix team, and the other showing the Jingwu team.

The commentary recalled: "Oh, the advance speed of the White Phoenix team is really fast, but unfortunately, they lost the opportunity. Although they were in front of the Troll Warlord, the Jingwu team had already beaten Princess Angelina to half blood After all, the new team, after all, is not as experienced as the old team, especially the old strong teams like Jingwu. They are full of tenacity and have not been affected by the first defeat. A face licked.

The female commentary on Alley ’s interface: “It ’s really a pity. If the White Phoenix team is more experienced and destroys the stone thrower in advance, or finds the secret way of the Haka fortress, the win is still great. After all, the boss has a chance without falling. "

"The chances are very slim. Both bosses are mentally special casters. You need to spend time trying out the skills first, and then you have to understand the boss's skill characteristics, casting range, and so on. It's not only half the blood loss, but also the time it takes to test the skills in the first step. "

The explanation of the recall shows that there is no tendency on the surface: "The White Phoenix team is now located on the Throne of Bloodbones, and there is no way to return to the magic airship and interfere with the boss battle of the Jingwu team. Then they must play if they want to win Several times the dps of the Jingwu team! This is obviously unrealistic ... "

Alli blinked: "But Bai Huang's captain Bai Xiaowen has a talent for insight and can see the boss's skills. The first step is not necessary to test the skills."

The memories are a bit embarrassing. He doesn't know much about this new team. Although I have seen Bai Xiaowen's data card, he can't be familiar with it. He forgot the insight talent for a while. He has always been self-professional, but he was compared by a vase.

Generally speaking, female commentary is not as professional as male commentary. The reason why one male and one female is arranged is to make the audience more pleasing. The female commentator's face value is not low, so it is not strange to be called a vase, while the male commentator represents professionalism and depth.

Alley actually didn't know the new team's data well enough. She was really familiar with the information card that she could carry, just Bai Xiaowen.

Recalling forcibly rounding out for himself: "Well, insight can indeed save some time, but insight can only see some basic information, and it is still different from really facing the boss ..."

VIP seat, Wu Chonglian smiled. This second game should have been won.

Li Beihai's face was a bit ugly, and he patted his thigh: "Hey, I still lack experience."

The old demon sitting next to him said, "Although there are only six modes in the league, the map is ever-changing. There are too many such tricks. There is no personal experience. It is simply impossible to rely on verbal teaching. Only experienced veterans can easily control it . Xiaobai just joined the second league, and it is normal to pay a certain tuition fee. "

Li Beihai sighed. He felt it was hanging.

The old demon thought for a while and said, "In retrospect, I sorted out the experience of playing in the second league over the years and wrote a booklet to Xiaobai to see. Although it is not very useful, it is better than doing nothing."

The old demon said that it is not very useful, and it makes sense. This triggering trick, first of all, preset the scene, and even design the map in advance. Under the specific situation, what factors need to pay attention to, and what kind of npc to look for, In order to trigger the trick for convenience.

In the league of psionic particles, the evolution map is ever-changing, and the same scene may not appear at all for the second time.

Just like examples and exercises for math problems, people with a high level of understanding are required to master them. A person with a high level of understanding will understand everything after a few league games.

At this time on the commentary stage, the memories are still chattering:

"The White Phoenix team started to blame, Qiao Rui began to play the flute, weak on the boss, Li Shuyi, Han Xu synchronized to keep up ... Let's see what the captain Bai Xiaowen will do. Hey, he didn't do it. ... Oh my God! What is he doing? "

Not only was the explanation of the tongue knotted, but even the auditorium, many audiences were also confused.

The battlefield, the top of Hakkar Fortress, the Throne of Bloodbones.

Time shifted to half a minute ago.

"Everyone is familiar with boss's data skills, and immediately start to blame." Bai Xiaowen sent King Hastala's information to the team channel.

[King Hastala (Boss Level 10)]

[Race: Humanoid / Troll Race]

[Occupation: Bloodtop Overseer]

[Attributes: Strength 52, Dexterity 43, Constitution 56, Spirit 77]

[Skill 1: Lava Strike: King Hastala infused the power of lava on his weapon to slam the enemy, causing heavy fire damage, and applying continuous fire damage and slowing effects to the enemy. 】

[Skill 2: Wild Wolf Spirit: King Hastala calls for a wild wolf spirit to fight for it. Ghost Wolf has spirit and tearing skills, and 30% of the damage dealt will heal King Hastala himself. 】

[Skill 3: Lightning Storm: King Hastala calls for the help of the Spirit of the Elements, pouring out devastating energy on all enemies, causing mass paralysis. 】

[Skill 4 :? ? ? 】

[Skill 5: Warlord's Will lv4: Gain 600 additional health and 60% resilience; gain enhanced skills. 】

Li Shuyi said: "Ha, finally met a boss that is not open. Even if this boss has more than 1,000 health points, it is not difficult to kill."

The sword song plane, the bosses who have internal skills and special skills, really made the White Phoenix team suffer a lot. Don't look at those warriors who are crispy. There is no universal skill bonus (extra health) of the senior leader, but none of them are killing. The damage reduction provided by the internal power is really terrible.

Qiao Rui lv1's internal skill of forging jade can absorb a total of 1,800 points of damage for her, as long as it does not pour out a large amount of damage at one time. Not to mention how powerful the internal strength of bosses like Gu Yuli and Qin Wei is.

Therefore, seeing the 10th-level leader King Hastala in front of you, everyone who has experienced the baptism of the sword song, did not find it difficult to kill.

Qiao Rui said with some worries: "The surveillance of the Falcon Spirit can see the progress of the opposite side. The Jingwu Guild has reduced Angelina's health to less than half, and we are very dangerous."

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "The four of you clean up this boss, and the Jingwu clan will give it to me to deal with it. Okay, let's get started!"

Although the teammates were puzzled, they rushed up as usual.

"Face the anger of King Hastal!"

After a line of nourishment, the troll Warlord with a burly build and a blind eye stood up. He held a glittering warhammer in each hand, striding out against everyone.

After Xiao Xiaowen issued the war command, he jumped out along the windowsill!

This is the highest level of the Hakkar Fortress, and the entire structure of the Hakkar Fortress is a pyramid-shaped structure. The difference from the real Egyptian pyramids is that the top is not a sharp corner, but a huge troll voodoo mask carving.

Hakkar Fortress is 50 meters high. What can Bai Xiaowen do when he jumps off the building and throws himself into a halo?

This is the place where the audience, including the commentary, cannot understand.

However, the teammates on the court had full confidence in Bai Xiaowen. They did not think about how the captain delayed the Jingwu team and what the meaning of the jumping action was, but focused on dealing with King Hastala in front of him.

After all, it is a level 10 leader, and the attributes are balanced, and the melee and spells are very powerful. This battle did not involve Bai Xiaowen, so we cannot take it lightly.

After jumping out of the window, Bai Xiaowen fastened his hands on the upper edge of the window sill, then turned over, jumped up to the dome of Haka Fortress, and climbed up to the huge voodoo face statue.

The awakenings are all Supermans. Bai Xiaowen has 36 points of agility. Of course, it is not enough to play against agile bosses, but it is a piece of cake to make this kind of high-altitude climbing action.

At this time, the vertical height difference between Bai Xiaowen and the magic airship was only about 50 meters. The actual distance between the magic airship and Bai Xiaowen is about 200 meters.

From the perspective of Bai Xiaowen, he can even see the battle on the bow of the airship. Of course, Bai Xiaowen does not need to see. He also reserved an ambush on the magic airship, that is, the shadow assassin who has been in stealth ~ ~ Bai Xiaowen can see through the shared vision of the shadow assassin. The whole process of boss battle of Jingwu clan.

Of course, Qiao Rui also has the spirit of Falcon for surveillance, but Bai Xiaowen is worried that the Jingwu team will scan the Falcon Spirit in advance and kill it with a long-range attack, just as he did when he faced Qiao Rui, so he One more stay.

Although the Jingwu team did not find the spirit of the Falcon, Bai Xiaowen's hand was not redundant.

At this moment, Princess Angelina was already panting, the starting point of the noble dress was blood plums, loose hair braids were scattered, a blond hair fluttered in the wind, and looked a little embarrassed.

She is a traditional ice mage, relying on a series of damage and control skills such as ice armor, frost nova and ice storm, she persisted to this day, and caused a lot of five members of the Jingwu team hurt. However, she was about to hold on.

Mage is different from warrior, once the skill enters the cool-down time, it will instantly dumb. Fortunately, Princess Angelina can rely on the magical missile attached to the staff to fill the damage.

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