The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 867: Bonus is.

On the other side, Qiao Rui also sent a good news. He had occupied the submarine port of the Vogata tribe and had seized two ghost ships. However, how to navigate the carrier requires Bai Xiaowen's past research.

Stuck in a pool under the altar, the "feeding" process promoted by Delif has come to an end.

There are dried monster corpses everywhere in the pool, there is only a purple octopus more than two meters high, lazily lying in the pool water, the skin on the body is shiny and shiny, and the male part is indescribable somewhere. Much like it.

Bai Xiaowen first took an insight into the past.

[Blood Demon Aberration (Boss Level 8) / Aberration Status]

[Race: Demon Race / Evil Demon Race]

属性 [Attributes: Strength 15, Dex 7, Constitution 44, Spirit 115]

技能 [Skill: None]

Following is the introduction of "distortion state".

[Distorted state: The evolution of this mind-eater has failed, and the combat power is extremely weak. Killing it will not get a loot chest. Side note: Maybe the alchemist will be interested in it. 】

Bai Xiaowen carefully looked at the introduction of the "distortion state" before he understood it. The normal evolution of this mind-eater can become a leader-level powerhouse, but due to the fast feeding of Drifa and the promotion of seedlings, the evolution fails and it becomes an empty body waste.

Think about it, with 115 points of spirit, without any skills, what fighting power is there? As for the 15-point strength, it is good to support his fat body, even the melee ability of normal octopus.

"It's meaningless to be busy for a while?" Li Shuyi said.

Bai Xiaowen thought for a while: "Although he won't drop the loot treasure chest, as a level 8 leader, killing it should still have battle experience and 8000 psionic points."

淑 Li Shuyi nodded and pulled out two swords: "It doesn't seem to be useless in this way."

"Wait a minute ..." Bai Xiaowen stopped Li Shuyi. "This distortion of the Demon Eater should be a layer of secret that we have dug out. It's a pity to kill it like this. How did the Demon Eater come from? Their weaknesses What is it? How do we deal with the mental transformation and memory effects caused by the Devourer? We do n’t know that. "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said: "I feel compelled not to covet the experience and psionics. Now we are ready to board the ship, and we have enough manpower around. With this big guy, look for It's better to find a spirit figure like an alchemist ... there is hope to dig out a side mission. "

Li Shuyi nodded convincingly.

Bai Xiaowen then asked a group of human warriors to find a shell that was almost the same size, and made a device similar to the ancient Huaxia slider (car) to the Devourer, and carried it all the way to the submarine port in Vogata territory, and Qiao Rui , Cecilia confluence.

After meeting with Xiao, Bai Xiaowen first had a meeting with several teammates, including Captain Julian, and talked about his discovery of intelligence gathering.

"I have a brief map here with the locations of other submarine snake tribes ... combining these letters, it is not difficult to infer the routes between the Vogata tribe and other tribes. We can drive a ghost ship and disguise it as Vogata's ships sneaked into the submarine bases of other tribes. This is a good route. We already have the corresponding experience, and then we will attack other tribes with a high success rate. "

Captain Julian said with a frown: "Prophet, it is too dangerous to do this ... and the hard-working workers who have just been liberated, the most hopeful is to return to the land, and they will not be willing to continue fighting with other snake people tribe."

The other members of the White Phoenix team were silent. Captain Julian and their awakeners who like to do things are obviously not the same way ... Although it is a leader template, Captain Julian's essence is still a speculative businessman, avoiding disadvantages. It is nature.

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "Then there is another route, that is, to the Bonus Islands."

"Bonus Islands?" Captain Julian was startled. "This, this ... why go to this place?"

"You know here?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

Captain Julian nodded: "It used to be a mountain, it became an archipelago after being flooded by seawater, and later it was used by merchant ships as a trading post for freshwater supply. But last year, the archipelago was occupied by snake people and became a merchant ship. Forbidden land, many fleets would rather go long distances than supply here. "

等等 "Wait, you said here are the mountains ..."

Bai Xiaowen suddenly remembered. He knew where that familiarity came from.

东南 Southeast of the Republic of Calchino, Bonus Mountains!

I was so impressed with this place name when Bai Xiaowen was doing the task of "Seven Days of Prophecy", he once inquired that this is the buried place of one of the seven holy instruments-"The Punishment of Bargra"!

Bai Xiaowen's memory is absolutely no problem, just because the mountains have become islands, and they don't exactly match the memory, he didn't remember it for a while.

"It used to be mountains here, is there any problem?" Captain Julian asked.


那么 "So, why did the Prophet choose the Bonus Islands as the second route?"

Bai Xiaowen smiled: "According to my calculations, the Bonus Islands should be the leading position of the human coalition against the snake-man. After the human coalition is found, it can naturally return to land."

"Why?" Not only Julian ~ ~ even his teammates were curious for a while.

Bai Xiaowen said: "You have also seen the order given by Lord Vazatas to Naturu, and let him send the elite soldiers as soon as possible ... What to do to send the soldiers? Of course, it is war. Vazatas can feel struggling, If it is necessary to seek support, it is certainly not a minor war of a general level. "

If it is necessary to manually mine to open the base, it is enough to send a lot of human hard labor in the past, there is no need to emphasize the elite soldiers.

Julian smiled bitterly: "I'm just a businessman ... Is it really necessary to participate in this kind of war?"

"You don't have to participate, but my friends and I must participate in the war," Bai Xiaowen said with a smile. "Before the disaster, there must always be humans to stand up against monsters. This is my and my friends' choice."

船 Captain Julian said silently that no matter where Bai Xiaowen went, those human laborers had to follow. Otherwise, who can guarantee the next accident in the sea ruled by this snake man?

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "Mr. Julian, this is the fastest way for you to return to land. If you do not want to go to the Bonus Islands, you can also choose the first route to attack the bases of other Serpent tribes ... this is the same Can help the human coalition on Bonus's front line, but I guess you are more unwilling. "

Attacking other snake-man tribe? That return is even more distant.

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