The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 868: Submarine highway

Captain Julian sighed.

"You are right, Prophet Dior. Before the disaster, someone will always stand up. Although I am only a businessman, I am willing to make some contributions to the human coalition within my ability."

Xiaowen Bai smiled slightly: "A brave decision is also a wise choice."

As the captain, Julian still has a lot of prestige among these human laborers mainly composed of sailors and merchants. Of course, Bai Xiaowen has higher prestige as a prophet. Will follow the prophet.

This is why once Bai Xiaowen entered the Kuroshio plane, he did not hide his identity as a prophet and did not hesitate to expose his ability to foretell ... He was not trying to show off.

Earlier "authenticating" the identity of the prophet is tantamount to grasping the general trend. Even if it is worth taking some risks, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

And Bai Xiaowen has to spend his words to convince Julian, naturally to avoid division. In addition, Julian and the sailors under him are not bad, and letting them go is a loss.

If Julian insists on taking his own crew and ventures away, there is no good way for Bai Xiaowen. Even in order to maintain the image of the prophet, he also pointed out the path for Julian and others to leave ... If they were to be discarded just for personal complaints, it would certainly damage the reputation of the prophet.

This is also a negative effect of becoming a prophet in the human camp.

Julian's words were very beautiful, and the two reached a consensus, which was the best situation for Bai Xiaowen.

"Moored" beyond the giant bubbles of the base, there are two ghost ships of the Vogata tribe.

One of these two ships belonged to General Dirk, who captured the crew of Forward, and the other belonged to a Serpent-man General named Disley.

According to Qiao Rui, when she and Li Shuyi attacked the southwest altar and besieged three of Natulu's students, the last student, "Shadow Prayer Rahoni", suddenly the general Snake Man named Disley Appeared, Qiao Rui and Li Shuyi also fell into a hard fight.

Of course, the final result was Qiao Rui's victory. Li Shuyi's big move was almost complete, and Qiao Rui's mental strength was almost exhausted.

The spirit of the falcon was investigated in advance. Qiao Rui knew that Bai Xiaowen's situation was more dangerous. After the war ended, leaving a small group of people to dismantle the altar, he immediately reinforced it to the northern altar ... no need to mention the follow-up process.

According to a brief conversation with Shadow Prayer Rahoni when General Disley appeared, he had just returned from patrolling the sea. It was said that Lahouni thought that a savior had come, but he did not change the result.

"After destroying the small number of slave fighters left on the ship, I checked two ships, and the situation was good, but there was no clue how to operate such a ship on the sea floor," Qiao Rui said.

Captain Julian also cast a concerned look.

Bai Xiaowen smiled and said, "It's all right, I still have a snake snake here. She will tell us everything."

Bai Xiaowen waved his hand, and the butcher brought Sasha, a cowering female snake, to her side.

"It's her!" Li Shuyi was arrested, and she grinded her teeth. "This female snake is very beautiful!"

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "Okay, now she should be considered abandoning secretly ... Ms. Sasha, you are temporarily safe now, and the Vogata tribe is completely destroyed. No one will pursue your betrayal. However, the greater danger is ... … The snake-man lord Vazatas, who is in charge of this area, probably won't let you go. Now, only with us is your only way out ... "

The snake woman Sasha showed fear.

The ethnic group was slaughtered, and how much sadness Sasha has in fact can't be seen ... this is about the origin of the snake-man tribe.

The snake-man is basically transformed. The second generation of snake-man breeding through the male and female snake-man is just a few and still in the trance stage ... In other words, the names of General Sasha and Dirk are the same, but they are transformed separately. Yes, it used to be strangers.

The only thing she was afraid of now was that Bai Xiaowen killed her directly after using it.

Xiaowen Bai learned about Sasha's thoughts and said with a smile, "If you are willing to cooperate, we can let you leave after arriving at the Bonus Islands."

Sasha called up the courage: "How do I believe what you say?"

Xiaowen Bai said calmly: "Just Dior Skelboom's name."

Sasha emphasised: "Okay, I hope you can keep your promise."

Sasha, who had been betrayed, is now taking the initiative to inform Bai Xiaowen how to drive this submarine ghost ship.

It turns out that these two ships are powered by the magic array in the captain's room. Starting magic circles requires injection of magical power-in fact, spiritual power.

Xiaowen Bai then asked, "Are there any shortcuts to the Bonus?"

Sasha nodded and said, "You can take the undersea current ... The Grand Lord has set up twelve large currents and ten times more undercurrents in the East China Sea. All snake-man tribes are established on the side of the current.

Bai Xiaowen nodded with a smile. This great prince, quite know how to plan and operate, these twelve large currents are like twelve highways, and then connected by dense secondary currents, forming a convenient submarine transportation network.

And these ocean currents "highway" will basically not have "collision accidents"-because they are one-way, and everyone's speed is basically the same, there will be no overtaking situation.

As for how the currents are connected, Bai Xiaowen didn't want to spend that brain cell to think. It can only be attributed to the world of magic. Everything is possible, and it can't stick to common sense.

Then ~ ~ The White Phoenix team took Sasha on board the ship of General Dirk; Captain Julian took the ship of General Disley.

The two carrier ships were full of human hard labor, with a total of thousands of people. Of course, they are no longer hard labor now, and have a loud name-the Free Army! The name was given by Bai Xiaowen. Freedom is undoubtedly the greatest desire of these people.

Sasha led Bai Xiaowen and found a batch of magic conch on board. The bubble magic blown out by this conch can help humans to breathe underwater, and is also used by the grabbing ships of the Vogata tribe to catch living people. With this thing, there is no need to worry about drowning.

The undersea current is less than ten miles away from the territory of the Vogata tribe. The two ghost ships were not moving at the speed of the seabed, and it took more than an hour to arrive.

The White Phoenix team relied on Sasha's guidance to enter the undersea submarine first, and Captain Julian relied on rich experience to personally steer and keep up.

The moment the ship entered the undercurrent, the ship hummed, and then returned to stability. Bai Xiaowen watched the gloomy undersea scenery passing by, and it was clear that the ghost ship was under the current, quickly following the waves.

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