The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 872: 1 call 0 response

"Long live the Prophet Dior!"

I don't know who raised the head, the sailors on the two ghost ships knelt on the deck, raised their hands to the sky, and saluted the prophet.

Bai Xiaowen smiled, and first took out the "Leaf Covering Peony Picture" and whispered the scroll-titled poem. After being prompted by a 17% increase in Charisma, his leg equipment "Invasion of the White Eagle" was launched, and he leapt forward and jumped onto the mast's sail.

He waved his hand, and the cheers of the crowd were louder.

When the crowd cheered slightly, Bai Xiaowen said in a loud voice: "Everyone, although we have returned to the sea, our crisis has not yet been lifted."

"This is the Bonus Islands, the legendary taboo, and the front line of human coalition fighting with snake-man."

"In other words, this is the place where the snake-man is. If you are unlucky, you will encounter the snake-man's patrol, which will attract a large number of flayers and plunder us again to the dark sea bottom!"

"There are two paths before us."

"First, leave quietly like a coward, abandon our fellow humans fighting here, and pray that the snake-man will not find you. Within a year, the sea will flood the continent and humanity will become extinct."

"Second, fight like a man, help fellow humans, completely destroy the snake-men here, stop the tide from rising, and return home as a warrior."

"I choose the second one-I have a mission as a prophet, and a responsibility as a human being! Now, tell me your choice!"

Among the crowd, low voices spread.

Suddenly, Captain Julian said, "I am willing to follow the Prophet Dior and fight for the fate of mankind."

After Julian spoke, the sailors next to Forward marched in approval. For a while, the atmosphere became warm. Most of the sailors were shouting for battle. Although the remaining few people were timid, they were afraid to jump out because of the situation and bear the scorn of everyone.

Bai Xiaowen smiled and nodded. The fact that he could have such an echoing situation was not because he had the power of a king, but was the result of a combination of factors.

First of all, the most important reason is the prestige brought by the identity of the "prophet". The popularity of the Kuroshio Plane of Bai Xiaowen is not a display. He brought these people back to the sea from the bottom of the sea, which was also a proof in itself, so that everyone's trust in him soared.

Secondly, it was the cooperation of Captain Julian, which was also the consensus reached between him and Captain Julian before entering the submarine undercurrent.

Finally, it is necessary to talk about the formation of this free army, that is, the army of hard labor, basically all the captives of the Vogata tribe looting merchant ships, the most of which are sailors and a small number of merchants.

In this era of no modern ships, still in the era of black gunpowder, flintlocks and cold weapons, people who can board the ship to discuss their lives, whether sailors or businessmen, are more courageous than ordinary civilians, saying that they are outlaws Not too much.

Coupled with the charisma bonus of the leaf peony map, Bai Xiaowen's words are also quite provocative, and it is not surprising that a situation that is full of emotions is formed.

Xiaowen Bai then ordered two ships to sail to one of the uninhabited islands. There are two white eagles overlooking the reconnaissance, and Bai Xiaowen and Qiao Rui's large-scale telepathic capabilities are almost equivalent to radars of this era. It is no problem if they want to remain undetected.

After landing on the island, the Freedom Corps went ashore to rest, and Captain Julian took food from the Vogata tribe to distribute.

Bai Xiaowen also made a further division of labor within the White Phoenix team.

"Now we have arrived in the Bonus Islands, but we are not familiar with the environment here, so the investigation is very important. This is the responsibility of Sister Qiao."

Qiao Rui smiled and nodded: "No problem, the Falcon Spirit's cooldown time is just two hours."

Bai Xiaowen continued: "The bases of the snake people are all on the bottom of the sea. It is not enough to rely on the spirit of the falcon. Shuyi, you and Cecilia, take a few elite sailors, use this magical conch to dive into the bottom Carry out a raid and catch some snakemen out for detailed information. "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said, "The two ghost boats have both assault boats and diving functions. You can take one or two assault boats to the sea ... well, I will let Delifa follow you Go, her mental scanning ability can give you a head start. "

As an advent creature, Delifa has an independent mental scanning ability, which is completely different from the dead bone wizard.

"What about you?" Li Shuyi asked. She didn't have a snack in it, and she wanted Bai Xiaowen to follow.

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "I'm going to contact the human commander ... otherwise, the forces we are currently gathering together are still too reluctant to deal with the deep-sea lord Vazatas, and we must learn to borrow."


Chakalo Island is one of the largest islands in the Bonus Sea. It was originally "the pearl of Calchino" and has a natural port "Port of Chakalo". However, after the snakes raged in this area, no merchant ship was willing to resupply here.

Today, the port of Tsakaluo is full of human warships, and these warships have different styles.

The keel warship of the northern kingdom "Yorny" is rough in workmanship and huge in size. It is in stark contrast to the petite and delicate warships with complicated patterns and green leaves everywhere-the latter is the elven kingdom "Sistil" The warship, the entire ship was transformed from an ancient tree of war.

Next to it, there is the iron armored ship of the dwarven kingdom "Tolin", which is very different from the crude wooden ship next to it. There is almost a gap between the two eras. The latter is the ship of the inland kingdom "Altolia", that knight kingdom, many people have never seen the sea in a lifetime ...

"Seeing these uneven warships ~ ~, I feel very uncertain about this pan-continental war."

A burly short-haired man with a quaint sword behind him walked in the port of Chacarlo and sighed softly, "Why can't you concentrate your financial resources, and ask the dwarves to make iron armored ships in batches?"

"It's not like your style, Lord Alexei Yahan." A blue robe female mage following the man with the giant sword said, blinking.

"I'm just talking in private, Miss Catherine." Yahan smiled bitterly.

"As your lieutenant, I must remind you ... this weak attitude will only lower the morale of the coalition forces," said Catherine, the female mage in the blue robe.

"You said it. I won't say that again in the future."

Yahan looked up, looking at the gloomy sky, and the dark clouds that he could almost reach out, sighing: "If the prophet is here ... with his guidance, we wouldn't be so confused."

Suddenly, a carving sounded far away, and a white shadow flew from the sky.

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