The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 873: Meet

? Yahan heard the carving and raised his head: "What is that ... a bird?"

As a mage, Catherine possessed telepathy. She suddenly looked up and carefully looked at the white shadow in the sky: "Lord Commander, that is a vulture, more fierce than an ordinary hawk."

Yahan thoughtfully looked at the white shadow closer and closer in the sky: "I feel like it's coming at me."

I have to say that Yahan's intuition was very keen. The white eagle flew over the port of Chacarlo and hovered around the two men's heads. With each small circle, it descends by one altitude and decreases its speed.

"Interesting, it's this way, showing me it's not malicious."

Yahan grinned, his hands spread out to indicate that he did not have a weapon: "Come down, I will not attack you."

Even if there is something abnormal about this white carving, Yahan can calmly deal with it. After all, the strength of the white carving he knows clearly is equivalent to an elite soldier of the coalition.

The white eagle lifted its wings and landed lightly.

"Her commander, there is something on the paw of this white eagle." Catherine the female mage reminded.

"I see it." Yahan walked slowly, not wanting to put any pressure on this strange white carving. Four feet away in front of the White Eagle, he stopped.

The white eagle lifted a paw in coordination, which made people think of a word, the golden rooster was independent ... It felt kind of cute.

There is a metal buckle on that paw, and a folded parchment paper is stuffed inside. Yahan carefully took off the metal buckle and took the parchment.

The white vulture tweeted, flapped its wings, flew into the sky, and soon disappeared.

"Who would send a letter this way?" Catherine said, puzzled.

Yahan unfolded the parchment.

"To my comrades-in-arms, Your Excellency The Honourable Sheriff:

"Three years ago, we hurriedly said goodbye. Your Excellency has now been promoted to coalition commander.

"The latent image labyrinth fought side by side. The seven-day prophecy of King Camelot ... I wonder if you still remember? Please follow the instructions of the White Eagle and come to see me."

The paragraph is "an old friend".

After Yahan read it again, he read it with some disbelief. A ecstasy glow quickly appeared on his face.

"Her commander, what's in the note? Is it convenient to tell me?" Catherine asked.

"Yes ... an old friend." Yahan wanted to tell the truth, but he paused and didn't say it.

Yahan looks burly and rough, but his mind is very delicate. From Bai Xiaowen's paper treaty, rather than appearing on his own initiative, he vaguely guessed that Bai Xiaowen didn't want to be exposed.

Yahan put up the note and looked up at the sky. Sure enough, the white eagle didn't fly away, hovering slowly on the sea level not far away.

"Give me a clipper, and I'm going out to sea," Yahan said.

"Ah?" Catherine hesitated. "Is it the cause of the note? Does anyone want to see you?"


"I urge you to think carefully about this," Catherine said, frowning. "The messenger doesn't seem to be such a good person."

Yahan said in a deep voice: "I know him better than you, Miss Catherine. He must have done something to do this."

"According to your and Her Majesty's agreement, I have no right to ask your decision," Catherine nodded, and the conversation turned sharply. "However, I still hope you are careful. You are now not only wearing one of the Seven Holy Artifacts, but also a monster Relic scales of Amotava. The Abyssal Serpent has long regarded you as a first priority target, even above the Prophet Dior Skelboom! "

After a pause, Catherine persuaded: "And this invitation may not have been sent by your friend. In the event that the Serpent family pretended to be his identity and sent an intimate appointment, the situation would be unthinkable."

"I understand," Yahan said faintly, "but I must take risks. I can no longer sit and watch the situation worsen day by day. I must act."

"Well, follow your will." Catherine made a courteous gesture with aristocracy.

A quarter of an hour later, a three-masted battleship from the kingdom of Camelot sailed to sea. Yahan stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the direction in which the White Eagle was flying: "Hurry up! Keep up with it!"


Not to mention the nervous expectations in Yahan's heart, Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi stood side by side on an uninhabited desert island not far from the port of Chakallo, waiting for the return of the White Eagle.

"The commander of the human coalition is really Yahan! Isn't he now a leader-level powerhouse?" Li Shuyi said.

"The picture that Sister Qiao detected was Yahan ..." Bai Xiaowen laughed. "From the perspective of camp balance, there is a lord of Vazatas on the side of the snake-man. Lord. "

"Lord lord ..." Li Shuyi murmured, "You are too confident, just call this, in case Yahan does not come, isn't it awkward?"

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "I will definitely come with my understanding of him."

"Then why don't you go to him in person, and still have a wave of presence in front of the representatives of the human coalition nations," Li Shuyi said, "let him come to you.

"Well, prophet, how can we not keep a little mystery?"

Bai Xiaowen first made a joke, then said: "Of course the real reason is that I am not yet suitable to appear, the time is not yet ... if I reveal my identity in advance, it will affect my next plan."

Li Shuyi nodded, suddenly pointed at the sky and said, "The white carving is here!"

"Ahem, Yahan is here, ready!" Bai Xiaowen took out the leaf-peony picture ...


Following the instructions of the White Eagle, Yahan sailed all the way.

In the sky above an uninhabited desert island, the white carvings continue to hover, and the carvings continue.

Yahan understood that he had reached his destination.

"Put down the boat ~ ~ I will go alone. Don't follow along with you." Yahan ordered.

The sailors themselves obeyed the commander's orders. Soon, Yahan rowed on his own and landed on the desert island.

When White Eagle saw Yahan on the island, he folded his wings and landed slowly in the valley on the island. Yahan walked a few steps into the valley.

"Old friend, we meet again."

A slightly familiar voice sounded, and Yahan looked sideways.

Bai Xiaowen was standing on a reef with his hands on his back, accompanied by Li Shuyi, and a white vulture combing his feathers with a pointed beak.

Bai Xiaowen's default transformation into the world of the Kuroshio Plane is a robe with a black cloak, which is quite mysterious to the prophet. Bai Xiaowen didn't need to spend extra psionic points to change clothes, so it was good ... When Yahan looked over, he took off his cloak.

"Sure enough, you!" Yahan walked in front of Bai Xiaowen, depressing with excitement, "Dior ... where have you been? Why haven't heard anything for three years!"

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