The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 874: Mainland situation

This question is really not easy to answer.

Bai Xiaowen simply did not answer positively: "Although we have not met in these years, we have been working for the same goal. Yahan, I can't say now, but you will know later."

Ordinary people say this, maybe they want to reduce favorability, but Bai Xiaowen talks to Yahan like this, but there is no problem.

Mystery is the normal way of opening the prophet.

Yahan didn't doubt it. He took a closer look at Bai Xiaowen and said, "Dio, it seems that in the past three years, you have honed a lot and strengthened a lot, and you can qualify for the original Sword of Fire Sword Adventure Group."

Bai Xiaowen's lip, are you sure you are boasting?

However, the sword of the fire at that time, the entry threshold of the level 7 leader, can be justified, after all, is a strong adventurer team known in the mainland. Yahan, the deputy head, was a rare leader at level 8 at the time.

"Your strength grows faster."

Bai Xiaowen took a closer look. After three years of hardening, Yahan's breath was much more powerful, and it was faint. He tried to use insight, but got an undetectable hint.

Insight can't detect the characters in the spirit world, aside from the special situation of Youbai Ghost Realm, Bai Xiaowen has only encountered it once, that is, the master of the blood **** palace, Gu Yuli, who met on the sword song plane.

Bai Xiaowen can only judge from the spirit breath. Yahan's momentum is stronger than Zuo Yunxuan on the sword song plane, even closer to the series of Yin Fei, Ming Wang and Qiankun real person, which is definitely the top of the awakening plane. Strength.

Hearing Bai Xiaowen's compliment, Yahan said with a grin: "I can make progress, but also thank you for the prophecy." He patted the quaint giant sword behind him, "Did you see this?"

"Villen's justice?"

Bai Xiaowen tried to name the great sword.

"It is indeed the Prophet," Yahan laughed. "After unlocking your prophecy, I passed the test and got this sacred weapon ... At that time, my strength ushered in a breakthrough. This breakthrough is not a 'quantity'. Increase, but 'quality' improvement. "

"This holy weapon is really suitable for you." Bai Xiaowen nodded. When he made the seven-day prophecy, he had seen the illusion of the seven sacred artifacts, so he could recognize this simple and huge sword at a glance.

"You should have solved the mystery of this archipelago, too?" Bai Xiaowen asked. Due to the identity of the prophet, there are some things that he cannot say well.

Yahan nodded and said, "We have cracked your fourth prophecy. This should be the place where one of the Seven Sacred Artifacts,‘ The Punishment of Bargra '. ”

Just solve it. Bai Xiaowen smiled and nodded: "By the way, why didn't you see Queen Carmelo? It's not important for her to fight for the holy weapon."

Yahan said: "It's okay, Her Majesty sits in the capital of the King, and has set up a teleportation circle near several places where the Seven Holy Artifacts are buried. After the birth of a Holy Artifact somewhere, she can come over to support her immediately . "

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "This is indeed the most efficient way ... Her Majesty's current strength should also be very strong, isn't it better than you?"

Yahan restrained and smiled: "I am a warrior, she is a mage. It ’s hard to compare. But Her Majesty also received the sacred artifact, a long-handled staff with a nickname. It must play a greater role in the legionary war. . "

[It should be the "authoritarian power of Azus" in the Seven Hallows. 】 Bai Xiaowen murmured in his heart.

After chatting with Yahan, Bai Xiaowen knew the specific situation.

After the disappearance of "The Prophet Dior", the Kingdom of Carmelo announced to the mainland the events of the end of the day and the prophecy of the Seventh Day. Happy.

Queen Carmelo and Yahan can only find the Seven Sacred Instruments by their own strength. Their luck was indeed good, and three of the seven-day predictions were explained. Later, Queen Carmelo found the staff "Azuz's authority" and passed the test, and Yahan got the two-handed sword "Velun's Justice".

But their good fortune has also ended here. The third place of prophecy, the holy artifact is no longer there, and I do not know who has fallen into it.

Then came the cataclysm, when the tidal waves came down, including Yahan ’s motherland, the Principality of Kila, a group of principalities were swallowed up by the sea, and even the Republic of Calchino, one of the seven kingdoms, lost one third. One territory.

The elf kingdom Sistil on the western side of the mainland and the dwarf kingdom Torin on the southwest have suffered heavy losses. At this time, the nations finally panicked and believed in the seven-day prediction. The names of the prophet Dior began to appear frequently in Yinyou. In the mouth of the poet ...

Catastrophes are not just the arrival of floods, but also a series of environmental upheavals ...

The sky was gloomy day after day, and the number of times a month could see the sun, counting over with one hand. Frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and great changes in the landform of the Kuroshio continent. It's like here, once the mountains turned into islands.

At this time, it was difficult to find the sacred object through the seven-day prophecy, because the landscape changed greatly.

The mainland nations formed a loose alliance at the initiative of Queen Carmelo, who had grown in strength. This alliance is not strong enough in cohesion. It is mainly because of the historical contradictions in the countries of the alliance. It is difficult to work together.

For example, the northern kingdom of Jorny ~ ~ is the hometown of the barbarians. The southern neighbor who has always hated them is the Republic of Calchino. Grain and ironware replaced a lot of precious leather hoarded by the barbarians ... In the language of the barbarians, the "Kalchino merchant" has become a swear word. About a hundred years ago, the Huaxia people scolded "Japanese devils "almost.

The merchants of the Republic of Calchino and their western neighbor, Torin, the dwarven kingdom, also had a bad relationship for similar reasons. The dwarves looked down on the insidiousness of the Calchino merchants, and many dwarven families even vowed not to deal with the Calchinos all their lives. The dwarf's vow is known as "the four-headed dragon cannot pull back".

In the west, the elder kingdom of Sistil and the orc kingdom of the northwest, Du Erga, are more acute, and they are in a continuous century of war. The reason ... The orc kingdom has a harsh environment, and it is necessary to cut down trees to live, which offends the taboos of the elves. Elves, as long-lived species, are most revenge ...

Camelot, an ally of the Elven Kingdom, was also dragged into the war with the orcs. This is why Camelo, the initiator of the alliance, has not yet received a response from the orc kingdom-other countries may join the alliance.

To make matters worse, the Snake Man seems to have heard of the rumors of the Seven Holy Artifacts and began to compete for the Holy Artifacts ...

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