The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 875: Magic Technology


Yahan said in shame:

"In fact, the fourth prophecy was first solved by the snake-man. It was precisely because the snake-man seized the Bonus Islands that this place name caught our attention. Take it against the first two sentences of your fourth prophecy. They found a perfect match, so they sent a coalition to fight over. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded.

Yahan then asked: "We already know the place names of the first two sentences. But how do we understand the last few sentences?" The servant of the flame, the burnt ruins, turned into a radiance connecting the sky and the earth, stained with magic blood Sacred Warhammer Sees Heaven '... "

"Are you going to memorize it?" As Bai Han shook his head and recited the fourth content of the Seven Day Prophecy, Bai Xiaowen felt adorable.

"Nearly everyone will memorize it now," Yahan said, taking a deep look at Bai Xiaowen. "You don't know. At this time, your fame in Kuroshio mainland is almost comparable to the monarchs of the Seven Kingdoms. Your prediction is, The guiding light in the last days. "

Bai Xiaowen smiled awkwardly and politely. [Student Yahan, if you praise me like this, I will be proud. 】

This is also related to special times. How could a prophet have such great fame without the calamity of the world?

However, looking at Yahan's hope, Bai Xiaowen still shook his head and said, "Yahan, I'm sorry. I can't explain the content of the prophecy for you in detail. If I could, I would have done it three years ago."

Yahan sighed, and then regained his spirit: "It doesn't matter, as long as you can come back. Dior, why don't you come to me directly, but instead meet by messenger? Is there anything inexplicable?"

Bai Xiaowen said, "There are two reasons. First of all, I am very sensitive now. If such a bright appearance in the public view, the senior rulers of the coalition countries will be unhappy."

Yahan frowned. "The situation is different, you have to walk from behind the scenes to the stage."

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "Yes, but not now. In addition to relying on prophetic reputation, what else do I have now? I don't have a single star achievement, and my age is also flawed, it is easy to make people feel unworthy, and hope is ruined "I want to show up, but also after a hearty victory for the coalition!"

Yahan nodded silently.

Bai Xiaowen also said: "The second reason is that my appearance in the right place is not conducive to the next step."

"You already have a plan?"

"Yes, but it needs your cooperation."

Bai Xiaowen paused and said: "Commander His Excellency ... before you say my plan, do you know how much strength the snake man engulfed in the Bonus Islands has?"

Yahan froze, and said with some shame: "I only know the Lord Snake is a guy named Vazatas, and there are some leaders beside him that should not be underestimated. As for other information ... ashamed, the snake people usually Hidden on the bottom of the sea, there will only be occasional looting. Our army is beaten everywhere, and we know very little about them. "

This is actually the reason for the decline of the morale of the Allied Forces. The sea was originally the home of the Snake-Man. The other party had a diving ghost ship, and an assault boat. They could come and go freely.

"This is why I came to you," Bai Xiaowen said.

Bai Xiaowen said, picking up a branch and drawing a sketch on the ground.

"Within a thousand miles of the Bonus waters, there are three snake-man bases, all under the command of the deep-sea lord Vazatas. Although they live in relatively scattered places, they can move at high speed and support each other through the undercurrent of the sea. The Nus Islands are completely under the control of the Serpent-man. "

"Vazatas is a powerful lord, and His Majesty has a number of powerful generals, three of them are very powerful, called 'Natulu', 'Gashwin' and 'Orwin'. This The three were the original snake men transformed through the main altar of Amotava, who had been brainwashed by Amotava and extremely loyal ... "Bai Xiaowen smiled and said," But Natulu has been killed by me. "

Yahan took a surprised look at Bai Xiaowen. Although surprised, he had no doubt about Bai Xiaowen's words, but just said with emotion: "Your achievements alone have surpassed the human coalition."

Bai Xiaowen waved his hand and said, "I can only do this with the help of Charlotte and a few new partners. I won't talk about these, let's talk about the ghost ship of the snake people."

"Every snake-man general has a ghost ship. There should be dozens of ghost ships in this area! In terms of quantity, it is similar to the human coalition ships in the port of Chakalo, but in terms of combat effectiveness It was a complete victory, and if they could n’t beat and ran, we could n’t get the other side. ”

Yahan nodded heavily.

"In particular, Vazatas's flagship. From what I know, it is a moving underwater fortress! The hull is reinforced with inscriptions, and ordinary black powder shells cannot penetrate the ghost flagship at all. Armor. On the offensive side, the ghost flagship is equipped with a magic crystal cannon ... "

"Magic cannon?" Yahan snarled, "What's that?"

"That is the top creation of magic technology. I have seen relevant records in the Cameron King's Library. This is just a imagination of magicians. Relying on the power of spar ~ ~ Bombed out in the form of artillery shells ... but in the hands of the snakes, this fantasy became a reality and our nightmare. "

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said: "The submarine deposit produces magic crystals, which is also the source of the power of the magic crystal cannons. The snake people have been actively looting the population in order to obtain labor and mine for them.

In fact, Bai Xiaowen felt that according to the normal technology tree of the Snake Terran, there was no such foul thing as the magic crystal cannon. This magic technology is most likely brought by that mysterious lord—that is, the mysterious consciousness from outside the sky.

Yahan sighed: "So we have no chance of naval battle."

"That's right. We must find a way to lure snakemen into landing operations!" Said Bai Xiaowen Shen Sheng. "Based on this information, I made a battle plan ..."

Bai Xiaowen whispered his thoughts to Yahan, and then said: "Take this white vulture back. At some point, it is my eyes. Although I will not attend the coalition command conference, as long as it is there , I can also learn the content of your resolution and cooperate with it. "

After listening to Bai Xiaowen's plan, Yahan nodded thoughtfully. Then the two sides left separately.

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