The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 879: Call of the Scorching Current

The original White Phoenix team was a chopper team, but after Qiao Rui joined, her sonic spells could make up for some magic output. After Bai Xiaowen's Winter Wand was strengthened to +7, it basically made up the team's magic output short board.

Li Shuyi and Han Xu also did not wait, and Han Xu was in charge of rowing, taking advantage of the high-speed maneuverability of the assault boat to avoid the AOE area damage of the BOSS.

Bai Xiaowen called the butcher at the bow. Although the butcher cannot attack from a long range, he can still block most of the "Scorching Arrows" basic spells for everyone with a huge body.

This 8th-level element leader has nearly a thousand health points, but under continuous magic output, the blood line drops rapidly-as a steam element, it is also restrained by Bai Xiaowen's frost damage.

Qiao Rui's Sonic Spell and Lightning Strike by the Dead Bone Demon Master, although it has no restraint effect, can also cause 100% unreduced damage.

Coupled with Cecilia's archery supplement, the elemental leader's health soon dropped below 30%, and he was ready to run away.

It's just that Bai Xiaowen's spell switching has been improved, one spell is settled, then multiple slivers are cast, and three shards are shot out like a machine gun. Qiao Rui and their follow-up output at the same time, a wave of damage completely cleared the remaining 300 health points of the BOSS.

A golden treasure box was suspended at sea, and the assault boat approached, Li Shuyi picked up the treasure box and opened it.

Bai Xiaowen put away both the butcher and the dead bone healer. In a non-combat state, taking back the summoned creature can slowly restore its health.

The battle score is only C. After Li Shuyi extracted, she got a scroll prop.

[The Call of the Scorching Sea Current: A + level item, summons two elite steam elements to fight for you for 180 seconds. Elite Steam Elemental has a Scorching Arrow, Steam Jet, and Fluid Surge skills. Use times 1/1, disappear after use. 】

"Very good," Bai Xiaowen said. The team still lacks such summoning props, especially the elite elements of the two mage types.

"There is only one chance to use it," Li Shuyi said.

"Well used, one chance is enough." Bai Xiaowen smiled and put away the scroll.

There are additional special items dropped in the treasure chest, which are not included in the loot exchange list.

[Coreolios Core Fragment (Large): Can serve as 5 Coreolios Core Fragments. 】

"Well ... we already have 6 fragments, plus this, we can synthesize." Li Shuyi said.

Bai Xiaowen nodded, took the six pieces from the elite steam element, put them together, and chose to synthesize.

A slight light flashed, and then a reddish sphere appeared in the palm of Bai Xiaowen.

[Core of Collorios: Special item, throwing it into the Sea of ​​Scorching Seas can awaken Elemental Lord Collorios. 】

[Warning: Collorios fell asleep after the cataclysm. It's in a bad mood, waking it up may be your doomsday. 】

Cecilia asked in amazement: "Lord of the elements? If we face a lord here, we have no chance of winning."

The teammates nodded unanimously. In this area of ​​the sea, the combat effectiveness of the crowd itself has been weakened to some extent, and the combat effectiveness of the steam element has been increased. The lord's strength is undoubtedly strong, and then added to the environment, almost innately invincible.

In addition, if the assault boat is overturned, everyone will lose their footing and fall into the hot sea, it will certainly not last long.

Qiao Rui thought for a while and said, "In this fantasy world, the title is the existence of the lord, not necessarily the real lord, but it may also be the title ... just like Cecilia's title."

Bai Xiaowen thought silently.

"There is some deviation from the picture I see on the prophecy slate, but after a little thought, everything can be matched."

When the slate flashed the picture of "Balgra's Retribution" at that time, a group of fire elements appeared here, and after killing a certain amount of fire elements, a giant flame element appeared ... so Bai Xiaowen was in Only the words "Servant of the Flame, Burnt Out Ruins" were left in the prophecy.

I just do n’t know how strong the giant flame element is, is there a lord level? When the tide came, did its strength improve or weaken?

However, no matter whether the elemental lord Collorios is vanity or real, it will not affect Bai Xiaowen's plan.

"Keep going." Bai Xiaowen ordered.

The two assault boats rowed forward.

Soon, the water flow changed, and it seemed to be much more turbulent.

"There is a big vortex ahead! Can't come any closer!" Qiao Rui exclaimed.

"Understand, stop here."

Bai Xiaowen waved and stopped. He quietly counted his time and looked at Qiao Rui and said, "The spirit of the falcon can be released now."

"Where is the investigation?" Qiao Rui asked.

Bai Xiaowen's finger pointed to the southeast: "This is the direction, let the spirit of the falcon fly all the way to the patrol. Be careful not to leave the sea of ​​scorching currents, and explore at the edge of the steam area."

"Understand." Qiao Rui nodded.


On the dark sea floor, a huge and huge ship is quietly submerging.

This ghost ship is more than ten times larger than other ghost ships. This figure alone is incompatible with the painting style of the Kuroshio plane.

The outside of the giant ship's hull was glittering with magical patterns that lingered on and off, propped up a giant bubble, wrapped the whole giant ship, and blocked the seawater from entering.

From a distance, the giant ship itself is a base.

Snake races can survive in seawater, so ordinary ghost ships do not have such a bubble shield that blocks seawater.

This giant ship is equipped with a bubble shield ~ ~ because it is itself the resident office of the deep sea lord Vazatas. Those important documents and charts are not able to withstand seawater Years of soaking.

A tall and tall male snake man stood on the deck of the giant ship. His pair of vertical pupils were extremely cold and seemed to look into the distance through the heavy darkness.

"Master Vazatas, the sea of ​​burning sea eyes is in front." A petite stature, two inexplicable objects on the chest were only wrapped in shells, and they trembled and wobbled and came to Zhuang Great male snake man beside him.

Deep Sea Lord Vazatas nodded, and stretched his hand beyond the bubble shield: "I can already feel the sea water getting hot."

"The protective force field can only block seawater, but it can't block heat insulation," said the female snake-man. "If you continue to sail, the bottom of the sea will get hotter and hotter, and eventually it will boil, and then we will all be steamed."

"You don't need to remind me, Admiral Gershwin."

Vazatas said faintly, "Continue sailing and monitor the temperature of the seawater. Float before the temperature rises to an unbearable level."

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