The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 880: Magic Crystal Cannon Volley

"Will this be noticed by the other party," whispered a male serpent-guard with a halberd in his hand.

Vazattas snorted: "It is impossible, according to time, the other party should have reached the center of this area of ​​the sea, which is the position of the vortex sea eye, more than ten miles apart and covered by fog ... The presence of human prophets is unlikely to find us. "

After a pause, Vazatas said, "Even if they find out, they can run away in this vast sea?"

"Master Vazatas is wise." A group of male snake-guards patted the road next to him.

The female snake Gishwin lowered her head, and a taunt of mockery and helplessness flashed in the corners of her mouth.

The Snake race was originally a matriarchal society, and women's status was much higher than men's. But after the resurrection of the lord, the status of the male snake-man is very different. The three lords have two males!

The heads of other subsea bases are mostly male, and the female snake-man becomes the foil.

It should be noted that most of these female snake-humans are the main mothers of the "native" snake-human tribe, not the transformed, such as Gershwin. Many male snake-man strongmen represented by Vazatas are uncompromised transformed people ...

Although the mothers and mothers miss the glory of the past, at this time the power of the snake-man is greatly increased, and the dominant position of the male snake-man is an irreversible trend.

Just when Gershwin was thinking about it, Vazatas and the snake man guard next to you, you said a word to me about this battle plan.

A snake-man guard complimented: "Humans use the island of Axon as a bait, and want to mobilize the main force of our tribe, and dig the holy weapon in the sea of ​​scorching water. This abacus is really good, but in Vazata In front of the Master, it was useless. "

Vazatas nodded and said, "Among the military and civilians in the port of Tsakaluo, there are insiders of our Serpent clan, including even the high-ranking relatives' guards of the coalition ... Every movement of the human coalition is within my control. They take What fights me? "

After a pause, Vazatas said again, "This human prophet named Dior is indeed scheming. He would have been deceived by him if he hadn't reported to me through the" Telephone ". Naturu's tribe was defeated by him, and he did not lose. "

Gershwin returned and smiled: "Even Dior's scheming, he can't run away now. He and the forthcoming sacred artifacts will be in the palm of Lord Wazatas."

Vazatas showed a sloppy smile, and stretched his hands beyond the bubble shield, and squeezed the indescribable thing in front of Gershwen's chest, and said with a laugh: "Floating! Open at full speed! To the vortex sea eye! "


On the steam-filled sea, the ghost ship crashed into the water.

With the support of the magic formation, the giant ship chopped waves and ran fast. Occasionally, an elite steam element was encountered along the way, and the scorching ocean current that was ejected could not even hurt the bulkhead of the giant ship, which was naturally ignored.

After driving for ten minutes like this, the watchman suddenly shouted, "Report! Lord Lord, there is a vortex sea eye in front!"


Vazatas ordered, "Search for human tracks!"

"Report! On the side of the sea, I found an assault boat of our army with several figures on it!"

Vazatas nodded thoughtfully: "Since the human prophet Dior wiped out the Vogata tribe, then two ghost ships should also be seized, and it is not surprising that we have our assault boat." He immediately raised his voice and ordered:

"Can you confirm the number of targets?"

"Report! Because of the hot fog, you can't see clearly!"

"Actually, there is no need to confirm it," Vazattas said with a smudge on his face. "Pass me a command and launch a shell at the assault ship of the Vortex Sea Eye!"

Gershwin was taken aback: "Lord Lord, the order of the lord, the human prophet Dior must be captured and cannot be killed."

Vazattas snorted: "Of course I know this. But this person is not weak enough to wipe out the Vogata tribe and withstand several shells before he is dead! My primary goal is to overturn his seat The boat, leaving him powerless to escape, and then catching alive. "

Gershman was speechless.

Instead of using the bow's main gun, the Ghost Ship turned over the hull and bombarded it with a side group of secondary guns.

The magic crystal cannon quickly infused energy, a total of four purple arcane energy Changhong, radiated out! On the sea not far away, an amazing huge wave was immediately set off. The assault boat was directly thrown by the huge wave, and the figures above fell into the sea.

"Release the assault boat! Capture the human prophet alive!" Vazatas ordered again.

"Sir, you have to sit on the flagship, let me do this little thing!" Gershman asked.

"Huh?" Vazattas sneered, "Are you deputy Gershwin, do you think I'm a fool? The merits of catching the Prophet Dior are just around the corner, and I won't miss this opportunity in vain."

Gershwin secretly gritted his teeth, but was helpless.

Vazatas put down three assault boats, led more than 20 snakemen to guard the sea, cut through the waves, and advanced in this hot mist-steamed sea.

"Find one!" One of the snake men on one of the assault boats yelled.

"Salvage!" Vazattas ordered, and his heart blossomed. At the same time, he also saw a black shadow floating and sinking on the sea ahead, which should also be a personal prisoner. With a movement in his heart, he quickly ordered people to approach the boat.

After the captive was salvaged, Vazatas took a breath.

Where is this human captive? A long snake tail, a crocodile-like forward face, and a whole body of scales ... it is clearly his snake-human family!

The snake man's body was steamed and red ~ ~ his eyes were confined and he had no breath.

At the same time, there was a voice of anxiety beside:

"Report! It wasn't humans salvaged ... it was snakemen!"

Another exclaimed sounded, a male snake man from Vazatas guarded him: "Master, this salvaged snake man ... isn't it Leto of the Pandal base? He disappeared strangely yesterday. Abducted by humans ... "

Vazatas' face was extremely gloomy. His fists clenched suddenly and he gritted his teeth and said, "We've been tricked!"

The words did not fall, and the seawater of the vortex sea eye burst suddenly!

With the sound of gurgling bubbles, a huge, dark red elemental body burst out of the sea.

Under the magical resonance, the roar of the elemental body was shaking.

"Who dares to break into the territory of Collorios! Who is it, dare to stab Colonelos' servants! Little bugs, the great Collorios will burn you into coke!"

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