The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 958: Hair of Snake Mother

As for the bad luck of Halofenson, under Li Shuyi's double swords, he was already in danger.

As for other snake-man aberrations, they were quickly cleaned up, and no snake-man could support the snake-man polymath.

The addition of Bai Xiaowen made Haruffinson even more difficult to support, and soon fell this guy to the ground and tied the rope. Queen Carmelo still had a special magic rune on her body, which was enough for 48 hours.

Of course, such imprisoned rune props will only take effect on targets that have lost their resistance. It is useless to sneak and paste them in combat.

"Xiaowen, let's chase it!"

Li Shuyi said excitedly, "The snake mother Gagrila is also a lord. Take this rare opportunity to kill her! There are so many snake women BOSS, this is all a treasure chest."

Bai Xiaowen said, "I hope you can do as you wish. But I always feel that the mother snake retreats too decisively."

Although they talked like this, they didn't stop at their feet.

The orcs chase ahead, Camelot's mage is behind, and Bai Xiaowen are the third group to follow.

After passing through the cracked road between the two rock walls, the eyes were wide. However, Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi suddenly stopped.

Not only the two of them, but also the Carmelo Masters in front stopped.

The orc leaders chasing the forefront have become a group of stone carvings! On their faces, there remained a look of shock and panic.

"What's going on?" Bai Xiaowen said.

Queen Carmelo said: "I didn't see the whole process, but it seems that it should be the petrified magic of that snake mother Gagliola. It is said that there is a Medusa in the Serpent Woman, and anyone who looks directly at it People with hair are petrified, and it's true. "

After a pause, Queen Carmelo said, "This stupid group of orcs has been hit, and we haven't rushed to follow the lost snakes."

Bai Xiaowen smiled bitterly: "Her Majesty, you don't look nervous at all, is that okay? Chief Chief Kamush, they should be fine."

Speaking, Bai Xiaowen threw insight at one of the stone carvings, King Kamush.

Queen Carmelo looked indifferent: "The life and death of these orcs have nothing to do with me. I don't take the opportunity to destroy them. It is completely bound by vows ..."

There was a drop of sweat on the back of Bai Xiaowen.

Fortunately, insight gave feedback. What made Bai Xiaowen relieved was that King Kamush was still alive, but fell into a petrified state called "Snakes of Snake Mother".

[Snakes of the Snake Mother: A petrified state, unable to move, attack, or cast for 5 minutes. The remaining time is 214 seconds. While in this state, it will be immune to any non-real damage of priority 7 or lower and cannot be moved. 】

"Huh, it seems that the petrified magic of the snake mother only temporarily freezes the ability of the recruiters ... but King Kamush can not be attacked, so this ability is not so bad."

Think about it, King Kamush is close to the existence of the lord class, and the orc leader around him is also a master. It ’s been a whole second to be remembered by a group of magic, and it ’s impossible, even if the snake mother Gagrila is a mage-type lord.

The 5-minute freeze action ability in the petrified state is already very powerful. In this state, immunity to all damage except the real damage is also considered as a balance of the spirit rules for this skill. Otherwise charged for five minutes, even if the soldiers come up with a knife one person can be hacked to death.

"This act of Snake Mother ... the launching conditions should be harsh, or it takes a long time to prepare," Bai Xiaowen pondered for a moment, "otherwise, they would not have to give up Halofenson, and they would directly encounter us. Launch this move, petrify most of our combat power and then take Halofenson away. "

"Well, that's the truth," Queen Carmelo thought about it seriously, "should you keep chasing, or wait for these orcs to wake up?"

"Don't chase it. The main goal of this operation has been achieved."

Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes, as if thinking about something.

Soon, the orcs woke up. When it comes to Zhongzhao, these rough men are all angry and scared.

According to the orcs' poor language skills, when they chase, they will catch up with the snake mother after seeing it. Who knows that the hair of the back of the opponent is alive like a snake group, and the eyes of each snake head are vicious Red light. After seeing the red light, everyone felt heavy, as if they were filled with lead, and moved more and more slowly.

In the end, it was completely petrified, and even thinking was stagnant. There was a blank period of up to several minutes. Of course, it was only a moment to the orcs in the petrified state.

A group of people walked back to the ground pillar.

Looking at the towering crystal pillars, King Kamush felt a bit of emotion: "If you could not have seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that the great Gagulje Plateau is supported by this pillar."

"We human prophets want it." Queen Carmelo snorted softly.


King Kamush's attitude towards the queen remained uneasy, but when he looked at Bai Xiaowen again, his face was much softer.

"Master Prophet, you are not only a prophet of human beings, you are also a prophet of all races on the entire continent! Thank you for finding the vein corridor of the Gagour Plateau. If it is not you ... we may not until the great earthquake occurs, the sea water is poured back For a moment, he was still in the dark. "

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "This is my mission ~ ~ Your great chief. You don't have to thank me, after all, the Orc Kingdom has paid me satisfaction for this survey."

Bai Xiaowen also meant to remind Kamush that don't forget the transaction between them ...

In fact, Bai Xiaowen did everything. King Kamush laughed loudly and promised to hand over the mother of the wolf to Bai Xiaowen to fulfill his promise.

The other orcs were grateful to Bai Xiaowen.

Some of them originally had some criticisms about Bai Xiaowen-after all, Bai Xiaowen has done a lot of things in the orc kingdom these days. Based on the sense of honor, these orcs have a lot of sympathy for the existence of the Shadowblade clan.

But now, Bai Xiaowen has defeated the conspiracy of the snake-man and has preserved the achievements of the vein corridors and pillars of the Gaguri Plateau, which has completely smoothed out the previous point of the orcs.

Finally, looking around the corridor, King Kamush arranged for the dozen orc chiefs and the elite warriors led by the orcs to be on duty here. Bai Xiaowen, Li Shuyi, Queen Carmelo, and the Mage Regiment took the White Eagle and Griffon respectively, and escorted the captives back to Red Rock City.

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