The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 959: Hardcore humans and educable snakemen

"Master Prophet, Harlecan ... I'll leave it to you."

The master of tamers, Ruhr, is still a bit reluctant, but as a moderate orc, he is also grateful for Bai Xiaowen's help to the orc kingdom, and he has a commitment first, so he still gives the name of the mother of the wolf, Bai Xiaowen.

Moreover, according to Master Luer's observation, in the days when the angry claws disappeared, Harleken had been sick, and even the favorite stone-backed lizard meat strips could not appetite ... If the angry claws really left forever In the Orc Kingdom, it's hard to tell if Harleken has depression.

Bai Xiaowen secretly sighed that this angry claw was really in his soul. Fenrir didn't see much emotion for many years ...

Until now, this special branch mission of Bai Xiaowen, the mission of the prophet, was not completed.

Originally, it was just a common nameplate worn on the neck of the wolf's mother, but after the mission was completed and Bai Xiaowen started, it changed. The halo of the psionic particles surrounded it and turned it into a psionic item.

Harleken was also included on the nameplate, with a giant wolf pattern behind it.

[Mother Wolf's nameplate: Quest item. After use, you can summon Mother Wolf, Harleken. Use it again to retrieve it, but you can't control it to fight. The nameplate can be taken out of the Kuroshio Plane world, but you cannot execute summoning or retracting orders in other plane worlds. 】

"Well, thank you for taking good care of the spirit rules."

Bai Xiaowen smiled. This was a small measure that made him easy to carry. Otherwise, a big live wolf, White Eagle One and Two will probably not be able to carry it. As a living individual, there is no way to put it in the storage space. Where can I go?

"Hoo ... two of the three goals have been completed. Finally, as long as you get the ancient rune armor of the Dwarven Kingdom, you can ..."

Bai Xiaowen's thoughts just turned around. Suddenly an orc warrior came to pass the message:

"Master Prophet, Warchief ... and that human queen, there are important things, please go there."


Bai Xiaowen first released the mother of the wolf, then summoned the angry claws. In any case, it is always right for the two wolves to contact each other first.

At the Throne of Redstone, not only Queen Camelot and King Camusch were there, but also the two captured prisoners, Halofenson and Katherine, were present, but the two-oh no, one person and one snake All were forbidden by the magical runes.

"Here you come, Lord Prophet."

King Kamush is now very polite to Bai Xiaowen.

"Dior is here, can you start?" Queen Carmelo said coldly to the orc chieftain.

"What started?" Bai Xiaowen curiously looked at the two captives.

King Kamush cleared his throat: "My interrogator has made some progress. I think this information needs to let you know-I'm not sure this carpenter snake man can tell whether it is true or not."


Xiaowen Bai looked at Haruffinson.

The snake man scientist, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, has no signs of torture and is in good health.

"I'm willing to confess! Lord Prophet, I am an erudite scholar, I have a very deep knowledge of science and technology, and I can serve the guardian camp ... I am willing to abandon the dark cast!" Said Halofenson almost rushing.

Bai Xiaowen: "..."

But Catherine snorted aside, "Your cartilage, your existence is a shame to the snake-man."

Bai Xiaowen looked at the two captives and said with a smile, "It's a bit interesting. Miss Catherine, who is a human, is actually a diehard, but Mr. Halofenson, a snake man, is an educator who is actively committed. ... "

"I surrender, I am willing to be educated!"

Halofenson immediately followed Bai Xiaowen's words and continued: "Master Prophet, don't look at me as a snake man, but I was originally a human! I was just deceived and transformed into a snake man ... I was also victimized By!"

"Since you are a victim, why did you help the snake-man destroy the continent? Is the earthquake in Amusa Forest related to you?" Said Queen Carmelo coldly. "You should be glad you did not fall in the Elven Kingdom, otherwise If it were, it would have been utterly endangered! "

"I ... this is also helpless!" Halofenson sighed, and suddenly found that his hands were tied after spreading his hands. "Well, if I don't work, the Lord will not let go. mine."

Bai Xiaowen said faintly: "So you turn passive into active, actively assist the snake-man's sabotage action, so as to invite the prince to reward and quickly climb up?"

"This ..." Halofenson smiled awkwardly. "Master Prophet, I am a researcher dedicated to science ... It always needs a certain amount of power to mobilize resources and do the research I want."

Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes, this goods is a bit like Dr. Zombie.

"Well, you say you have to confess ... then tell all the information you know. Let ’s start with the most important," Bai Xiaowen said lightly. "I warn you, as a prophet I can see some Illusions about the past and the future. If what you say doesn't agree with what I see, and you can't justify it, I can only think that you are lying and you are being sentenced. "

"This, what's the most important?" Halofenson asked sincerely.

"Well, intelligence related to the Grand Prince and the corridors of the earth is the most important," Bai Xiaowen pondered for a moment, and gave priority. "Other information can be put behind slowly. Of course, if you think Some piece of intelligence is very critical. If it is possible to help the guard camp reverse the situation, you can ignore the priority I gave earlier and speak first. "

Halofenson said, "Ah," "There is one, very, very urgent information ..."

"Say!" Hurried to see Harlofenson's slurping appearance ~ ~.

"This, beforehand, I told you the truth, you can't add charges to me!" Halofenson tried to bargain.

"The crime against humanity, you're already big enough!" Bai Xiaowen waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's count on your crimes."

"Well, you all know, I'm a scientist, and I have a very good survey ability," Harofinson said.


"In the past, I worked on the east coast of the mainland. The southeast of the Republic of Calchino. The mountains of Bonus turned into sea areas. This is the result of my survey. Of course, my survey focus has now shifted to the west coast of the mainland.


Seeing the fist raised by Bai Xiaowen, Halofenson was very familiar: "What I want to say is that I am not only surveying the two sites of the Amosa Forest and the Gaguere Plateau. There is also a place where the entrance to the vein corridor I have found it……"

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