The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 975: Reasons for changing positions

Li Shuyi muttered in the team channel: "This snake mother is too real."

But Bai Xiaowen was not confused by the smile of the snake mother Gagrila, and shook his head and said, "My strength has increased and made you determined? IMHO, this is not a reason to change your position. Before that, Qi Four of the sacred artifacts have been born, and three of them have a matching master. The strength of those three has also increased dramatically. Why didn't you change your attitude at that time? "

"His Prophet, if I have to give me a reason, it is your special identity."

Snake mother Gagrila said with a smile: "I didn't care about your identity as a prophet because you didn't get the guardian sect's inheritance. Now it's different. You've got the inheritance, and the lord's odds have been reduced a lot. "

"From the perspective of the Ming Dynasty, the lord still has the advantage. The deep-sea snakes come and go whenever they want. The coalition forces, as the defensive side, are simply unable to protect the long sea." Bai Xiaowen said calmly, "Even though the guard camp and the abyss camp The odds of winning are five or five. As one of the three lords of the abyss camp, you have a respectable position, and what reason to betray? "

There must be good reasons for betraying one's own camp. The most common reason for betrayal is interest or status. It is like jumping to a competing company. The other party must have offered a higher salary / position than now.

Among the Serpents, Jiagella was afraid that she was more than 10,000 people. She took refuge in the guard camp and could not get a higher status at all.

Snake mother Gagrila sighed, "Well, then I told the Lord the Prophet the reason for the change of position."

"The deep-sea snake man that the Prophet just said was actually inaccurate. My tribe and me are not in the deep sea. We are amphibious snake-man and don't like the deep and dark sea bottom. For us, the wet quagmire It is the swamp covered with vines that is the real home. "

"I believe His Excellency the Prophet has noticed that there is a big difference between me and the ordinary female snake-man you have met ..."

Speaking of which, the snake mother Gaglielah raised her eight arms: "Yes, we mud snakes have multiple arms. This is the normal snake-man form. Those so-called deep-sea snake men have only two The arm is just a deformed race transformed. "

Bai Xiaowen's heart moved.

He thought of the space in the treasure land of the Dead Lake. In the internal isolation, he had also seen snake men, especially women of snake men, which seemed to have the shape of multiple arms.

When entering the Kuroshio plane for the first time, when he saw a deep-sea snake man with only two arms, Bai Xiaowen had some confusion in his heart—this seems to be a little different from the quagmire snake man. But he didn't delve into that at the time.

It now appears that the quagmire snakeheads headed by the snake mother Jiagelila should be the "native tribe" of the Kuroshio Plane world, and the deep-sea snakeman transformed from the altar as the lord consciousness of aliens from the altar belongs to " Artificial tribe. "

"Do you discriminate and transform snake people?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

Giagelila shrugged: "It's not discriminatory. But as the number of altars made by His Majesty the Lord is increasing, the number of transformed snake men has gradually surpassed our native snake men ... This makes me very concern."

Bai Xiaowen quickly came to understand: "Originally they were heterogeneous. But when their number is too large, you become heterogeneous."

"His Prophet is really clever," said Gagrilia, grinning, "but there is another reason that prompted me to betray the Lord."

"Say it."

"As a true priest of Amotava, I have a feeling that the resurrected prince is not our ancestor, Amotava. That guy, I do n’t know what it is, but he occupied Amotava. It ’s a blasphemy, ”said Gagrilia seriously.

Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly.

"Sure enough, Your Excellency the Prophet also knows some insider information. I wonder if you can tell me so that I can confirm the guess in my heart?" Gaggrila smiled.

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "I can tell you that the consciousness currently occupying the remains of Amotava does not belong to the Kuroshio plane."

"Whew ... I don't think my idea is wrong." Snake mother Gagrila breathed a sigh of relief. "Then, that's why I betrayed the lord."

"Since you realized a long time ago that the lord is not Amotava himself, why have you stayed with him?" Li Shuyi looked at Snake Mother's exposed costume and smirking smile, and she was uncomfortable for a while, looking for A stubble.

The snake mother Gagrila said with a smile: "To survive."

Bai Xiaowen nodded, he had understood the process of Gagrila's mentality change.

After the alien consciousness occupied the remains of Amotawa, the snake mother noticed that something was wrong, but because the alien visitors were too powerful and mysterious, the abyss camp was in an absolutely dominant position. In order to protect the ethnic group and her own safety, the snake mother chose to hide in sillyness-even if she joined forces with the guardian camp, she could not help the lord.

It wasn't until Bai Xiaowen returned to the Kuroshio Plane to kill Wazatas and the United States, and achieved the inheritance of the ancient pagan sect. A series of brilliant achievements made the snake mother realize the opportunity, so she actively turned to Bai Xiaowen. .

Bai Xiaowen also secretly kept an eye on his mind. The snake grass mother-in-law is a kind of triumphant character. Whoever is strong will never go against the trend. If the abyss camp had an advantage, she would inevitably fall back, so she couldn't believe it.

Of course, paying attention does not mean non-cooperation. Now both sides have a basis for cooperation.

"What can you do for the coalition?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

"I know the Lord ’s plan of action ~ ~ His main target of attack next is the pillars of the Moya Great Mine. I can help you create an opportunity to ambush the Lord! Eliminate his evil consciousness. "Said Gregory.

"Well ... it's a good idea, but it's not easy to find such an opportunity," Bai Xiaowen said.

"So we need to keep in touch at all times. For your safety, this scale token should stay with you, and I will let Gorick tell you how to conduct the communication ceremony and contact me."

The Snake Mother was also very cautious. In case her betrayal was discovered by the mysterious prince, waiting for the native tribal snake-man, I am afraid it was a big cleansing.

The two sides agreed on some secret words, passwords, etc., and ended the talks.

The shadow of the snake mother Gagrila slowly dissipated in the black smoke, and Bai Xiaowen learned the communication ritual and obtained a batch of spell-casting materials from the rotting water prophet Gorick.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaowen first returned to King Carmelo before heading to the Dwarven Kingdom, where it had become a new battlefield.

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